11 Words for People Who Change Their Opinions Easily

So, you’d like to learn what to call someone who changes their opinions easily.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This article has gathered a host of terms showing you what to call a person who changes their opinions or behavior according to the situation at hand.

You can use any of the following:

  • Fickle
  • Capricious
  • Indecisive
  • Vacillating
  • Wishy-washy
  • Unpredictable
  • Inconsistent
  • Fluctuating
  • Mercurial
  • Impressionable
  • Easily swayed

Keep reading to learn what to call someone who changes their opinion a lot. We also recommend reviewing the examples if you’d like to see the words in action.

1. Fickle

You can call someone “fickle” when they change their minds easily. It’s a clear and well-known word that shows someone is inconsistent with their behavior.

The definition of “fickle,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability.”

Generally, this is a great way to describe someone.

It shows they do not know how to think for themselves and often let those around them influence their opinions.

We recommend including it in writing to show that someone does not have genuine opinions.

You can also review these example sentences:

You’re a fickle man, James. I don’t understand why you can’t just stick to one opinion.

I’m too fickle for my own good. It’s very easy for someone to sway my beliefs if they try.

2. Capricious

Next, we present “capricious.” It’s a great way to describe someone prone to changing opinions quickly.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “capricious” as “impulsive” or “unpredictable.”

As you can see from the definition, capricious people are difficult to understand or predict. You cannot know what they’re thinking or what they believe in.

Even when you think you’ve figured out a capricious person, they’ll be likely to change their minds again.

Here are some great examples to help you with it:

You’re a capricious fool! It’s stupid to let your opinions be changed so easily when you don’t know the full situation.

Stop being so capricious and start thinking for yourself! Trust me; you’ll see a lot more clearly after that!

3. Indecisive

For a slightly easier alternative, you can use “indecisive.” It works when someone keeps changing their mind and can’t figure out what to do.

The definition of “indecisive,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “marked by or prone to indecision.”

Typically, this is a good way to describe someone who never makes a decision. They often rely on others to decide things for them.

Unfortunately, letting other people decide things for you often results in problems. It means you never have an independent thought, which could complicate things in the future.

Perhaps these examples will also help you:

I’m afraid I’m quite indecisive. One minute, I’ll believe one thing, but it won’t be long before I believe something entirely different.

You’re quite indecisive, aren’t you? Do you not think it’s smarter to keep your opinions as your own?

4. Vacillating

You can try to include “vacillating” to help mix things up. It’s a great term for a person who changes his views to suit the times.

The definition of “vacillating,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “hesitate in choice of opinions or courses.”

Generally, if you vacillate, it means you hesitate with opinions. Therefore, it can be easy for someone to take advantage and get you to believe in something you don’t.

You should try to appear more confident with your viewpoints. That’s the only way to stop someone from capitalizing on you if you vacillate.

Review these sample sentences if you’re still unsure:

He is a vacillating man. I don’t quite understand why it’s so difficult for him to think freely.

You’re vacillating, which is why it’s so hard for you to develop your own ideas. You trust other opinions too much.

5. Wishy-Washy

For a more colloquial alternative, try “wishy-washy.” It’s a really fun synonym that’ll keep your writing engaging for the reader.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “capricious” as “lacking in character or determination.”

You should say someone is wishy-washy when you’ve known them for a long time. It implies they can never back themselves because people never listen to them.

Generally, a wishy-washy person lacks any conviction or character. As soon as someone questions them or argues, they will back down from their original stance.

We also recommend reviewing the following examples:

I wouldn’t trust her; she’s very wishy-washy. She never has an original idea because her opinions always change.

They’re both wishy-washy. Their opinions are all over the place because they can’t think for themselves.

6. Unpredictable

It’s also good to use “unpredictable” in these situations. It’s a useful word explaining that someone changes opinions without warning.

The definition of “unpredictable,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “tending to behave in ways that cannot be predicted.”

For instance, an unpredictable person might start a discussion by agreeing with your argument.

However, at some point during the argument, they could unpredictably change their original thought. It might not be your fault, but all of a sudden, you’ll have to argue against them.

It can be hard to know what they think. After all, unpredictability is impossible to predict (hence the term).

These examples should also help you:

Say what you will about Darren, but he’s certainly unpredictable. I don’t get how he thinks up his opinions.

You’re unpredictable, and it makes it hard to understand what you’re thinking.

7. Inconsistent

Inconsistency makes it difficult to understand how someone is thinking. That’s why “inconsistent” is a good descriptive word for someone who changes their mind.

The definition of “inconsistent,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “incoherent or illogical in thought or actions.”

When someone is inconsistent, it implies their thoughts are erratic or illogical.

With illogical thoughts, someone is more likely to change their opinions. Often, they’ll change them for no reason at all, and you can never be quite sure what they’re thinking!

You can also review these examples:

She has such inconsistent behaviors. Honestly, I’ve never known anyone to change their opinions like that.

I’m inconsistent, and I know that’s a floor. I wish there was something I could do to change that about me.

8. Fluctuating

We also recommend using “fluctuating” here. It’s a great alternative term that shows someone frequently changes their tune.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “fluctuating” as “changing frequently and uncertainly.”

For example, if someone fluctuates their opinion, they may agree with you one day and disagree with you the next.

It’s almost impossible to know what someone is thinking when they fluctuate so readily.

You have to be on your toes when debating with them, too. Otherwise, you’ll be caught out because you might not expect their opinion to be as random as it was.

Check out these examples if you still need help:

He has fluctuating beliefs depending on the time of year. Honestly, you’d think the seasons themselves influence his ideals!

They’re fluctuating on their stance right now. I can’t figure out why, but they’re changing their opinions too much.

9. Mercurial

Now, here’s a fun one to include. It’s bound to spice up your writing, as you might not have come across it before.

You can use “mercurial” to describe someone with an unpredictable mood that constantly changes their behavior.

The definition of “mercurial,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood.”

If someone is mercurial, you’ll never truly know their next move. That’s what makes the term so effective.

It shows someone has no idea how to regulate their emotions or believe in their own opinions.

Here are some great examples to help you with it:

Why is everyone here so mercurial? Pick one opinion and try to stick to it! It’s so much easier.

You’re mercurial, which makes it much harder to understand what you’re going to do next.

10. Impressionable

You can say someone is “impressionable” when it’s easy to change their opinions.

The definition of “impressionable,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “capable of being easily impressed.”

Generally, it means you can tell someone something, and they’ll believe you. It shows they’re prone to confusion and don’t tend to research their opinions.

Perhaps these examples will also help you:

She’s too impressionable for her own good. I think she’s going to get into a lot of trouble.

You’re impressionable, and you need to be careful. Someone is going to take advantage of you soon.

11. Easily Swayed

Finally, we want to end with a phrasal alternative. You can say someone is “easily swayed” when it doesn’t take much to convince them.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “swayed” as “the ability to exercise influence or authority.”

It suggests that someone changes their mind quickly. It also implies that they’re impressionable and cannot think for themselves.

Feel free to review these examples if you’re still unsure:

You are too easily swayed. If you’re not careful, you’re going to get into a lot of trouble.

She’s easily swayed, so you can never trust her opinions to be her own!