10 Words For Someone Who Complains About Everything

People who have a tendency to complain about everything often poorly affect the mood of a group or the enjoyment in a given situation. However, we are often stumped over a term that could accurately describe this person. Therefore, this article will highlight alternative and applicable terms.

What Do You Call People Who Complain About Everything?

There are many terms that one could use to help properly depict someone who complains about everything. Although, in this article, we will be going over the following terms in particular:

  • Complainer
  • Grumbler
  • Faultfinder
  • Whiner
  • Sourpuss
  • Grouch
  • Crybaby
  • Hypochondriac
  • Bellyacher
  • Sniveller
Words For Someone Who Complains About Everything

The preferred version that we’ll go over is “complainer”. This is because the term “complainer” best describes someone who does an abundance of complaining. We are able to use this term when describing someone’s attitude or behaviour, without having to explain the term itself – the meaning is quite obvious.


We will often call someone a “complainer” when they are consistently unsatisfied and complain about anything and everything. Cambridge Dictionary defines “complain” as saying that something is wrong or unsatisfactory. Therefore, a “complainer” is someone that does this routinely or constantly.

A complainer” is someone who is generally displeased or annoyed by anyone and everything around them – often things that are out of their realm of control.

To help clarify how we can use this term, here are a few examples:

  • Please, don’t invite Todd out to dinner with us! He is such a complainer and is always so rude to the serving staff.
  • She didn’t realize it, but her friends began distancing themselves from her because she was such a complainer and unwilling to change.
  • My little brother is a complainer, but he is only three years old. I’m sure he’ll get better as he gets older.


Another great alternative that we can use is a “grumbler”. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “grumbler” as someone who complains a lot. Because of this, we can refer to someone as a “grumbler” when they can always find something worth complaining about. We often consider a “grumbler” to be irritating.

We will often attribute a “grumbler” to be the type of person who is in a foul mood. This is commonly someone who will mutter to themselves, but loud enough so that other people also hear them.

Here are a few examples that showcase the use of this term:

  • My grandpa can be quite the grumbler when he is hungry! The man does not like to be kept waiting for his dinner.
  • My boyfriend was being such a grumbler on our vacation – he couldn’t find one aspect that he enjoyed!
  • I have a tendency to be a bit of a grumbler, especially when I’m hungry or overtired.


We can use the term “faultfinder” to also describe someone who complains too much. A “faultfinder”, by definition, is someone who habitually finds faults, complains, or objects, especially in a very petty way. This is someone who often finds pleasure in refuting other people’s opinions.

A faultfinder” can often come across as a seemingly unpleasable individual – someone who is never truly satisfied.

We will now go over a few examples that utilize this particular alternative term:

  • He was a faultfinder, constantly creating problems in his relationship that weren’t necessary.
  • She is such a faultfinder that she may never find a boyfriend, as she genuinely finds something wrong with every man she meets.
  • I don’t mean to come across as rude, but I’m a faultfinder by nature and I can’t help but notice apparent flaws.


Another superb alternative term that we can use is “whiner”. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “whiner” as a person, especially a child, who complains or expresses disappointment or unhappiness constantly. Generally, we consider a “whiner” to be someone who complains unnecessarily or when they have no reason to be upset.

In terms of an adult, we often consider a “whiner” to be mildly annoying and occasionally rude, as they often whine in inappropriate moments. Children, on the other hand, often whine for attention and it is something they usually grow out of.

Some examples that appropriately use this term in a sentence are:

  • My little sister is such a whiner and it doesn’t seem like she’s planning on growing up and cutting it out anytime soon.
  • My cousin has a tendency of being a whiner whenever our family gets together. I think she only does it because she constantly craves attention.
  • Don’t be such a whiner! It is not a good look on a grown, adult man!


We will often call someone a “sourpuss” when they find a reason to complain about or dislike a seemingly fun or exciting situation. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “sourpuss” as someone who always looks unhappy or annoyed. Usually, we will call someone a “sourpuss” when they look petulant or grumpy.

