12 Better Ways To Say “Sincerely” In Formal Emails

“Sincerely” is a word used to close emails since emails began to exist. However, it’s somewhat outdated today, and it might help you to learn about a few alternatives that you can use. This article will give you the best options and show you how they work.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Sincerely” In Formal Emails?

There are plenty of other ways we can close an email. We want you to take a look into the following:

  • All the best
  • Best wishes
  • My best
  • Kind regards
  • Fond regards
  • Regards
  • Looking forward to hearing from you
  • Looking forward to seeing you
  • Looking forward to working with you
  • Thank you
  • Thanks again
  • With appreciation
Better Ways To Say Sincerely In Formal Emails

The preferred version is “all the best.” It works well to close an email to keep our formal tone intact. It’s a great way to wish somebody well (which you do not get with “sincerely”), and it shows that you have good manners and a professional attitude.

All The Best

“All the best” is a great way to replace “sincerely.” It still shows that we are “sincere” about our closer, but that we also have feelings and want to offer all the recipients our “best.” That means we care about them and want them to succeed.

Some of these examples will help to make more sense of it:

  • Dear Mr. Marriot,
  • I would love to do those things with you!
  • All the best,
  • Sarah Walker
  • Dear ma’am,
  • I have a few problems that I would like to discuss with you in private about these events.
  • All the best,
  • Mr. Sherridon

Best Wishes

“Best wishes” is a common way for people to offer their friendship in formal emails. It’s good because it stays true to the polite and professional values we look for when originally using “sincerely.”

Here are a few great examples of how it works:

  • To Holders Inc.,
  • I would like to enquire about the new position that’s opened up.
  • Best wishes,
  • Mr. Tomkins
  • Dear all,
  • I think it’s time that we took a few days off to celebrate the news of the merger.
  • Best wishes,
  • Mrs. Montague

My Best

“My best” works when we want to show the recipients that we offer our “best” wishes to them. It’s just a variation of “best wishes,” but the implication is still the same. It’s a polite ending for many formal emails.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Hello Mr. Horn,
  • I think it’s time that I move away from this company, so I’m handing in my notice now.
  • My best,
  • Charlotte Walsbury
  • Dear Arthur,
  • I would like to have this meeting with you at two on Wednesday if that works well.
  • My best,
  • Mariah Hill

Kind Regards

“Kind regards” is one of the more popular choices for signing an email formally. However, we did not include it higher because some people think “kind regards” is often as overused as “sincerely” (thus losing some of its original meaning over time).

“Kind regards” is so common that many people think it’s a “default” option for some now. When you sign an email off with it, it’s likely that the readers will think you’re lazy or that you don’t have time to think of a better way to end it.

Nevertheless, we can use this phrase in the following situations:

  • Dear Mr. Michaels,
  • I regret to inform you that you did not make the cut for the new team on this project.
  • Kind regards,
  • Tom Watson
  • Hello Harrison,
  • I think it’s time for us to have a discussion about this matter, and I’ll let you know when works best.
  • Kind regards,
  • Harriet Walnut

Fond Regards

“Fond regards” is another way of using an adjective to make “regards” a more polite phrase. We can use it when we want to show that we are “fond” of the people receiving our emails. It’s a common ending and works well in many cases.

Here are some examples that show it in action:

  • Dear team,
  • I would like to host an event over the next two weekends and need all hands on deck for this one.
  • Fond regards,
  • Tommy Wise
  • Hello Hugo,
  • I’m glad you got in touch with me about this, and I’ll be more than happy to help you with whatever you need.
  • Fond regards,
  • Sam Gamgee


“Regards” is one of the simplest forms of signing an email. However, some people think it’s the rudest of all the other “regards” options provided. Since we do not use an adjective to describe “regards” in a positive way, some people avoid using this phrase.

Here are some examples to show you how it works, though:

  • To Mr. Martinson,
  • I would like to discuss your future at this company when you have a moment spare.
  • Regards,
  • Dani White
  • Dear all,
  • It’s time for the CEO to do their bimonthly visit again, so I expect you all to be on your best behavior.
  • Regards,
  • Kingsley

Looking Forward To Hearing From You

We could use “looking forward to hearing from you” if we want to be more specific. It works well when we expect an update or information from the person to whom we sent the email. It’s a great way to show that we’re excited to hear back from them.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Dear Picasso,
  • I need an update on the service you provided me and how long is left on the package.
  • Looking forward to hearing from you,
  • Daniel Waters
  • Hey Lewis,
  • If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to know where you’re at with the project and how long you’re expecting it to take.
  • Looking forward to hearing from you,
  • Mr. Borris

Looking Forward To Seeing You

If you have set up a meeting with someone soon, then “looking forward to seeing you” works well. It is slightly more specific again, but we can use it whenever we know that we’ll “see” someone, and we have arranged something to action that.

You could use this phrase in the following situations:

  • To Tom,
  • Yes, I think Friday night works the best to arrange this meeting with all the night shift workers.
  • Looking forward to seeing you all there,
  • Mr. Danvers
  • Hey Martin,
  • I think we can fit you in for an appointment during the three o’clock session.
  • Looking forward to seeing you,
  • Lara

Looking Forward To Working With You

You might use this phrase when you or someone else is new to a company. Again, it’s a specific choice when signing an email. It works well when we have not “worked” with the people in the email yet, and we are “looking forward” to getting a chance to work with them.

How about checking out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Dear Mr. Parker,
  • I’m glad that we’ve managed to come to this arrangement so swiftly.
  • Looking forward to working with you,
  • Mrs. Probe
  • Dear team,
  • I’m the new manager in the unit, and I’m going to be running you through individual meetings to see where you’re at currently.
  • I’m looking forward to working with you all,
  • Mr. Jenkins

Thank You

“Thank you” is a simple way to replace “sincerely,” but it works well in many cases. We can use it when we appreciate someone’s help or cooperation. It’s one of the more polite ways we can give someone a command or order if we’re above them.

“Thank you” works even when someone has yet to do the thing we have asked them. If we’ve sent an email asking them to complete a task, we can end it with “thank you” to take for granted the fact that they will get round to it for us.

A simple “thank you” can work formally in the following ways:

  • Dear all,
  • I appreciate all your hard work over this last holiday season, and I know it could not have been easy.
  • Thank you,
  • Mr. Beverage
  • Hello Michael,
  • I think that six will work the best for me if you’re free then.
  • Thank you,
  • Steven Gear

Thanks Again

“Thank again” works best when you’ve already used the words “thank you” in an email (or appreciated someone in another way). We use “again” to reiterate the message, which helps to show that we’re truly grateful for whatever someone may have done.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Dear Mr. Walker,
  • Thank you for letting me know about this, and I will fix it ASAP.
  • Thanks again,
  • Carl
  • Dear IT Department,
  • Thank you for doing your best to fix the system in time for tomorrow’s event.
  • Thanks again,
  • Mr. Dean

With Appreciation

“With appreciation” is another great way to use “thank you.” However, this time, we use “appreciation” to show that we are gracefully accepting the previous email or exchange. It works by assuming that someone will be happy to help us to some extent.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Dear Mr. Sonny,
  • I have completed the project you asked of me.
  • With appreciation,
  • Dan Bennett
  • Dear sir,
  • I’m glad that you came to me with this information.
  • With appreciation,
  • Susan Storm

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