Touched My Heart – Meaning & Example Sentences

Many times in life, you’ll find people using the expression “touched my heart”. This is an expression that carries a good amount of meaning you might be unfamiliar with. That’s why this article is going to explain what “touched my heart” means. We’ll also give you example sentences.

Touched My Heart – Meaning

“Touched my heart” is an expression used to convey the feeling that someone really connected with you emotionally. If something “touches your heart”, that means that it made you feel an emotion. This emotion can be happiness or sadness or plenty of others. What matters is the emotional connection.

Touched My Heart Meaning

If someone does something that hits your emotions, you’d say they “touched your heart”. It’s a good expression to keep in mind. It’s a quick way to show that you were emotionally affected by something.

Here are some example sentences to show you how to use “touched my heart” in a sentence:

  • Her words that day really touched my heart, I couldn’t believe how happy I was.

This sentence is a straightforward example of someone touching someone else’s heart. In this case “her words” made the person become happy. That’s why they say she touched their heart.

  • The ending of the article, it touched my heart deeply, I actually cried and everything.

In this case, someone reads an article with a sad ending. Thus, they cried at it. That’s why the article touched their heart, because it made them feel emotions.

  • What you all have done for me touches my heart, and I am deeply thankful for all of you.

In this example, someone is thanking a group of people. Their actions have touched the person’s heart, and it has made them happy.

  • You’ve gotta touch my heart with your art, that’s what it’s all about.

In this final example, someone is telling someone else that their art should emotionally connect with people. It’s a good demonstration of what art can often accomplish.

Touched My Heart – Synonyms

“Touched my heart” is a lovely expression that can express a feeling of emotional connection. Naturally, there are other ways to express this feeling of emotional connection in the English language. Here are some synonym sentences you can use instead of “touched my heart”:

  • Connected with me
  • Struck a chord
  • Emotionally hit me
  • Hit me like a truck

Phrases That Mean the Opposite of “Touched My Heart”

The phrase “touched my heart” is all about what connects to the emotional side of people. But there are also phrases that express the opposite. These are phrases that are all about logic and facts. Here are some of these opposite phrases:

  • Connected with my brain
  • Made logical sense
  • That made sense
  • That tracks

Incorrect Ways to Use “Touched My Heart”

There are incorrect ways in which people use “touched my heart”. You shouldn’t use “touched my heart” to talk about anything in a literal sense. “Touched my heart” is a figurative expression, and it never refers to literally touching someone’s heart.

It’s important to remember that “touched my heart” is a metaphor. Therefore, people aren’t literally getting their hearts touched. It’s an analogy to demonstrate that they were emotionally affected.

In What Situations Can You Use “Touched My Heart ”?

“Touched my heart” is a really variable expression that you can use in a lot of situations. You can use “touched my heart” whenever someone says something that produces deep emotion in you. If you respond emotionally to someone’s words, actions, or art. In these situations, your “heart is touched”.

This is why it’s a good expression to remember. Because you can use it anytime that you feel emotionally affected by something. And that’s a situation that can happen a lot.