21 Best Replies To “No You” (Cute & Friendly)

There are two times when it’s common to hear “no you”. The first is during flirtation, and the second is during insulting. But, for many, this is the kind of phrase that there is no response to…. Until today.

In this article, we’ll go over 21 different ways that you could respond to “no you”.

Why Do People Say “No You”?

During flirtation, “no you” is seen as cute, because whatever compliment you have just given also applies to you. But during insulting, it’s seen as funny as it highlights potential hypocrisy. It’s always casual and rarely is “no you” meant seriously, hence why it makes no grammatical sense.

The first example of when someone will say “No you” is during flirtation. This phrase is a mixture of flirtation and banter. It’s flirty as it’s seen as complimenting the other person, but with a banterous twist to prevent the situation from being too formal.

For example, one partner might say “you’re cute” to the other, to which they could respond with “no you”.

The second example of when it’s said would be during insults- but usually only friendly and banterous insults. Instead of having to come up with a good rebuttal of the insult, you can just say “no you” to suggest that it is the other person who is a poopy head.

Should You Write “No You” Or “No U”?

As someone who works for a website called “GrammarHow”, you might expect me to be firmly with the idea that it should always be “no you” since that is more grammatically correct.

However, as we’ve mentioned in a few previous articles, the purpose of language is not to impress our English teacher, but to let us communicate better with others.

When we say “no you”, we often mean it casually and funnily. Therefore, it’s not unreasonable for our language to reflect this. After all, we’re having a joke with someone, not writing an essay.

With that being said, if the rest of the conversation has been in perfect English, you should write “no you”, as it might change the mood if one of you suddenly changes the tone of the conversation.

Cute Replies

1. I Said It First

For some people, there may be an anciently established rule that whoever said it first must be correct. Of course, nobody really subscribes to this idea. But, it’s still funny to say when flirting. The implication here is that because you were the first to call the other cute, that must mean that they are cute, and they cannot convince you that you are the cute one.

2. You More

Maybe you have come to accept that they have a point. Even you could not argue with the fact that you are cute. However, just because you are cute, you still think that your partner is even cuter than you are. “you more” continues this thread of grammatically incorrect English for comedy.

3. I’m Not Sure About That

Some say that humility is attractive. They might be trying to put the compliments back onto you. But, you are not going to accept that. Considering how cute they are, you do not believe that you are the cute one in this relationship. By questioning the compliment, you make it clear that you believe it to apply to them more than you.

4. I’m Glad You Think So

Maybe you’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind being called cute. You might even enjoy it. In which case, let your partner know how happy you are. The way you feel about them is also the same way they feel about you. If both of you think the other is cute, that must be a relationship filled with cuteness.

5. Thank You

When we’re younger, Thank You, is one of the first “manners phrases” that we learn. When we grow up, we might tend to think that manners are only to be used when we speak to our higher-ups. But, this is not the case. By showing respect and compassion for your partner, you can build a stronger foundation.

If you appreciate what someone has said to you, use simple manners to let them know.

6. Top Tier Flirting There

Maybe you are the kind of couple who can insult each other, and that’s just part of what makes you such a great couple. Instead of being lovely and sweet to each other all the time, throw in an insult to make clear that that’s just the kind of couple you are.

After all, each relationship is different. And for some, insults can be just as affectionate as compliments.

7. You Can Have A Bit More Of Me If You’d Like

Be careful with this one as it could be interpreted as slightly sexual. But, if you know that your partner would be okay with it, then where’s the harm?

8. How Sweet

Just a short and simple response. Let them know how you feel about the situation.

9. I Am In Love With You

Might be seen as a little bit off-topic, but it’s still sweet and romantic nonetheless

10. No, You

This one might make you come across as childish and immature. However, that is exactly the vibe you are going for. You want to show that your relationship should be the kind of place where both of you can be fun and carefree.

Friendly Replies

11. Damn. Okay, Yes, Me

Sometimes, you know that you cannot argue against the fact that you are a poopy head. So, the best thing you can do is accept your fate, and admit that the other person is correct. Whatever insult you hurled at them was more of a reflection of you than it was of them.

12. Of Course You Know Me

What you have done here is intentionally misunderstand what they were saying. They may have said “no” but you ‘misheard’ it as “know”. By acting stupid, you are creating humour as stupid people are always funny.

Playing with the English language is always a great way to make other people laugh.

13. Me? I’m Batman

If they’re talking about you, why not reveal your most deeply held secret. Even if you don’t fight crime at night, whilst wearing a bat-suit, But, by pretending you are, it shows that you are the kind of person with a vivid imagination who does not always insult by the rules

14. I Am You. So Are You

Maybe you and your friend have quite a similar personality. That’s why you spend so much time together. You are so similar that any insults which could apply to you would also apply to them. If you are a poopy head, the reason the two of you are friends is that both of you enjoy being poopy heads together.

15. Thank You

Insults are supposed to be upsetting. But the tables can turn when you show that you’re not upset by what was said. You don’t mind being called a poopy head, because you take great pride in that label. Why should you be so ashamed to hide who you are?

16. Then For What Purpose Are You?

Being a poopy head is good for society. The world would crumble, the economic system would collapse, and war would break out if it weren’t for poopy heads. If you are a poopy head, and they are not, then what purpose are they to society?

17. Can’t Think Of A Good Comeback?

Often when people say “no you”, it’s because they cannot think of a strong comeback. Although “no you” can be convenient for these times, it does show a lack of creativity and quick thinking. Instead of trying to come up with a good comeback, you can just call them out on their lack thereof.

18. I Always Knew I Was The Smart One

The fact they are using a pre-packaged comeback like “no you” shows that they are perhaps not quite as smart as they like to think. This is a funny and elaborated way of calling them stupid.

19. Yeah But At Least I Can Admit It

There is nothing wrong with being a poopy head. There is however a lot wrong with not being able to admit that you are a poopy head. If they are unable to admit it, that is worse than being a poopy head.

20. I Suppose It Takes One To Know One

The thing with being a poopy head is that you need to be one yourself to recognise it in others.

21. You Uncovered My Secret!

Wait. You thought this was a secret. Everything is ruined!

How To Choose The Best Response To “No You”

The best reply depends on the situation.

You may want to insult them or yourself. If you want to insult yourself, numbers 21 and 10 would be great as they make you the butt of the joke.

But, if it’s them you’re trying to insult, maybe 18 or 6 would be better options.

If you are going to insult them back, think about how well you know them and whether or not they would be okay with you insulting them.

If it’s meant flirtatiously, think about what stage you two are at. You shouldn’t use number 7 if this is the first time you two are talking.