8 Words For Someone Who Is Good With Words

When someone has a good vocabulary, you might be interested to know what words you could use to describe them. Interestingly, they’re probably the best people to ask to explain the word you’re looking for. This article will help you understand the best words for such a case too.

What Do You Call Someone Who Is Good With Words?

There are plenty of options to describe someone who is good with words and vocabulary. The ones we want to share with you include:

  • Wordsmith
  • Eloquent
  • Articulate
  • Expressive
  • Communicative
  • Logophile
  • Well-spoken
  • Fluent
words for someone who is good with words

The preferred version is “wordsmith” because it can apply to most situations. We can call some a wordsmith when we’re impressed with their overall usage of the English language and how well they can use words for a variety of reasons.


Let’s start with the preferred option and see why it’s so suitable for us!

A wordsmith is somebody who has a way with words. They can usually paint very clear images by just describing things, making them perfect speakers and writers in all situations.

The definition of “wordsmith,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who has skill with using words, especially in writing.”

If somebody calls you a wordsmith, you can be sure that it’s meant as a compliment. It means you know things about words and the language you’re speaking in that other people can’t seem to comprehend.

We might be able to use it as follows:

  • He’s a wordsmith on paper. He has come up with such impressive ways to describe the most mundane of things.
  • She’s a wordsmith, which is why so many people listen to every word she says!
  • I’m a bit of a wordsmith myself, and I’ll be happy to help you improve your own vocabulary.


Next, let’s see how we might be able to use “eloquent.”

Someone who is eloquent is able to speak in a clear and concise manner. It usually means they can easily share opinions and ideas, and most of this comes from being good with words. The better someone is with words; the easier people understand their opinions.

The definition of “eloquent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “using language to express ideas or opinions clearly and well, so that they have a strong effect on others.”

We can see eloquent people in the following ways:

  • I like to think of myself as eloquent. After all, no one else can speak quite as I can.
  • They were both incredibly eloquent, considering they were still so young.
  • You’re quite the eloquent speaker, aren’t you?


You might also be interested to learn how “articulate” can work when talking about someone who is good with words.

We can use “articulate” to describe anybody capable of explaining thoughts and feeling with nothing more than words. It’s helpful for their friends and family because they merely need to speak to get people to understand what they’re going through.

The definition of “articulate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality.”

Some people will struggle to be articulate because certain things require more than words to convey. However, articulate people will always know the right words and combinations of words to convey to get their message across.

An articulate might work in the following ways:

  • He’s articulate, which can make it troublesome to talk to him. It’s especially difficult when he’s in his special mood.
  • You’re articulate with your words, which is why I think so many people trust the things you say.
  • You articulate when you speak, which is why it’s so easy to understand your message.


While “expressive” isn’t directly related to being good with words, we can still use it in the correct context.

An expressive person can use their voice to express their feelings. That means they know exactly what to say to trigger a response of empathy in someone, and they know how to explain their feelings.

The definition of “expressive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “showing your feelings in your voice, behavior, or appearance.”

Expressive people are easy to talk to. If they feel down or low, then they will usually convey this to you to let you know why they might not be feeling like themselves.

It’s easy to see expressive people in the following:

  • I’ve never known someone as expressive with their vocabulary as you.
  • You can paint such a vivid picture because of your expressive language skills.
  • I am expressive when I speak, and I make sure to use all the meaningful words I have at my disposal.


Again, “communicative” isn’t quite in line with the meaning of being good with words. However, when used in the right context, it works well to describe someone with this quality.

A communicative person is able to speak and use words unlike anyone else. It comes from “communicate,” which means that people will converse with each other to get their points across.

The definition of “communicative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “willing to talk to people and give them information.”

Communicative can work as follows:

  • He wasn’t feeling particularly communicative, which was strange because he’s usually full of words.
  • My teacher is really communicative in lessons because he has a way of saying the right things at the right time.
  • He isn’t as communicative with these things as he seems to think he is.


A “logophile” isn’t a common word to come across. However, it’s still a great word to use, especially in any situation where you want to show that someone is good with words.

Logophiles love words. It takes the Greek “-phile” suffix, meaning “lover of,” and adds it to the end of “logo,” meaning “words” in Greek. A lover of words is often easy to talk to, and they’ll be happy to share their vocabulary knowledge with anyone who asks.

The definition of “logophile,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who loves words and language.”

A logophile can be described with any other word on this list. They can easily be expressive or articulate because of how much they love words and how much they know about words and their meanings.

Here’s how you might benefit from using it:

  • I like to think of myself as a logophile. After all, I know four languages and love all the words I learn!
  • He’s a logophile, which is why he thrives when he’s doing any kind of language learning.
  • You’re a logophile because you care about the words on the page, where most people will overlook them!


Now, let’s look at “well-spoken.” Generally, being well-spoken is more to do with how you speak and pronounce things rather than how you use words, but it still works in certain contexts.

A well-spoken person is often well-educated and has a strong understanding of words. They know how to use words correctly to describe and explain their thoughts and feelings efficiently.

The definition of “well-spoken,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having a pleasant and polite way of speaking that is considered socially acceptable.”

If one is well-spoken, you could write about them as follows:

  • She’s well-spoken, considering she comes from one of the most run-down parts of the city.
  • I’m well-spoken for my age, and I’m happy to share my vocabularic choices with you.
  • You’re not well-spoken enough to be taken seriously here.


Finally, we’ll look at “fluent” as an option. It’s not the best option here as it applies to so many different areas, but it’s still a great choice when you’re simply talking about how well someone can speak.

Fluent people are great with languages. They can use words and speak easily without even thinking about it. Most native speakers are fluent in their own language, and some have fluency in others as well. It usually translates to them being good with words for this reason.

The definition of “fluent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to speak a language easily and well, or (of a language) spoken easily and without many pauses.”

Here’s how “fluent” could work:

  • I am absolutely fluent with good words. You can ask me the meaning of anything, and I’ll tell you!
  • I’m fluent where it counts, which is more than I can say for you.
  • She’s fluent in about ten languages, which is why her vocabulary skills are so on-point.

What Do You Call Someone Who Has A Bad Vocabulary?

Just so you have some idea of what kind of antonyms you might be able to use, we thought we’d include this section. While someone can be good with words, it can be just as easy to find someone who is bad with them.

These antonyms are your best bet to show the opposite of someone with good vocabulary:

  • Bumbling
  • Inept
  • Muddled
  • Confused
  • Stuttering

There aren’t any words that directly show bad vocabulary. However, we can use all of the above in the context of someone being poor with words or writing.

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