10 Other Ways to Say “I Understand Your Concern”

So, someone has expressed their concern to you, and you want to show that you get it. Well, you could say “I understand your concern.” However, is it the most professional phrase?

Luckily, we’re here to help. In this article, you’ll learn how to say “I understand your concern” in different situations.

  • I completely understand your problem
  • I totally accept what you’re saying
  • Of course, I understand you
  • I appreciate your concern
  • I’m very sorry you’ve had to deal with that
  • I see what you mean
  • I can see where you’re coming from
  • That makes sense, and I’m sorry
  • Your concern is valid
  • Your concern about this is justified

Keep reading to learn another way to say “I understand your concern.” There are plenty of good options to use in different circumstances.

1. I Completely Understand Your Problem

It’s always good to find common ground with someone. You should try saying “I completely understand your problem” to do exactly that. It shows you sympathize with someone and can understand what they’re struggling with.

It’s a great way to show that you’re on the same page as a recipient. We recommend using it when emailing a client who has come to you asking for help. It’s bound to get a positive response from them, especially if you can help to fix the problem.

Check out this email example to help you with it:

Dear Bradley,

I completely understand your problem, and I’m here to help you solve it. What can I do to help?

All the best,
Charlotte Dancer

2. I Totally Accept What You’re Saying

Another great alternative to “I understand your concern” is “I totally accept what you’re saying.” It’s good to include in business emails when people need your help and want to express their concerns.

Generally, this phrase works when you have a good relationship with a client. It’s slightly more informal, so you need to have a good foundation set before you can use it in a business context.

Here’s a useful sample email to show you how it works:

Dear Chris,

I totally accept what you’re saying, but I don’t have the same concern. I think you’re overthinking the idea.

Mathew Fraser

3. Of Course, I Understand You

You may want to use “of course, I understand you” in a follow-up email when someone has expressed concerns. It shows you understand their problem, but you may not be able to do anything to help.

Using “of course” suggests their problem is obvious. However, it may also imply that you don’t know the best way to help them (which sometimes means you can’t offer any advice).

Why not refer to the following example to help you:

Dear Jerry,

Of course, I understand you. While I can’t do anything to help, I’ll do my best to change that moving forward.

All the best,

4. I Appreciate Your Concern

“I appreciate your concern” is quite a simple alternative to “I understand your concern.” You can swap “understand” for “appreciate” in more formal contexts to show compassion and appreciation for someone’s problems.

It’s worth including this one when emailing clients. It shows you accept and understand the difficulties they might have.

Generally, “I appreciate your concern” comes before some bad news, though. For instance, you might say:

  • I appreciate your concern, but I can’t help you.

It usually sets the recipient up for disappointment.

We recommend reviewing this example to see how it works:

Dear Harold,

I appreciate your concern, but you do not have to worry. We have everything under control on our end.

Mr. Danforth

5. I’m Very Sorry You’ve Had to Deal With That

If you want to sound compassionate in your email, try saying “I’m very sorry you’ve had to deal with that.” It’s a great option if you want to empathize with the recipient.

Generally, this phrase works well in business emails. It allows you to find a level with the recipient that shows you understand them and hear their issues.

Also, the following example should help you with it:

Dear Sarah,

I’m very sorry you’ve had to deal with that. Let me know what I can do to help fix the situation.

Kind regards,
Peter Petty

6. I See What You Mean

If someone has brought a concern to your attention, “I see what you mean” might make for a good response. It’s professional and polite, showing that you understand what someone means and where they’re coming from.

We recommend using this when an employee comes to you with a problem. It shows you respect their problem and will do what you can to fix it.

You can also refer to this sample email:

Dear Timothy,

I see what you mean, but I don’t share the same concern. I think we can still come to an agreement.

All the best,
Tabitha Whitehead

7. I Can See Where You’re Coming From

You should use “I can see where you’re coming from” to sound friendly and relatable. It’s great to use in business emails when someone has come to you with a problem that you understand.

Generally, this phrase suggests you’ll help someone solve their problem or concern. It shows you understand them and will do whatever it takes to fix things.

Why not check out the following example to help you understand it:

Dear Jo,

I can see where you’re coming from, and I’ll do my best to help you. Of course, I have a few ideas that might help.

Kind regards,
Jon Benchmark

8. That Makes Sense, and I’m Sorry

Understanding someone is one thing. Apologizing for their problems is another. So, why not combine the two? That’s where “that makes sense, and I’m sorry” comes in.

It’s a very polite and professional alternative to “I understand your concern.”

“That makes sense” shows you appreciate where someone is coming from. It lets them know you understand their issues and believe their concerns are valid.

“I’m sorry” shows that you wish to do more to fix someone’s concerns. It’s great to build a strong relationship with someone after they’ve come to you with a problem worth correcting.

This email example should explain things better:

Dear Harrison,

That makes sense, and I’m sorry you have those concerns. So, what can I do to fix things?

Best wishes,
Dean Scott

9. Your Concern Is Valid

People always want to be heard when they raise issues. All too often, they can feel like they’re brushed aside, especially in the workplace.

So, to counter this feeling, you should say “your concern is valid.” It works well when emailing employees and letting them know you have heard and understood their issues.

From there, you may even be able to help correct the problem. Many employees will be happy that you’ve validated their concerns, and they’ll see you as a dependable boss.

Here’s a quick sample email to show you how it works:

Dear Katie,

Your concern is valid, but you shouldn’t worry too much. We still have plans in place that will fix these issues.

Mr. Burton

10. Your Concern About This Is Justified

You may benefit from writing “your concern about this is justified” in very professional emails. It works best when emailing an important client who has expressed worries to you.

We don’t recommend using this one if you’re quite friendly with your clients, though. It’s a bit too impersonal to use when you have a good connection with them.

The following example should help you if you’re still unsure:

Dear Ms. Smith,

Your concern about this is justified. So, please let me ease your mind by telling you we have contingencies in place.

All the best,
Darren Scofield