Is “Please Let Me Know If Otherwise” Grammatical?

Please let me know if otherwise” works in a few ways. However, is it actually a grammatically correct phrase? This article will explore whether it’s something you are allowed to use or whether there are better choices out there to help you with your writing.

Is “Please Let Me Know If Otherwise” Grammatical?

“Please let me know if otherwise” is grammatically correct. However, it is not common to see in English because it does not mean the same thing that people think. It is not an alternative form of “if not,” and the meaning implies that something should not happen.

please let me know if otherwise

To help explain this, you can refer to the following example:

  • I am going to start working on the project; please let me know if otherwise.

Some people might think this looks okay. After all, they would be using “please let me know if otherwise” to confirm with a colleague or boss whether the “project” is the correct thing for them to be doing.

However, we can directly translate the above sentence to the following:

  • I am going to start working on the project; please let me know if I am not going to start working on the project.

Do you now see what we mean? “Otherwise” is not the correct word choice for this situation because it just asks whether we should or should not carry out the “project.”

However, if we include a verb like “advised” after “otherwise,” the meaning is brought back to where it should be.

For example:

  • I am going to start working on the project; please let me know if otherwise advised.

Now, it’s clear that we are asking whether there is “alternative advice” to starting the project. Now someone might be able to tell us whether or not it’s a good idea to start or whether there’s something more pressing we need to work on.

What Does “Please Let Me Know If Otherwise” Mean?

“Please let me know if otherwise” means that we want to know whether someone has other plans. On its own, it does not work well to ask for alternatives. If we use a verb like “advised” after it, then it works to ask for alternative methods.

Here are some ways we can get it to work:

  • Correct: I think I will have to take tomorrow off. Please let me know if otherwise advised, though.
  • Incorrect: I will start working on these pamphlets tomorrow morning. Please let me know if otherwise.

We have marked them as “correct” and “incorrect.” If we are speaking purely from a grammatical standpoint, then both of the above sentences are correct.

However, the second one is marked as “incorrect” because it does not have the meaning we intend. It is simply asking whether we are doing something or not rather than asking for any alternatives from whoever we are messaging.

Examples Of How To Use “Please Let Me Know If Otherwise” In A Sentence

Some more examples will help you to understand more about it. This should help you to remember that “otherwise” on its own in this case is never correct.

  1. I think it’s time for us to move on to the next operational target. Please let me know if otherwise advised.
  2. It’s time to decide which of these candidates we want to hire for the role. Please let me know if otherwise decided.
  3. I can help you complete this project in good time. Please let me know if otherwise advised, though.
  4. Please let me know if otherwise advised, but I’m going to start work on a new collage immediately that we will be able to sell.
  5. Please let me know if otherwise inclined, but I’m leaning toward some of the nicer decorations for the office.
  6. Please let me know if he is otherwise unavailable, but I think Lucian wants to be here for the event, and he hasn’t been contacted yet.
  7. I can get this shipped to you by Friday. Please let me know if otherwise would work better.

“Please Let Me Know If Otherwise” – Synonyms

Finally, let’s check out a few synonyms to see which better ways to use this phrase which come with less confusion.

  • Please let me know if you prefer a different approach
  • Please let me know if not
  • Please let me know if you’d rather
  • Please let me know if opposed
  • Please get back to me if you have a better idea
  • Please let me know if you can think of another way
  • Please let me know if you have another method

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