11 Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily

There are many things in this world that are worth fighting for, and quitting easily is not one of them. This article will highlight other ways that describe someone who gives up easily and provide examples of how these words and phrases are used in a sentence.

Words For Someone Who Gives Up Easily

The three most preferred word alternatives for “someone who gives up easily” are quitter, failure, and loser. These words have been assigned negative connotations, which make them the perfect weapons for bullies. They are meant to provoke people’s spirits and make them give up or brace upon their tasks.


A quitter is someone who gives up easily, often without putting in the necessary effort. Quitters never reach their full potential because they are always quitting when things get tough. Someone who is a quitter is also seen as someone who doesn’t have what it takes to be successful.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “quitter” is a noun that means “a person who gives up easily instead of finishing something”.  

Here are some examples of how the word “quitter” is employed:

  • A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.
  • Don’t be a quitter.
  • A quitter stops fighting when the odds are stacked against them.


 A “failure” is someone who has given up on themselves. It’s someone who has stopped trying and has resigned themselves to a life of unhappiness and mediocrity. A failure is someone who doesn’t believe in themselves and who doesn’t think they’re capable of anything great.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes it as a noun that means “the fact of someone or something not succeeding”.

These are a few examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • A person who quits too soon is a failure.
  • A person who gives up is a failure.
  • A failure doesn’t know how to face their fears head-on.


A “Loser” is someone who doesn’t try. They set their mind to a goal and then quit as soon as it gets hard. They give up too easily and have no perseverance. Losers are people who make excuses instead of taking responsibility for their own life.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as a noun, and it means “a person or team that does not win a game or competition”.

Here are some examples of how the term is utilized.

  • He is such a loser for not working hard for the game.
  • It’s so easy to spot a loser in a crowd.
  • He’s a complete loser and can’t do anything right. 


 A deserter is someone who leaves their military unit or formation without authorization, or someone who abandons their post or duty. In the context of revolutions, armies and militias, desertion also encompasses those soldiers who retreat from the front line without reason or permission.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “deserter” is described as a noun that means “a person who leaves the armed forces without permission”.

These are few examples of how the word is used:

  • You are a deserter for abandoning your post during wartime, and you will be subjected to court-martial. 
  • A politician who promised to support a bill but then abandoned it when the going got tough is a deserter of their responsibilities. 
  • A student who skips class regularly might be called a deserter by their teacher.  


An incompetent person is someone who can’t do their job properly. They might be unable to think critically, solve problems, or make good decisions. They might also have poor communication skills and be unable to work well with others. Most times, they settle for mediocrity.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “incompetent” as an adjective that means “not having the ability to do something as it should be done”.

The following are examples of ways to use the word in a sentence:

  • The company’s IT department is composed of incompetent fools.
  • My ex-husband was an incompetent partner who contributed nothing to our marriage.
  •  Incompetent employees are a drain on a company’s resources.


A slacker is somebody who simply doesn’t care about their responsibilities or commitments. They might make excuses, procrastinate, or just flat-out refuse to do what’s asked of them. This can be extremely frustrating for whoever is dealing with the slacker, whether it’s a boss, coworker, friend or family member. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “slacker” is described as a noun that means “a person who does not work hard enough”.

These are more examples of how to use the word “slacker” in a sentence:

  • I’m such a slacker, I can’t even get out of bed in the morning. 
  • I can’t believe he’s still a slacker at his age. 
  • If you don’t want to be a slacker like him, you need to work hard. 


A weakling is someone who does not have the physical strength, stamina, or courage to do what is necessary to survive and thrive. They may be able to do things when everything goes their way, but they will buckle under pressure. They are not dependable in a crisis.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “weakling” as a noun and it is defined as “someone who is weak, either physically or in character”.

Below are examples of how you might use the word “weakling”: 

  • I’m not built for manual labor; I’m such a weakling. 
  • Williams needs to start working out more if he doesn’t want to end up looking like a weakling. 
  • Are you sure you can handle this by yourself? You seem like quite the weakling.


A “wimp” is somebody who’s just too darned weak and spineless to stand up for themselves. They’re the ones who are always getting pushed around and taken advantage of, never able to stand up for themselves or fight back against the bullies.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, a “wimp” is described as a noun and it is defined as “a person who is not strong, brave, or confident”.

Take a look at a few examples of how to use the word “wimp” in a conversation: 

  • He’s such a wimp that he never stands up for himself, even when mistreated. 
  • I can’t believe she said that to me. I must seem like such a wimp in her eyes. 
  • He always lets his friends walk all over him – what a wimp!  


A chicken is also someone who doesn’t have a lot of courage or backbone and who tends to crumble under pressure. They’re often indecisive and may change their mind frequently about what they want or how they want to live their life.

The Cambridge Dictionary describes “chicken” as a noun that means “a person who is not brave”.

These are examples of how to employ the word in a sentence:

  • I’m not chicken, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go parasailing. 
  • He was chicken out when it came to skydiving, so he missed out on a great experience. 
  • She didn’t want to chicken out, so she decided to try the new flavor of ice cream even though she wasn’t sure she would like it. 


A “yellow-belly” is someone who is cowardly or lacking in courage. It’s a derogatory term used to describe someone who isn’t brave enough to stand up for themselves or others. A yellow-belly is not motivated to work or put effort into anything. They would rather lounge around and do nothing.

The following are examples of how to use the term in a sentence:

  • I’m not a yellow-belly; I can stand up for myself. 
  • He’s a coward, and he’s such a yellow-belly.
  • Don’t be such a yellow-belly; come out and play with us.   


A coward is someone who is afraid to face challenges or take risks. Often, cowards avoid difficult situations or challenges altogether out of fear. This can make them appear weak or pathetic to others. While everyone experiences fear at times, cowards let their fears control them. 

The Cambridge Dictionary describes a “coward” as a noun, and it means “a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain”.

Here are a few examples to help you better understand how the word is used in a sentence:

  • Peter is a bit of a coward when it comes to public speaking.
  • Janice is such a coward when it comes to spiders.
  • I’m such a coward when it comes to heights.

What Does It Mean To Give Up Easily?

To give up easily means that someone is not determined to achieve their goals. They give up when the going gets tough instead of fighting through the challenges. People who give up easily usually don’t have a lot of grit and perseverance, which are essential traits for success.

The following are examples of how to use the phrase in a sentence:

  • When you’re trying to lose weight, giving up easily on your diet will only lead to frustration and disappointment.
  • People in relationships who give up easily are more likely to experience hardship and breakups down the road.
  • Students who give up easily on their studies are more likely to struggle in school and eventually drop out.
  • Those who give up easily on their dreams tend to live life with little purpose or direction.

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