“Spirit animal” is something people use to liken themselves to an animal. They often base their characteristics and personality traits on animals with similar attributes. However, there are other things we can say in place of “spirit animal.” This article will explore the best alternatives.
What Can I Say Instead Of “Spirit Animal”?
There are plenty of better ways of using “spirit animal” without forgetting the original purpose of the phrase. This article will take you through the following:
- Familiar
- Daimon
- Inner beast
- Genius
- Muse
- Fylgja
- Guide
- Helper
- Patronus
- Animal guide
The preferred version is “familiar” because it shows that there is a deep connection with a “familiar” creature. We can use it as a way of saying that we are close and connected to an animal without its physical presence near us at the time.
“Familiar” works as the best replacement for “spirit animal.” A “familiar” is a fantasy-based word that talks about a spirit. Familiars often take the forms of animals, and they will follow you around no matter where you go and help you with whatever they can.
Check out these examples to see how they work:
- My wolf familiar is always close by. If I need to get angry, I know my wolf will help me.
- I have an elephant familiar that I’m quite fond of. I’d like for you to meet her someday.
- They talk about having familiars as if they’re real, but I’ve never found that an animal spirit is near me to help me out!
“Daimon” is a term that comes from Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” series. The idea is that a “Daimon” will follow you around and protect you from all the dangers in the world. We can use the phrase to relate to a “spirit animal” in the same way.
Here are a few ways we can use this phrase:
- My Daimon is a polar bear, but I’m not entirely sure what made me decide upon that!
- You should get yourself a Daimon as they have in His Dark Materials. I think you’ll find it quite useful to help you out.
- I have a Daimon, and I rely on his guidance to help me out of difficult situations. So far, he has never failed me.
Inner Beast
“Inner beast” is slightly different and refers to the beast and uncontrollable rage that many people have within themselves. While many people can keep it at bay, the idea is to refer to it when you don’t know how else to control your emotions.
Check out some of these examples to see how it works:
- Make sure you unleash your inner beast whenever you get the chance. You might surprise yourself with what you can do.
- I like to keep my inner beast under wraps until such a time that I know I need it. Nobody needs to see what I can do when I’m angry.
- Everyone has an inner beast that they try to tame. It doesn’t make you special if you do not find a way to control it better.
“Genius” is a word that we take from Ancient Rome. In Latin, it refers to a spiritual body that can guide you through dark times. We can use it to replace “spirit animal,” though it doesn’t always have to take animalistic forms if you don’t want it to.
We could use this phrase in the following situations:
- My genius is a spirit that looks a lot like my grandfather. Sometimes, he takes the form of a wolf when I feel angry myself.
- I have found that my genius is best suited to that of a tiger, and I often see my spirit wandering around behind me to keep me from harm.
- You should invest in the idea of a genius. They’re the perfect partner to help you out of tough situations.
“Muse” is another one that comes from myths. This time, we refer to Ancient Greece, where “Muses” were the Goddesses of the Arts. We can rely on them to inspire us and guide us when we need to be creative. Again, they do not need to take animal forms.
Check out some of these examples to see how it works:
- I have many muses that I rely on to help me out. They give me all the support and inspiration I need to get by.
- This is my muse, and I call him Terry. You might not be able to see him, but he’s a spirit that helps me with my life choices.
- We all have our own muses to help us. Just reach out your hand to your own ones, and you’ll find a way forward.
The last mythological word we can use is “fylgja.” This comes from Norse mythology and is a spiritual form that will guide you should you ask it of them. If you believe in them, you can think of them as your “spirit animals.”
This mythological phrase can work in the following ways:
- My fylgja is around me always. I liken it to a squirrel, though I’m not entirely certain what form it would truly possess.
- My fylgja helps me through when making tough life choices. I haven’t decided on its form yet, but I know I can rely on it to get me out of trouble.
- You should find yourself a fylgja. Ever since I’ve had one, I’ve been much calmer and more comfortable in my choices.
“Guide” is a simple way to show that an animalistic spirit is “guiding” you in life. They will often be there when you need them most, helping you make decisions that you otherwise might struggle with if you were alone.
Some of these examples will help you to make more sense of it:
- My guide is definitely a sloth. Honestly, no one out there has ever proved to be as lazy and sleepy as I am!
- You should find yourself a true guide to help you through the dark times. I have one, and he follows me wherever I go.
- My guide will help me out of hardships without me even needing to ask. She may be a dolphin, but she knows what to do.
“Helper” takes the same principle as “guide.” We often need extra “help” when it comes to deciding on what to do in life. That’s where a spiritual “helper” might be able to come along and provide us with the things that we seek.
Check out some of these examples to see how it works:
- My helper is a frog, though you probably won’t see him yourself. He’s a figment of my own spirit, in a way.
- I like to have my animal helper near me at all times because they keep me in control of my emotions.
- Of all the animals out there, I think my best helper would be a hedgehog.
“Patronus” comes from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. A sorcerer can produce a “Patronus” from their wand, which takes on the form of an animal that represents their character and spirit. This idea can be used in the real world as well.
Here are a few examples of how this works:
- I’d say that a stag is definitely my Patronus. I know that sounds silly, but I’m convinced I would relate to them.
- Of all the creatures in the world, there is no doubt in my mind that a bunny rabbit would be my Patronus.
- My Patronus is an owl, and I’m more than happy to share my reasonings with you if you care to listen.
Animal Guide
An “animal guide” is the same as a “guide.” However, it’s slightly more specific as it can only refer to a “guide” that takes on a more animalistic form when we ask it for help.
Here are a few ways you might be able to use this one:
- I like to think of lions as my animal guides. They really understand me on a primal level.
- I have an animal guide that I allow to follow me through all my decisions in life.
- Animals guides are important to anyone who needs help. We should all relate to our primal ancestors in a way that enlightens us.
What Does “Spirit Animal” Mean?
Let’s quickly circle back to “spirit animal” now that we’ve seen all the best alternatives. It might help you to know more about what it means.
A “spirit animal” is a connection to an animal on a primal level. The idea comes from native Americans, who are deeply connected with animals like birds, bears, or reptiles. Of course, you can often choose your “spirit animal” yourself.
However, some people find the term to be somewhat offensive. Since it originates in native countries with a much closer connection to animals and wildlife, it can be deemed cultural appropriation if you’re not careful with it.
For that reason, we thought it was better to try out one of the alternatives we provided above.
You can still refer to the similarities you have with animals, but you do not use the “spirit” idea (which is strictly for natives).