11 Better Ways To Say “To Answer Your Question…” On Email

“To answer your question” is a common phrase we use before answering a question. The issue is that it seems redundant since we don’t need to explain we’re answering a question before doing so. This article will look at some synonyms that might work better.

What Can I Say Instead Of “To Answer Your Question…”?

There are some great ways for us to replace “to answer your question.” You should check out one of the following:

  • You may want to know
  • Back to your question
  • To answer that
  • With that in mind
  • With that said
  • So
  • As an answer
  • Here’s your answer
  • You might like to hear
  • I have an update
  • I have some information
Better Ways To Say To Answer Your Question On Email

The preferred version is “you may want to know.” It works well because it shows that you have some information that might be useful to someone. It answers a question without being direct and saying “to answer your question.” After all, people already know it’s an answer.

You May Want To Know

“You may want to know” works well in many cases. We can use it to show that we have important information that might concern someone. It usually relates to a question they have asked us, and we can use it to show that this information is very relevant to their needs.

“You may” shows that it might not be relevant in all cases. Some people don’t like to use this language, as it seems a bit impersonal or worrisome.

  • Dear Mary,
  • You may want to know that we’ve looked into the issue, and we’re pleased to say it’s sorted.
  • Thank you,
  • Tom
  • Dear Joe,
  • You may want to know that many of the members are unhappy with the current changes.
  • All the best,
  • George

Back To Your Question

“Back to your question” works when you don’t answer a question right away. You might, at first, want to explain the answer to the question or explain how you managed to come up with the answer.

“Back to your question” is a reflective phrase. It allows us to establish an explanation or situation first, and then we can use “back to your question” to show how it might link to the question asked.

  • Dear Jason,
  • I have a few ideas that would work well for the situation. Now, back to your question. We need to understand why you said those things.
  • All the best,
  • Jon
  • Dear Harry,
  • Back to your question from the other day, I don’t think it’s wise for us to continue with this procedure. It’s not been good for business at all.
  • Best regards,
  • Chris

To Answer That

“To answer that” is a simple way of using “answer” to be more obvious about the question. We can use a phrase like this to show that our email is directly responsible for answering a question we have just been asked.

“To answer that” only works when the previous email (the one we reply to) has a question in it. It would be helpful to start your email with “to answer that” to make sure you get right to the point.

  • Dear sir,
  • To answer that, no. I don’t think there are better ways for us to go about implementing the new system.
  • Sorry about that,
  • Mrs. Danforth
  • Dear Susan,
  • To answer that, yes. I think it would be a great help if you could come in on Saturday to help us understand this new procedure.
  • Thank you for your assistance,
  • Antony

With That In Mind

“With that in mind” works well when you want to show that an answer counters your previous argument. You might be able to answer a question in this way if you have a contradictory thing to cover.

  • Dear Mister,
  • I have an answer for you. With that in mind, I think there are still some things we can do to solve this.
  • I hope to hear from you soon,
  • George
  • Dear Barry,
  • This is your answer. With that in mind, do you think you’d be able to come up with a better way to address this situation?
  • I look forward to hearing from you,
  • Tim

With That Said

“With that said” is great in many cases. Typically, you wouldn’t start an email with it because you would need to “say” something first.

Once you’ve established your answer, it makes much more sense to use “with that said.” We can use it to show that something works in a particular way and that our answer is related to (or works against) the things we said previously

  • Dear Mr. Yuri,
  • We have a good answer to your question. With that said, we think it’s vital that you remain working in a close capacity with us.
  • All the best,
  • The Team
  • Dear Scott,
  • This is your answer. With that said, we hope you can find some common ground with us.
  • Kindest regards,
  • Lewis


“So” is one of the most basic ways to answer someone’s question. We can use “so” to show how things might link together, and it’s a great way to show how a question and answer might link. It shows a common connection and helps many readers understand what’s going on.

  • Dear employee,
  • So, you should have all you need to understand what we’re talking about now. Let us know if you have any other questions, though.
  • Kind regards,
  • Boss
  • Dear Mr. Drawbridge,
  • That should be all we need to say. So, let us know if you have any other questions, but we think we’ve answered all we can.
  • Have a great day,
  • The Company

As An Answer

“As an answer” is an alternative to “to answer your question” that still uses the redundant “answer.” We can use it to a slightly better degree, though, as it works as a dependent clause to show that we have an answer that might be relevant to someone.

  • Dear Mr. Pickles,
  • As an answer, I think it’s best that you figure this one out yourself. I think it would be a good learning experience.
  • Kind regards,
  • Terrianne Woof
  • Dear Benjamin,
  • As an answer, there are a few different ways we can sort out this problem. We hope that at least one of them will appeal to you.
  • Best regards,
  • Franklin

Here’s Your Answer

“Here’s your answer” works well, but it’s best when you’re trying to be more sarcastic. It can show that someone has asked a question that you might think had an obvious answer, and we use it to show that we didn’t care much about the question they asked.

  • Dear Toby,
  • Since you asked about it, here’s your answer: we can’t keep working in this fashion as it is too much of a cost.
  • All the best,
  • Samuel
  • Dear Harrison,
  • Here’s your answer: you can do what you like about the project. We trust your judgment more than most people around here.
  • We wish you well,
  • John and Martin Keen

You Might Like To Hear

“You might like to hear” works well in many emails. It shows a bit more character, which works well when you know the person you’re speaking to a little more personally. However, you should be careful using “you might like.”

“You might like” can be seen as cautious or worrying. People like to see confidence in emails, so it’s best to try and stick to more confident phrases that don’t carry this worry.

  • Dear Monty,
  • You might like to hear that we’ve already found a solution to this problem. We hope it’s going to be everything you need.
  • We wish you the best,
  • Jacob
  • Dear Mrs. Melissa,
  • You might like to hear that we’ve updated our information to better suit your needs. Thank you for raising this issue with us.
  • Best regards,
  • Daniel Paris

I Have An Update

“I have an update” works well if someone has asked a question that might require multiple answers or patience. If they have to wait for the answer, we could give multiple “Updates” when we know more about what’s going on with their query.

  • Dear sir,
  • I have an update that should answer any questions you might have about this issue. I hope it will be good for you.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mrs. Awesome
  • Dear Dan,
  • I have an update that should help to fix this issue. I’m going to need your full cooperation, though.
  • All the best,
  • Jackson

I Have Some Information

“I have some information” works well because it shows that you’ve gone to find an answer. We can use this “information” to show that we have a specific answer that might be useful for somebody. It’s a great way to show that you’ve taken their opinions or questions into consideration.

  • Dear Mr. Smith,
  • I have some information regarding the issue you raised with me the other day. I think it would be good for you to hear it.
  • All the best,
  • Mr. Parker
  • Dear Mrs. Merriweather,
  • I have some information regarding this. Do you think you’ll be able to come to my office to discuss it further?
  • I look forward to hearing back from you,
  • Mr. Paulo