9 Good Synonyms for “Excited” on a Resume

There’s nothing wrong with being excited about a job prospect. In fact, most employers would prefer that you share your excitement to show you’re keen to get started.

However, is “excited” the best phrase to include on your resume?

This article has gathered some synonyms to help you. We’ll show you what to say instead of “excited” on your resume.

  • Eager
  • Thrilled
  • Delighted
  • Enthusiastic
  • Keen
  • Exhilarated
  • Ready
  • Overjoyed
  • Avid

Keep reading to learn another word for “excited” on a resume. You can also review the examples we provide to see how they apply.

1. Eager

Another way to say “excited” on your resume is “eager.” In fact, it’s one of the most common formal alternatives to include in most business-related situations.

If you’re eager about something, it means you’re keen to impress. Therefore, it goes hand in hand with feeling “excited” about a new job prospect.

The more eager you are, the more hireable you become. Employers will see your eagerness as a strength and be more likely to consider you for an interview.

Also, if you’re eager about your job, it means you like what you do. That’s a good trait to have, as plenty of employees out there aren’t fond of the work they put in.

Here are a few cover letter examples to help you with it:

  • I’m eager to learn new things. This is the perfect job for me because it’ll give me a chance to prove what I can do.
  • I’m very eager and can’t wait to see what I can pick up from this role. I hope you consider me for the opportunity.

2. Thrilled

One great alternative to include in your CV is “thrilled.” You won’t often see people use “thrilled” in their cover letters or CVs. so it’s an exciting option that’ll help you stand out.

Employers always look for words like this that keep things more interesting.

Using “thrilled” is a good chance to showcase your creativity. It also shows you’re eager to learn on the job, which many employers will take positively.

Generally, this will help you to move to the next stage in the recruitment process. After all, thrilled (or excited) candidates make for the most loyal employees.

Also, check out the following examples:

  • I’m thrilled to be offered an interview at your office. I believe I’m the best candidate for the role in question.
  • I’ve always been thrilled about working in this field. It’s why I’m certain I can deliver to the highest standard when you need me.

3. Delighted

You may use “delighted” instead of “excited” as well. It’s a friendly and formal choice that works well when filling out your CV.

Try including it to impress your employer. It’s a little more conversational than some other choices, so you might want to pay more attention to your audience before using it.

For instance, you’ll be better off using “delighted” for a more casual company. It works best if you know your job role is a bit more informal, as it puts less pressure on your language choices.

Also, more informal roles mean more informal managers. They’ll be happier to read resumes that sound more like pleasant conversations.

Perhaps these examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • I’m delighted to be discussing my qualifications with you. It feels like this job is made for me because I’ve always cared about this field.
  • I’m so delighted about this job opportunity. Feel free to review my portfolio to learn more about what I can do.

4. Enthusiastic

Another great formal alternative to “excited” is “enthusiastic.” It’s a common choice to include in CVs because it shows you’re keen to impress.

We recommend using this when you take your job seriously.

It’s highly effective because it reminds employers why you’re looking for a job in the first place. Generally, this will mean you’ll be offered an interview because an employer will be happy to hear about your enthusiasm.

Feel free to explain what makes you enthusiastic as well. That way, you can discuss your passions and why you’re ready for a role.

Check out these examples if you’re still unsure:

  • I’m one of the most enthusiastic employees you will meet. I enjoy everything I do in the workplace.
  • I’m very enthusiastic and keen to demonstrate how much I appreciate this opportunity. I hope you consider me for an interview.

5. Keen

“Keen” is also a great option here. It’s one you’ve probably come across before in formal writing, especially when looking for an alternative to “excited” or “eager.”

You should say you’re “keen” when applying for something new. If it relates to your passions, this is a great way to show you’re excited by a new prospect.

The more excited or keen you are for a job, the more likely an employer will be to take you seriously.

Therefore, it’s worth using this professional yet simple choice. It’s bound to get the reader’s attention.

The following samples will also help you:

  • I’m keen on this field. I would happily share everything I’ve learned about it over the years with my peers.
  • I’m so keen to learn more from you. You and your team are some of this field’s most prolific names.

6. Exhilarated

Here’s one that you might not have used before in your writing! And trust us; it’s going to set your CV apart from the masses.

Try “exhilarated” to show how excited you are. It shows eagerness and excitement, which will help sell you on a resume.

Also, it helps that it’s quite formal. It applies in most formal written cases, making it an excellent choice when you’re keen to spice things up in your resume.

Here are some resume examples if you still need help:

  • Of course, I would be exhilarated to receive an offer from your firm. Please let me know if there’s anything else you need.
  • I’m exhilarated by this opportunity. It’s everything I’ve looked for in a job, and I can’t wait to prove myself.

7. Ready

Another great adjective to use instead of “excited” is “ready.” It’s a practical choice to show enthusiasm and happiness.

Typically, “ready” is more conversational and friendly. It’s highly effective in a resume, but you may want to reserve it for more casual roles.

With that said, we love including “ready” in our CVs. It shows we’re happy to tackle new tasks and explore our options.

Employees who are ready to take on a new workload make for the best employees. Employers know this, so they’ll seek you out if you’re “ready” for more.

Also, these examples should help you to understand it:

  • I’m more than ready to show you what I can do. I’m confident I’ll be able to prove that I’m worth hiring with no problems.
  • It helps that I’m ready to take on new challenges. You won’t meet another candidate as eager to impress as me.

8. Overjoyed

To really sell how happy and enthusiastic you are, you can try “overjoyed.” It’s more of a friendly alternative to “excited,” but it’s a great choice to explain your emotions.

We only recommend using this in more casual situations because “overjoyed” is a more emotional word.

It’s not as effective formally because it specifically comments on positive emotions. Sometimes, leaving your emotions out of formal applications is more suitable.

However, you can still write “overjoyed” in informal job applications. You will know when your job application calls for more informal options.

Here are some examples to help you understand it better:

  • I’m overjoyed about this opportunity. I hope you consider me and my application based on what I’ve presented to you.
  • I am overjoyed at this prospect. This is the perfect job for me. It’s one I’ve been looking for since leaving college.

9. Avid

It’s possible you haven’t come across “avid” before. But, just because you haven’t come across it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

You can say you’re “avid” when you’re “excited.”

It’s a great formal alternative to “excited.” Also, it’s unusual and exciting, making it more interesting when filling out a job application.

Most employers will prefer reading words like this because they’ll help your CV to stand out.

You can also refer to the following CV samples:

  • I am avid in this field, and I can’t wait to explore my career options. I knew there would come a time for me to prove myself.
  • As an avid employee, I’m certain my work rate will impress you. All you have to do is set me up with a task, and I’ll perfect it.