Often, we will refer to someone as a “sourpuss” when they have a bad temper or are habitually sullen in appearance.

Here are a few examples that appropriately show the use of this term:

  • You are being such a sourpuss and we are at Disney Land for goodness’ sake!
  • My parents refer to my little brother as a constant sourpuss because he is always grumpy when he doesn’t get his way.
  • Because we didn’t go to the bar that she had originally suggested, Mary was a sourpuss the entire night. It brought down everyone else’s mood and ruined the night!


We will often consider a “grouch” to be a frustrated or angry individual. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “grouch” as someone who complains in an angry way. Therefore, we’ll generally think of a “grouch” as someone who willingly complains, even if they are aware that their attitude is negatively impacting others.

A “grouch” who voices their opinions or discontent in an ill-tempered manner, often in a grumbling manner.

For this term, we will go over the following examples:

  • My grandma can be such a grouch sometimes. Generally, it’s whenever someone tries to help her with anything.
  • He will find anything to be a grouch over; it’s almost as if he enjoys being displeased or angry.
  • There’s no need to be such a grouch – we’re going to get there when we get there!


We will often associate the term “crybaby” with someone, especially a small child, who sheds tears frequently or readily. However, Cambridge Dictionary defines a “crybaby” as someone who cries or complains a lot, without good reason. Therefore, this is an applicable term for someone who complains about everything.

While a “crybaby” may also shed tears, often for dramatic effect, this is majorly someone who almost enjoys complaining or making a scene.

Here are a few examples that showcase the use of this term:

  • My little brother is such a crybaby, so my parents constantly bend and give him what he wants. I think it makes it worse!
  • There’s no need to be such a crybaby! You’ll just have to wait your turn, like all of the other children.
  • My ex-boyfriend was such a crybaby, you’d think I was actually dating a toddler.


We often consider a “hypochondriac” to be abnormally anxious about their health. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “hypochondriac” as a person who continuously worries about their health without having any reason to do so. Because of this, a “hypochondriac” is generally a person who has a tendency to complain frequently.

Whether due to their health-related anxieties or the thought of someone else’s actions affecting their health, folks who are “hypochondriacs” are known to whine and complain.

We will now go over a few examples that utilize this term:

  • My girlfriend is a hypochondriac, making it so we can’t go out without her panicking over the potential of getting hurt or sick.
  • She’s a terrible hypochondriac, so she visits her doctor on a monthly basis.
  • My little sister is a major hypochondriac and my parents are consistently buying into it.


A “bellyacher” is commonly viewed as a person who excessively complains, cries or whines. Therefore, the term “bellyacher” adequately works as an alternative to merely saying someone complains about everything. A “bellyacher” is considered to be someone who is consistently bellyaching about anything and everything.

For reference, Cambridge Dictionary defines “bellyaching” as the act of complaining. This is often thought of as being highly unnecessary or for attention.

Some examples that appropriately use this term are:

  • He is a bellyacher and always finds something to whine and complain about, even when everyone else is enjoying themselves.
  • My cousin was such a bellyacher at our family reunion, that my aunt put her on a timeout. Did I mention she’s a grown woman?
  • Why fuss and complain? You’re acting like such a little bellyacher today!


The last alternative that we will be going over is a “sniveller”. Cambridge Dictionary defines “snivel” as to cry slightly in a way that is weak and does not make other people feel sympathy for you. Because of this, a “sniveller” is often viewed as a pathetic, whiny person.

Generally, a “sniveller” is viewed as someone seeking attention through complaining or whining. They often don’t realize that their actions do not garner sympathy and more so cause annoyance.

Finally, we will go over our last few examples for this article:

  • She’s a sniveller, she can’t go more than a few hours without finding something to complain about for attention.
  • You’re a sniveller and I don’t have the time to listen to you whine today.
  • My little brother is a sniveller and I don’t pay much attention to him because of it.