11 Synonyms For “Please Let Me Know” In Professional Emails

“Please let me know” can work well when we want to be updated about something in an email. However, there are more professional ways for us to word it. That’s why this article will present some of the best alternatives for you to choose from.

What Can I Write Instead Of “Please Let Me Know” In Professional Emails?

There are plenty of alternatives available to replace “please let me know.” You might benefit from trying out one of the following:

  • Please keep me up to date
  • Please notify me
  • Please keep me informed
  • Please inform me
  • Keep me posted
  • Keep me advised
  • Keep me updated
  • Please answer me when
  • Please respond when
  • Please alert me when
  • Keep me in the loop
Synonyms For Please Let Me Know

The preferred version is “please keep me up to date.” It’s still a strong, polite phrase because we start with “please.” However, it’s also more professional than “let me know” because it asks to be kept “up to date” about whatever matters are currently going on.

Please Keep Me Up To Date

“Please keep me up to date” is a great way to start a professional email. It works well because it shows that you want to be kept updated without being too desperate about the information that you want to receive.

Have a look through some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Dear Gary,
  • Please keep me up to date with your findings so I can handle the necessary admin work.
  • Thank you,
  • Mr. Sirman
  • Dear Mrs. Anderson,
  • Please keep me up to date with everything that’s going on. I am happy to help wherever I’m needed.
  • Kind regards,
  • Tia Treaty

Please Notify Me

“Please notify me” is another polite way to start a phrase with “please.” This works well in many professional emails because it shows that we expect to learn more about certain information from one of our colleagues.

Some of these examples should help you to make sense of it:

  • Dear Harry,
  • Please notify me when you are able to. I am keen to learn more about this.
  • Thank you for keeping me notified,
  • John Marsden
  • Dear Terrianne,
  • Please notify me of any further developments. We must keep this between us, though.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mrs. Regard

Please Keep Me Informed

“Please keep me informed” is yet another way to phrase “up to date.” We can use “informed” to show that we feel like we should be kept in the loop when learning more information. This helps others to understand the importance of the information to us.

Check out these examples to see how it might work:

  • Dear team,
  • Please keep me informed of all the happenings around the office lately. There has been a lot of buzz that I’ve missed out on.
  • Thank you for your hard work,
  • Tom
  • To all,
  • Please keep me informed of your individual working hours this week. Our usual scheduling system has started to go haywire.
  • Kind regards,
  • Dr. Kingsley

Please Inform Me

“Please inform me” is a simpler way to phrase the above. It’s not always as useful, and some people don’t find it as professional, but it still has its place on this list. We can use it when we know the person we’re talking to well.

Here are a few great examples to help you understand it:

  • Dear Tom,
  • Please inform me if you need any more help with this issue.
  • Kind regards,
  • Danny Winter
  • Dear Mr. Street,
  • Please inform me when you know any updates about my current position in the company.
  • I hope we can come to an understanding,
  • Mrs. Jenkins

Keep Me Posted

“Keep me posted” does not use “please” at all. While it’s not as polite as some of the others, it’s still a really professional way to show someone that you’re interested in more information about a subject.

Some of these examples might help you to get a better understanding:

  • Hi Martin,
  • Keep me posted when you know your availability over the next week. We have a few new shifts that need to be covered.
  • Thank you for your hard work,
  • Mrs. Harrison
  • Hi team,
  • Keep me posted with your annual leave documents. I would like them all in by the end of the month if that’s okay.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mr. Wood

Keep Me Advised

“Keep me advised” asks for “advice” on a situation. You might be asking someone else for help, and they might be happy to do so if you include a phrase like this to start your professional email.

These examples should help you to get your head around it:

  • Dear Mr. Tan,
  • Keep me advised when you know what your next steps will be.
  • I’m eager to hear from you,
  • Janet Porter
  • Hey Misty,
  • Keep me advised should you need any more help getting to the bottom of this investigation.
  • I’m happy to help where I can,
  • Mr. Craigson

Keep Me Updated

“Keep me updated” is another great professional alternative. We can use it to ask for “updates” about a situation. Usually, people are happy to share these, so long as we are polite enough with the contents of our original email.

We could use this phrase in the following email formats:

  • Dear all,
  • Keep me updated on the findings. I would like to make my decisions based on everything that is reported about this place.
  • Thank you for your time,
  • John Stewart
  • Dear Maggie,
  • Keep me updated when you learn more. It’s been interesting up till this point, and I’m looking forward to working closely with you.
  • See you again soon,
  • Jacob Weatherstone

Please Answer Me When

“Please answer me when” works well to show that you’re expecting some information. Once someone has received that information, you expect them to reply to your email. However, it also shows that you do not expect a reply until that point.

These examples should help you to make more sense of it:

  • To all,
  • Please answer me when you learn more about the results. The report should be released later tonight.
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Mr. Andrews
  • Dear Shaun,
  • Please answer me when you find out more.
  • I appreciate all your hard work,
  • Mrs. Yutt

Please Respond When

“Please respond when” is another way to instruct somebody to reply to you when they have more information to help you. If they do not possess the information, you are basically telling them not to reply to your email.

You might be interested in learning more about it from these examples:

  • Hey Mark,
  • Please respond when you find out more about the situation. I appreciate you keeping me up to date so far.
  • Thank you,
  • John
  • Dear Abbie,
  • Please respond when you get the chance. I need to find out more about the events that transpired before I can make any judgments.
  • Kind regards,
  • Kim Walters

Please Alert Me When

“Please alert me when” is the last way we can ask for someone to provide information once they know it. Using “when” in these ways helps us to say that we do not expect anything from the person until they know more themselves.

The following examples might help you make more sense of it:

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Please alert me when you know more about this. I’m eager to find out what is going on.
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Mr. Greg
  • Dear all,
  • Please alert me when one of you finds out more about this. I need to know when the CEO makes his full report.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mrs. Charlotte

Keep Me In The Loop

“Keep me in the loop” works well in many cases. However, it’s the least professional option provided on this list. “In the loop” is a little more informal as a language structure, so you should be careful who you use this one with.

You might benefit from seeing this one in action:

  • Dear sir,
  • Please keep me in the loop when you find out any more about this.
  • Kind regards,
  • Daniel Danforth
  • Dear ma’am,
  • Keep me in the loop. I would like to know if anything else should occur before this matter is closed.
  • Thank you,
  • Tom Jenkins

Is It Polite And Professional To Say “Please Let Me Know”?

It is polite to use “please let me know” in most emails. However, some people think there are more professional options because it does seem a little desperate when you look at the wording. We use the word “please,” which helps us to remain polite.

At the end of the day, it depends on your writing style and the kinds of people you send emails to. In most cases, “please let me know” works fine, and many people are happy to read it if you’re expecting an update from them.

  • Dear sir,
  • Please let me know if there’s anything more you can find out about it.
  • Kind regards,
  • Jack Taffinder

As you can see, “please let me know” does not look out of place in the professional email above. That’s because it is polite and does work in most professional instances.

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