“Quicker” Or “More Quickly” – Difference Explained

“Quicker” and “more quickly” seem to highlight the same direction or command in English. It would be helpful to read through this article to find out more about the two forms. We’ll teach you all the differences you need to know.

What Is The Difference Between “Quicker” And “More Quickly”?

“Quicker” is the comparative adjective we use to show that something is “quick” compared to another thing. “More quickly” is a comparative adverb because “quickly” is an adverbial form. They are both correct, and their meanings are almost identical when we use them.

quicker vs more quickly

The only real difference comes from the adjective and adverb forms. It’s common to describe someone or something as “quick” when you expect them to move fast.

However, we typically use “quickly” to describe an action because it’s an adverb. Though there are plenty of informal cases where “quick” also works as an adverb, so the two words overlap.

If you’re not sure what the difference between an adjective and an adverb is, you can refer to the following:

  • Adjective: I am quicker than her.
  • Adverb: You move more quickly than I thought.

The adjective works to describe someone or something, while the adverb works to modify a verb (in this example, we modify “move”).

Is “More Quickly” Grammatical Correct?

It might help to learn a little bit more about “more quickly” and whether it’s correct to use.

“More quickly” is grammatically correct. “Quickly” is an adverb, and we can use it to compare two things based on which thing is moving “quickly” compared to the other. “More” works as the comparative form here because “quickly” is two syllables.

Remember, adverbs work to modify verbs in sentences. Therefore, it’s appropriate to use “more quickly” when we are accompanying it with another verb. For example, you’ll want to use “move more quickly” or “go more quickly” since they both have verbs present.

The standard rule to follow when using the comparative form is to include an “-er” ending after a word if it’s only one syllable. We are working with two syllables in the case of “quickly,” so it’s more common to write “more” before it.

When Should I Use “More Quickly”?

These examples should help you to understand more about it:

  1. I would like for us to be going more quickly. Do you think you can handle that?
  2. You should be doing this more quickly! I don’t have time to wait around for you.
  3. If you move more quickly, you’re more likely to get to the end of your day and get the chance to go home.
  4. There is no need to move more quickly now. I’m going as quick as I can, and that’s okay.
  5. I should try this more quickly to make sure I can get it done on time.
  6. Would you get here more quickly? I can’t keep waiting around at an empty table.
  7. I need you here more quickly than you’re estimated arrival time.

“More quickly” is an adverbial comparison. We use it when we are modifying a verb in the sentence (i.e. “move more quickly”). It works to show that the current speed of the verb isn’t “quick” enough for our liking.

When Should I Use “Quicker”?

And here are some examples to show you how “quicker” might work:

  1. If you’re not willing to move any quicker, maybe we should just call it a day!
  2. I think you can go quicker than that! You should keep trying until you figure it out.
  3. Are you not able to go quicker? That’s a bit ridiculous! I think you have a chance.
  4. Being quicker isn’t always being better! You need to know when to go slow to win races like this.
  5. I wish I could be quicker! Then maybe more people would be happy to look up to my prowess.
  6. She’s quicker at getting her homework done than me! I like to be thorough, though.
  7. You’re not going to be quicker than him forever! One of these days, he’s going to beat you!

“Quicker” is a comparative adjective. We can use it to compare two things with each other to determine which one is “quicker” than the other. This is all about time and speed, and it allows us to make a comparison whenever it’s used.

Is “More Quickly” Or “Quicker” Used The Most?

Perhaps you’d be interested to see some statistics to see which of the two words is more common.

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “quicker” is the more popular choice of the two. However, there isn’t much difference between them overall, and there are still plenty of written cases where the comparative adverb “more quickly” is also used.

quicker vs more quickly historical development

You might also notice that “more quickly” was briefly the more popular choice toward the end of the 1900s. This shows that both forms are correct and recognized by native speakers, so you usually won’t go wrong no matter which one you choose to use.

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Quicklier”?

It might help to see whether we can combine the comparative adjective rules for the adverb “more quickly.”

“Quicklier” is never correct. Remember, we use “more” when an adjective or adverb is longer than one syllable. We only use the “-er” ending when the word is one syllable. Therefore, “quicklier” is never going to be correct, and you should avoid using it.

There are no exceptions to this. If you’re going to use either of the words in this article, you can only use “quicker” or “more quickly.” There are no combinations between the two that work.

Is “More Quick” Correct?

Finally, we need to look at how comparative adjective rules work.

“More quick” is not correct. When writing with one-syllable adjectives, we always make sure to add an “-er” ending to the word if we’re changing it into the comparative form. We do not add “more” to the beginning of the adjective until it is two or more syllables in length.

These examples will remind you of that fact:

  • Correct: I want to be quicker next time.
  • Incorrect: Can you be more quick?
  • Correct: I should have been quicker than her!
  • Incorrect: I don’t know how to be more quick!

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