9 Polite Ways to Say “Join Us”

Are you trying to say “join us” but worry about sounding impolite? Well, there are plenty of phrases you can use to bring people together.

This article will look into the best phrases to help you mix things up with your writing.

  • Come with us
  • Take part
  • Come along
  • Be a part of the team
  • Have fun with us
  • You should join in
  • We’re happy to have you with us
  • Why not come with us?
  • Jump in!

Keep reading to learn more about another way to say “join us” in speaking and writing. We’ve explained more about each option to help you explore new phrases.

1. Come With Us

“Come with us” is a great alternative to use here. You should include it in your writing to sound positive and friendly.

For instance, it allows you to sound positive and invite someone along with you. If you’re going away somewhere nice, “come with us,” lets a third party join in on the fun without feeling like a nuisance.

You can check out these examples to see how to use it:

  • You should come with us and have some fun! It won’t be the same if you don’t come along.
  • Come with us and see what it’s all about. You have no reason to stick around here while we’re away.

2. Take Part

“Take part” is a decent phrase that works formally or informally. You should use it to encourage someone to come along with you. It works in all kinds of contexts, as “take part” simply shows that you want someone to be a part of your team.

For example, you might say “take part” when encouraging a coworker to join a team project. It shows that you want their input and would like them to get involved.

Here are a few examples to help you:

  • You should take part in the festivities with us! We can’t wait to open our home to you and show you a good time.
  • Please take part! I don’t think it will be the same without you there!

3. Come Along

“Come along” is a great choice to allow someone to join you. It shows you are open to the idea and want to be friendly. It’s very polite, though it might be more suitable in conversational contexts.

Also, “come along” typically works best when you go somewhere rather than when you do something. For instance, you might say “come along” when exploring a city. However, you wouldn’t say “come along” when working on a new project.

Take a look at these examples to see how it works:

  • Are you thinking about coming along? We would love to have you there with us.
  • Come along, and we’ll show you a good time! Trust us; you won’t regret it.

4. Be a Part of the Team

“Be a part of the team” is a fairly formal alternative. It shows that someone is welcome to join you. It’s a great phrase if you want to be friendly and approachable.

After all, it’s quite polite. You’ll have a lot of luck using this phrase to encourage people. Coworkers and friends alike will be grateful to hear you say “be a part of the team.”

You can check out these examples to see how to use it:

  • We want you to be a part of the team. Then, we can all work together to have a bit of fun.
  • Be a part of the team, Mathew! You have already missed out on a lot! We want you with us.

5. Have Fun With Us

“Have fun with us” is a simple and light-hearted phrase. It’s very polite, allowing you to invite someone to join you and others when you are having fun.

You should use this one when you are doing a fun activity. It shows that you’re welcoming and want someone new to join rather than leaving them on the sidelines.

Here are some examples to help:

  • Have fun with us over the weekend! We’re so excited to get the party started.
  • You should have fun with us later tonight. It’s an open invitation, so feel free to show up whenever.

6. You Should Join In

“You should join in” is a simple but effective option. It’s best in formal instances, as it shows that you want someone to join you without sounding overly friendly.

While the phrase is inviting, it’s not very casual. So, you’ll have more luck using it when speaking with coworkers or encouraging an employee to join a new group.

Maybe these examples will help you with it:

  • We’re going out later tonight. You should join in! After all, it won’t be the same without you there.
  • You should join in when you go to the party. There will be so many people there from work.

7. We’re Happy to Have You With Us

“We’re happy to have you with us” is a great formal alternative. It shows that you are part of a team and want to welcome a newcomer.

It’s great to use when someone has already accepted an invitation to join a team. It shows that every person involved in the team is grateful and happy to have someone new. You can’t go wrong with this if you want to be polite in more professional situations.

How about using these examples to help you:

  • We’re happy to have you with us, so feel free to come along! You can also bring a mate if needed.
  • We certainly wouldn’t be offering if we didn’t want you around. Of course, we’re happy to have you with us!

8. Why Not Come With Us?

“Why not come with us?” is a simple question that checks whether someone wants to join you. It allows them to decide whether they want to come.

The question asks for a “yes” or “no” answer. So, it leaves the choice to the other party. That way, you don’t have to worry about feeling bad if you didn’t offer to include them.

You may want to refer to the following examples:

  • We’re about to go away for the weekend to enjoy a camping trip. So, why not come with us?
  • Why not come with us when we go away? After all, I reckon you’ll have a great time.

9. Jump In!

“Jump in!” is a great conversational alternative. It still works in polite instances, but you should only use it to ask friends to join you or a group.

It shows that you want a friend to get involved. It’s a friendly saying that implies you want them to join the fun or festivities you’re having with others.

The examples below will show you how it works:

  • Jump in, Mack! We’re so excited to invite you on this trip with us! We want you there.
  • You can also jump in and have fun! We’re not going to take no for an answer, though.