The phrases “in every respect” and “in every aspect” are used to talk about certain features of things. However, they have different meanings, and only one of them is actually “correct” to use. This article will look at which one is right and how to use both.
Is It “In Every Respect” Or “In Every Aspect”?
“In every respect” is the correct version. We use it when we want to talk about every feature of a certain product or thing (i.e., “the game was fun in every respect: teamwork, cohesion, point-scoring”). “In every aspect” uses the wrong preposition and is therefore wrong.
Both “respect” and “aspect” in this case refer to the features of something.
The definition of “respect,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a particular feature or detail.”
The definition of “aspect,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a particular feature of or way of thinking about something, esp. something complicated.”
However, we say “in every respect” with the preposition “in” because we’re talking about all the appropriate features and aspects that affect our decision.
To use “in every aspect,” we have to change the preposition to “from” (“from every aspect”). This is because it’s synonymous with “from every viewpoint” to talk about how certain things affect our opinions or decisions.
What Does “In Every Respect” Mean?
It might help you to know a little more about what the two phrases mean, so we’ve included these sections for that.
“In every respect” means “in every detail.” We use it when we want to talk about particular features and details of a thing.
When written in a sentence, we typically include a list of two or more details that we’re referring to specifically. If we simply say “in every respect,” many people might be confused by what “respects” we mean.
Instead, it helps to refer to the direct details. Since the “respects” we mention are often our own opinions, other people might think differently, which is why it’s more appropriate to refer to the direct “respects.
For example:
- He did well in every respect.
- He did well in every respect; he was sporting, friendly, and athletic.
As you can see, the first example doesn’t explain what “respects” we’re talking about and isn’t much use to the reader. The second example explains the respects, which are much more useful.
What Does “In Every Aspect” Mean?
“In every aspect” is less popular than “from every aspect” because it uses the incorrect preposition.
“From every aspect” or “in every aspect” means “from every perspective.” We can use it to look at all the opinions and details that we apply to a certain thing or situation and whether or not that object met the opinions.
You should never use the preposition “in” when writing “aspect” because many native English speakers will find it jarring and difficult to understand. We use “from” because “aspects” often talk about details related to our own perception of things, which is “from” our minds.
Is “In Every Respect” Or “In Every Aspect” Used The Most?
Sometimes, knowing which of a group of phrases is more popular by native speakers helps you to understand which one to learn more about. We’ve got the statistics to help you out with this.
If you look at this graph, you’ll see that “in every respect” is more popular. However, it’s not much more popular than “in every aspect.” If you look at the popularity of “respect” over the last two centuries, you’ll see it was vastly more popular in the 1800s compared to now.
“In every respect” is an old-fashioned saying and not something we often say today. It was more popular in the 1800s and early 1900s, though it’s fallen out of favor a lot lately. However, it’s still more popular than “in every aspect.”
Examples Of How To Use “In Every Respect” In A Sentence
It might help you to see some examples of both phrases in action. We’ll start with “In every respect,” which is the correct version based on the preposition that we choose to use here.
“In every respect” means “in every regard” and talks about all of the features that we’re referencing when we want to talk about a specific thing or object.
- To keep this job, you must exceed expectations in every respect: time-keeping, delegation, and etiquette.
- This game was brilliant in every respect: competitive nature, player spirit, and last-minute victories.
- In every respect, you must make sure you perform to the highest of standards.
- The musician performed well in every respect: tempo, pace, and crescendo.
- The school exceeded our expectations in every respect, from the cleanliness to the efficacy of the teachers.
- You did well in every respect, from your performance to your manners. Well done.
As you can see, we use “in every respect” when we want to list all of the features of the object. We typically follow it with two to three of the “respects” and details that we’re talking about, which makes it more obvious for the reader to understand what we’re saying.
Examples Of How To Use “In Every Aspect” In A Sentence
Now let’s look at using both “In every aspect” and “from every aspect” in some example sentences. From there, you might understand more about how it’s used, as well as which preposition is more suitable in which situations.
“In every aspect” and “from every aspect” are synonymous, though it’s likely you’ll see “from every aspect” more often. They both refer to particular details of things, just like “in every respect.”
- He did well from every aspect that I can think of, wouldn’t you agree?
- You are perfect in every aspect of the word, and I really mean that.
- This was such a boring event in every aspect, and I won’t be coming back here again.
- In every aspect, I was on the edge of my seat. I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a good show.
- From every aspect I can think of, there wasn’t much more they could have done to fix it.
- This was hilarious from every aspect, and I’ll happily watch it again.
We don’t need to include a list of things when using “aspect” like we might when using “respect.” That’s the key difference that a lot of people overlook.
“In every aspect” is closely related to our opinions, and we don’t always need to include which specific things we’re talking about when we say it as “aspect” generally covers “all details.”
“In Every Respect” And “In Every Aspect” – Synonyms
If you’re struggling with the differences between the two, one of these alternatives might be better suited for you. These synonyms have the same meanings; they just don’t come with as much confusion.
- In every regard
- From every standpoint
- From every viewpoint
- From every perspective
- In all ways
- In every way
- In every light
All of these are great ways to talk about particular details or features from an event or object. Many people use them to talk about their opinions and share whether they think something meets expectations or not.
Is It “In Every Aspect” Or “In Every Aspects”?
“Every” is a plural word referring to more than one thing. However, after “every,” we have to include a singular word to use it correctly. That’s one of the tense rules of English that confuse many people.
“In every aspect” is grammatically correct as you have to use a singular word after the group word “every.” “In every aspects” is always incorrect, and you should not use it.
It might help you to see a few other examples that follow the same trend:
- People (plural of “person”)
- Correct: Every person
- Incorrect: Every people
- Cars (plural of “car”)
- Correct: Every car
- Incorrect: Every cars
- Aspects (plural of “aspect”)
- Correct: Every aspect
- Incorrect: Every aspects
Does “In Every Aspect” And “In All Aspects” Mean The Same?
If you look at this graph, you’ll see that “in all aspects” is more popular than “in every aspect.” However, do the two phrases mean the same thing?
“In every aspect” and “in all aspects” mean the same thing. “Every” and “all” are synonymous, and we’re still talking about every possible detail no matter which one we use.
“In all aspects” is more popular, perhaps because it makes more sense for most native speakers to write into sentences. Also, the plural rules after “all” remain the same (unlike using the singular form after “every”). This rule change makes using “all” much more familiar and easy.
Is It “In Every Respect” Or “In Any Respect”?
If you look at this graph, you’ll see that “in every respect” is more popular, but only slightly. Both phrases have grown less popular over the last two centuries and are rarely used today.
“In every respect” and “in any respect” are both correct. We use “in every respect” when talking about all of the details that we want to mention. We use “in any respect” when something didn’t achieve one specific detail that we’re looking for.