10 Professional Ways to Say “My Schedule Is Open” in Emails

So, you’d like to let someone know your schedule is open.

However, are you trying to avoid sounding like you have nothing to do? After all, it’s best to be productive and busy in the workplace.

Fear not!

This article has compiled a list of the best alternatives showing you how to say “my schedule is open” in an email.

  • I am free
  • I currently have availability
  • My calendar is clear
  • I have a flexible schedule
  • I’m currently not booked for any engagements
  • I’m free to accommodate
  • My schedule has availability for new appointments
  • I can work around your schedule
  • I have no plans at present
  • My schedule is currently unoccupied

Keep reading to learn different ways to say “my schedule is open.” There are plenty of great choices, and we’ve provided examples to help you with each one.

1. I Am Free

There are plenty of ways to say “my schedule is open” at work. However, it doesn’t get much simpler (and more effective) than “I am free.”

Feel free to include “I am free” when emailing your boss.

It’s a respectful and formal alternative to “my schedule is open.” It shows you have nothing marked on your calendar, which gives you the freedom to attend any event.

Let’s say your boss has a meeting scheduled. This phrase could be a good way to let them know you’ll be happy to attend, regardless of the time.

You can review this example as well:

Dear Ms. Becker,

I am free tomorrow. So, I’d be more than happy to join you for the meeting if that works.

All the best,
Dan Sprock

2. I Currently Have Availability

Try “I currently have availability” as another way to say “my schedule is open.” It’s a great formal inclusion that shows you’re happy to work around someone’s schedule.

We recommend using this because “currently” suggests you may not be available in the future.

Instead, it encourages the recipient to book you now rather than waiting. After all, they might miss their chance if they wait too long, and you could have filled that gap in your calendar.

Perhaps this sample email will also help you:

Dear Hazel,

I currently have availability every day this week. Let me know which day is going to work best.

Best wishes,
Steven Sanchez

3. My Calendar Is Clear

“My calendar is clear” is a great phrase to include in a professional email.

It’s concise and direct. It also shows that you have nothing planned, which should encourage the recipient to fit you into their schedule.

Generally, this shows you are flexible and reliable. These are great traits to have in the workplace, as they show that you’re always happy to work around your colleagues.

If you’re still unsure, you should review this example:

Dear Miss Kitt,

My calendar is clear, actually. Therefore, I’ll let you decide which date is going to be most effective!

All the best,
Holly Brown

4. I Have a Flexible Schedule

The more flexible you are at work, the easier it is to fit things around you. That’s why we like “I have a flexible schedule” instead of “my schedule is open.”

This phrase shows you’re willing to work to someone else’s schedule.

It’s polite and respectful. It also shows you have no issues with letting someone take control of the situation and decide on a meeting time for you.

We also recommend reviewing the following example:

Dear Mr. Kitchen,

I have a flexible schedule. I’ll be free on Monday, but feel free to change it if you find a more suitable date for you.

William Hubris

5. I’m Currently Not Booked for Any Engagements

Whenever you include a word like “currently” when talking about schedules, it implies you might be busy in the future.

Therefore, you can create a sense of urgency with “I’m currently not booked for any engagements.”

The implication is that if someone doesn’t book a meeting with you quickly, they may lose the chance.

We recommend including this when emailing a coworker. It shows you’ll be happy to meet with them, but you’re worried someone might ask you before they settle on a date.

With this sense of urgency in place, it should encourage the recipient to choose an exact time quicker.

Here’s a great example to help you understand it better:

Dear Mike,

I’m currently not booked for any engagements next week. Just let me know which day you’d like to get started.

My best,
Aimee Arlott

6. I’m Free to Accommodate

“I’m free to accommodate” is another way to say “my schedule is open” in formal emails.

You can use it when you’re happy to work to someone’s timing.

“Accommodate” here suggests you’ll do whatever works best for someone else’s schedule.

Therefore, it’s good to use this when emailing a customer. It shows your putting their needs first, which is a great way to build customer relationships quickly in the workplace.

If you can prove that you care about your customers, they’ll be more likely to stick around. That’s why phrases like this go a long way.

Also, the following example should help you with it:

Dear Chris,

I’m free to accommodate you any time today. I have nothing in my schedule that needs my attention.

Kind regards,
Jon Furlough

7. My Schedule Has Availability for New Appointments

When someone is asking about new appointments, you can say “my schedule has availability for new appointments.” It’s clear and to-the-point, making it useful in formal emails.

The clearer you are in an email, the easier it is for the recipient to work out the next steps.

So, if they’ve asked you to reveal your schedule, this is a simple way to let them know you’re free and flexible.

Check out this example before you leave:

Dear Ms. Le Billon,

My schedule has availability for new appointments. Please indicate which date will best suit you.

Simon Wood

8. I Can Work Around Your Schedule

You can also try “I can work around your schedule” instead of “my schedule is open.” This one works a little differently, but it’s incredibly helpful in formal emails.

Saying you can work around a schedule shows you’re putting the recipient in charge of the situation.

It implies that you are completely free and want the other party to decide when you meet with them.

We only recommend using this when your schedule is less busy than the recipient’s. Otherwise, it won’t make much sense!

Feel free to try it when emailing a customer. It shows you’re happy to work with them to find the best day to meet.

This example will also help you understand it better:

Dear Adam,

I can work around your schedule. All you have to do is select the day that is most appropriate.

Best wishes,
Stella Sidnell

9. I Have No Plans at Present

“I have no plans at present” suggests you currently have a free schedule. It’s a great way to show you’re happy to attend an interview when suitable.

We recommend using it when emailing a new employer. It shows you’re keen to meet with them and don’t have any plans that will currently restrict that.

It’s a good choice for more formal occasions. Try it the next time an employer reaches out to ask you about an interview.

Here’s a great email example to help you with it:

Dear Daniel,

I have no plans at present. Do you have a specific day in mind that you’d like to complete this interview?

Braden Smith

10. My Schedule Is Currently Unoccupied

We also recommend saying “my schedule is currently unoccupied” rather than “my schedule is open.”

Using “currently” implies that you’re usually busier than you are. It suggests that you may find other things to do if someone doesn’t book you soon.

This is a good way to show that you’re busy, even if you’re not. This keeps things formal and shows you are important enough to book a meeting with.

You can also review this email sample:

Dear Miss Stacey,

My schedule is currently unoccupied. However, I would like to arrange this quickly before someone else contacts me.

Jules Bean

Is It Correct to Say “My Schedule Is Open”?

It is correct to say “my schedule is open.” It’s a good phrase to use formally when people are asking whether you’re free.

Generally, this works best when someone is trying to arrange plans with you. It shows you have nothing planned and will happily fit their meeting or interview into your schedule.

Here is an example email to show you when it works best:

Dear Jessica,

My schedule is open, so I’ll be more than happy to do this with you. Just let me know when works best.

Duncan Kingston

Generally, you have two options when describing an open schedule. You can say:

  • My schedule is open.
  • My schedule is free.

Both are correct and suggest you have plenty of time to spare for a meeting. However, “open” tends to be more common in this instance, as it sounds less jarring than “free.”