9 Professional Ways to Say “I Have Forwarded Your Email”

Sometimes, we need to forward emails to people not included as recipients. It’s a good way to share information quickly without having to type a brand-new email.

However, is “I have forwarded your email” suitable as a professional phrase? Maybe you’d like to see what other options there are.

This article will explore the best synonyms.

  • I have sent your email
  • I have shared this email with
  • I’m forwarding your email
  • The team has also seen this email
  • I sent this email to
  • I hope you don’t mind, but I shared this with
  • Can I forward this email?
  • [Recipient] has also received this email
  • I forwarded your email

Keep reading to find out how to say “I have forwarded your email.” Of course, we’ll provide email samples to help you understand each one too.

1. I Have Sent Your Email

A good formal alternative to “I have forwarded your email” is “I have sent your email.” Using “sent” instead of “forwarded” is more direct and streamlined as a verb choice.

You should use it when emailing colleagues. It shows that you appreciate sharing information with them in an email, but you would also like to include someone else.

There’s nothing wrong (or rude) about forwarding someone’s email to another party. However, you should always ask or include a phrase like “I have sent your email” to let the original sender know.

Check out this email example as well:

Dear Sarah,

I have sent your email to the relevant person. I believe they’ll have some insight into this matter.

Thank you so much,
Scott Howard

2. I Have Shared This Email With

You may also write “I have shared this email with” to list who has received the forwarded email. It lets the original sender learn who knows about the email’s contents.

We recommend using it when emailing customers. It shows that you’ve shared their query with other colleagues (or even elevated it to your boss).

The more people you can forward a query to, the more likely the customer will get a useful reply. So, most customers won’t mind if you forward their request to other parties.

Here’s a great email sample to show you how it works:

Dear Caroline,

I have shared this email with every relevant party. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this quickly.

All the best,
Clark Adams

3. I’m Forwarding Your Email

Another way to say “I have forwarded your email” is “I’m forwarding your email.” However, the tense has changed here. It’s important to make a note of that.

In this context, “I’m forwarding your email” means you are currently sending their email to someone else. It shows that you are acting presently, so the recipient should respond quickly if they don’t want you to forward their email.

Since it’s a present tense phrase, it works best when you’re confident the recipient won’t mind your forwarding their email.

Use it when emailing employees back. It shows you have read and understood their email but would like to send it to someone else for further review.

We also recommend reviewing this example:

Dear Taylor,

I’m forwarding your email to my manager. Please let me know if there’s anything I should not mention.

Peter Danforth

4. The Team Has Also Seen This Email

Perhaps you’ve sent someone’s email to multiple members of your team. That’s okay as well (as long as you’ve checked with the recipient).

You can write “the team has also seen this email” to reply to a colleague. We only recommend using it when you’re already part of a team with the original sender.

It suggests you’re happy to pass the information on to everyone on your team. After all, teams are supposed to work together and get solutions.

This email example should also help you with it:

Hi Mark,

The team has also seen this email. I thought it was wise to forward it to them to ask what they think.

All the best,
Patricia Franks

5. I Sent This Email To

To keep things simple, you can also write “I sent this email to.” It directly explains who received the forwarded email to the recipient.

Also, you will want to include this at the start of an email. You should include it before you say anything else or explain yourself to let the recipient know where their email has been sent.

You can use it when emailing customers that have asked for help. They may have emailed the wrong department, so you might have passed their information on to a relevant one.

Perhaps the following example will help you understand it better:

Dear Suzie,

I sent this email to the relevant department. They have since replied, asking for more information. Can I tell them more about it?

Thank you so much,
Freya Candid

6. I Hope You Don’t Mind, But I Shared This With

“I hope you don’t mind, but I shared this with” is another way to say “I have forwarded your email.” It’s very polite and respectful.

We recommend using it when contacting clients. It shows that you do not want to upset them by forwarding any information that might be sensitive.

It’s always best to ask first. However, in some cases, you might have to forward an email and ask for permission later.

“I hope you don’t mind” is a great way to open a polite email to find out whether it is okay for you to forward someone’s email. If you want to remain friendly with your clients, you should say something like this.

You can also review this sample email:

Dear Ms. Granger,

I hope you don’t mind, but I shared this with my boss. After all, it made more sense to send it to the management team.

George Wiper

7. Can I Forward This Email?

So far, we’ve only provided you with statements to show you have forwarded an email. However, what about a polite question?

Can you ask a question to find out whether someone is happy for you to forward their email?

The answer is simple; yes. You should ask if you can forward an email before doing so.

Naturally, this question works best before you forward the email to more recipients. It’s a polite and respectful way to let the sender know you plan to share their email.

This way, you can wait for the original sender to respond to your question. They will likely be happier for you to forward their email if you ask them first.

Here’s a great email sample to help you with it:

Dear Ms. Clarkson,

Can I forward this email to my colleague? I want to get a second opinion on the matter before I give you any ideas.

Kind regards,
Suzie Merry

8. [Recipient] Has Also Received This Email

If you’re forwarding an email to a specific person (like your boss, a colleague, or a business client), you can use their name. That’s why we’ve included [recipient] in this alternative.

“[Recipient] has also received this email” clarifies to whom you forwarded an email. It helps the original sender understand why you forwarded their email and what to expect from it.

For instance, you might want to forward it to a colleague. Perhaps the colleague works in a more suitable department for someone’s original query.

You could say they “received” the email to the original sender. Then, they’ll know that their query is in good hands. They should expect a more reasonable answer.

Check out this example as well:

Dear Matilda,

Thomas has also received this email. He will send it to the concerned department, as he has a better connection with them.

Katie Longleaf

9. I Forwarded Your Email

Finally, let’s touch on a simpler synonym for “I have forwarded your email.” Simply put, you can remove “have” from the phrase. It plays no real purpose overall.

If you want to sound slightly more conversational, write “I forwarded your email.” It keeps things more friendly with the recipient.

We recommend using it when emailing customers back. It shows you may not have an answer to help them but want to be helpful.

So, maybe you can forward their email to a colleague or your boss. After all, they’re more likely to be the “relevant person” that the customer is looking for.

Also, review this sample email:

Dear Nathan,

I forwarded your email to the appropriate person. They will certainly be better suited to help answer your question.

Best regards,
Nicola Rose