10 Formal Ways to Say “One Size Fits All”

Are you trying to figure out the best way to say that something is “one size fits all”?

Perhaps you’re concerned the phrase itself is informal or insincere.

Well, it’s a good thing you came across our article.

After all, we’ll teach you how to say “one size fits all” professionally.

You can start by reviewing these synonyms to see what options you have:

  • Universal
  • Global
  • Standardized
  • Compatible
  • Commonly adaptable
  • Widely applicable
  • Invariably suitable
  • All-encompassing
  • Across-the-board compatibility
  • Broadly appropriate

Keep reading to learn another way to say “one size fits all.” We’ll dive deeper into each of the alternatives mentioned above to give you a better idea of how they work.

1. Universal

Let’s start by using “universal.” This is a simple way to replace “one size fits all.”

The best part is that it’s only one word. So, it’s an effective way to streamline your writing and make what you’re talking about clear.

You can use this when emailing customers about a new product or invention.

It’s an excellent way to get your point across and let people know what you’re trying to achieve.

After all, a universal product will be effective in almost every sense of the word.

Feel free to review this sample email to learn more:

Dear Customers,

We are releasing this as a universal product that should meet every need.

We look forward to hearing your reviews when you receive these products.

Best wishes,
Tony Shaw

2. Global

Next, we recommend using “global” as a different way to say “one size fits all.”

This time, we recommend including it in academic writing.

For instance, you can use it when talking about problems that are faced everywhere. “One size fits all” often refers to things that are used in every circumstance.

Therefore, “global” suggests that something is used all around the world (or a smaller area relative to what you discuss).

Either way, the term is professional and clear.

So, you can check out these examples to learn a bit more about it:

This is a global product, and the company has ensured that it fits every purpose that people require of it.

It’s clear that the service is global and can address every person who needs it. It’s quite an impressive outlet.

3. Standardized

You can also write “standardized” to show that you’ve made sure something can fit every purpose.

For instance, you can use this when writing a business plan.

It’s an excellent way to explain what you’re trying to achieve when rolling out new products.

For the most part, the term is clear and professional. It’s also a common choice in most formal outlets, so people from all over the world will understand what you mean when using it.

Feel free to check out the following samples if you still need help with it:

This is a standardized format that we’re working on. It’s going to allow everything to work the same way.

It’s been standardized for a while because we realized that was the most effective way for us to continue.

4. Compatible

We have one more synonym in this list that’s only one word in length. That is “compatible.”

When something is “compatible,” it means it works with many things and aims to be “one size fits all.”

So, it’s a great way to professionally replace the original phrase in a clear and concise way.

Again, people will understand what you mean when you include something like this in your writing.

So, feel free to use it when announcing plans to a business partner. They might want to know about an upcoming service, and this term will help you to explain it.

Check out the following sample email to learn more if you still don’t get it:

Dear Ms. Willis,

I’m looking forward to showing you how compatible this service will be.

It’s something we’ve never tried before, but I know it’s going to work in our favor.

Best regards,
Max Panchik

5. Commonly Adaptable

You can also write “commonly adaptable” as a formal way to say “one size fits all.”

Generally, this phrase will help you to show that something can meet any need.

After all, if it “adapts,” it can always find a way to do something for someone (even if that wasn’t the original intention).

Therefore, this is an effective way to be informative and clear.

People like using this when writing to clients in their emails. It often makes you appear as a reliable source of information, which goes a long way.

Here’s a helpful email example to show you more about how it works:

Dear Mr. Howard,

This is a commonly adaptable product, so you don’t have to worry about what it can do.

If it can’t already do it, it will only require a few days to sync up to your needs.

Best wishes,
Sam Smith

6. Widely Applicable

The more applications something has, the more it’s likely to be a “one size fits all” product.

That’s where “widely applicable” comes in.

The phrase is professional and sincere. So, it shows that you’ve already decided that something is going to cover multiple areas.

You can often use this in academic writing. It’s an excellent way to show that you’ve already tested a product extensively and found that it applies to more situations than you thought.

Feel free to check out these examples if you still need help understanding it:

After extensive research, it’s clear that this is a widely applicable service. It’s one of the first of its kind.

It’s good that this is a widely applicable survey. It allows people to answer questions that highlight the overall gist of the plan.

7. Invariably Suitable

You can also write that something is “invariably suitable” instead of a “one size fits all” option.

Generally, using “invariably” here shows that people are in control of how well it fits with every situation.

This can work really well when writing a professional email.

It’s a good option to suggest that something fits every purpose, and you’re happy to explain more about it if someone needs more information.

Here’s a helpful email sample to demonstrate more about it:

Dear Martin,

This product is invariably suitable to all your needs.

Please let me know if there’s anything we can help you with, though.

Tom Shearer

8. All-Encompassing

Another great phrase to use in your writing is “all-encompassing.”

This often works well in academic writing. After all, it’s a professional phrase that suggests something covers all areas and is suitable to use in every circumstance.

For the most part, your readers will understand what you’re trying to say.

It’s direct and clear. It also shows that you’ve looked into something well and found that it’s suitable as a one-size-fits-all alternative.

You can review these examples to learn more about how it works:

This is an all-encompassing approach. So, people will be more reliant on it when moving forward.

It’s all-encompassing because people spent a lot of time ensuring it was correct for all situations.

9. Across-the-Board Compatibility

You may also say that something has “across-the-board compatibility.”

Here, “across-the-board” is a compound adjective. It’s modifying the noun “compatibility,” showing that you’ve looked into how something is suitable for every need.

You might want to use this when writing a business model.

It’s a good option when sharing information with business partners or shareholders. After all, it shows you’ve thought things through and know what to expect from a new product.

Here are some examples to help you understand it a bit better:

I want to establish across-the-board compatibility with this product. I already have the infrastructure in place to do this.

Across-the-board compatibility is very important to our mission. We will not stop until we’ve achieved it.

10. Broadly Appropriate

Finally, you can simplify things by writing “broadly appropriate.”

It’s a great synonym to include when writing to an employee.

Perhaps they’ve come up with a one-size-fits-all idea to help improve your workplace. Well, this is a professional way to respond to them to let them know you’re happy with what they’ve given you.

You can also review this sample email to learn more about it:

Dear Damian,

I like the idea you’ve come up with, as it is broadly appropriate.

It’s exactly what we’ve been looking for, and I look forward to you fleshing it out.

Best wishes,
Sara Brien

Is It Correct to Say “One Size Fits All”?

It is correct to say “one size fits all.”

The phrase itself is a great way to show that something is suitable for all needs or situations.

You should understand the hyphen rules before using this phrase, though!

You do not hyphenate the phrase when it’s used on its own.

For example:

  • This product is going to be one size fits all.

However, if it comes before a noun, you should hyphenate it. After all, it then becomes a compound adjective.

For instance:

  • It’s a one-size-fits-all agreement.