Wellbeing, Well-being, or Well being? (Helpful Examples)

“Well-being” is important to us all if we want to live long and healthy lives. However, it’s just as important to know whether the word is hyphenated or not. This article will look at whether “well-being” is one or two words and what you need to know about it.

Wellbeing vs. Well Being vs. Well-Being

“Well-being” is the correct spelling choice that we should use. It has always been a hyphenated word and is thus recognized as two combined words becoming one. “Wellbeing” is sometimes used but is not the correct variation, while “well being” as two words is wrong.

Wellbeing, Well-being, or Well being?

It might be useful for you to check out the following statistics to see what we mean about it:

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “well-being” is the most popular choice because it is the officially recognized spelling in English. We should make sure to include the hyphen whenever we write it, as native writers are much more familiar with it.

Wellbeing, Well-being, or Well being - Statistics

In the Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary, you will find that “well-being” with the hyphen is the acceptable spelling choice in both. However, The Oxford Dictionary does also mention that writing it as one or two words is sometimes acceptable (based on style choices).

Is “Wellbeing” One Word?

“Wellbeing” is not typically spelled as one word. We mentioned that it is recognized in The Oxford Dictionary as an alternative, but that does not mean it’s the right choice. We drop the hyphen to aid simplicity in most cases, but it is not always correct.

It’s best if we stick to the hyphenated rules of the word “well-being” wherever possible. While there might come a time in the future where “wellbeing” as one word will take over in popularity, for the time being, it’s best to stick to the hyphenated variation.

Some of these examples should help you to figure it out:

  • Correct: My well-being is always in question when I’m at the doctor’s office.
  • Incorrect: I think we need to talk about your wellbeing. You haven’t spoken about it in ages.
  • Correct: I’m worried about your well-being. Is there anything we can do to help?
  • Incorrect: Your wellbeing is a top priority for us, sir.

Remember, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with “wellbeing” as a one-word spelling. However, it is not the officially recognized spelling. That is why we’ve marked it as incorrect.

Is “Well Being” Two Words?

“Well being” is suitable as two words individually, but not when put together. Though it seems like it is occasionally used, the English language tends to avoid using the two-word variation because it is much clearer to hyphenate it in all styles.

These examples should help you to remember:

  • Correct: Of course, your well-being is important to us! Why wouldn’t it be?
  • Incorrect: His well being is of no concern to me, I’m afraid.
  • Correct: Your well-being should be at the forefront of your mind! Be careful out there.
  • Incorrect: I don’t want to discuss my well being with you any further.

Is “Well-Being” Hyphenated?

“Well-being” should be hyphenated in every case. It’s the officially recognized spelling, and it is the one that makes the most sense when you’re writing it. It has also been a hyphenated word for centuries, so it’s the one that English users are most familiar with.

Here are some examples that could help you with it:

  1. I think it’s time to look at my father’s well-being. I want him to be healthy.
  2. You haven’t got enough well-being to be doing something as risky as that!
  3. Your well-being does not matter anymore.
  4. You should have thought about your well-being before doing something so idiotic!
  5. I fear for my mother’s well-being!

As you can see, the hyphenated form makes the most sense. You should try and use it when possible (although the single-word option is sometimes acceptable).

Is “Being” Capitalized In The Word “Well-Being”?

“Being” does not need to be capitalized in “well-being” because it is not a proper noun. When used in a sentence, there is no need to capitalize it. However, if used in a title, it might be wise to capitalize it in the title style that capitalizes all words.

Some people like to capitalize every word in a title. Therefore, it makes the most sense to capitalize both words when they are part of a hyphen (even though they technically count as one word).