10 Other Ways to Say “Thank You for Your Business”

“Thank you for your business” is the classic way for a business to thank a customer after a transaction. It’s so classic that some might consider it an overused phrase. To help with that, this article will provide you with several alternative phrases you can use instead.

Other ways to say “thank you for your business” are “thank you for choosing us”, “thank you for shopping with us” and “we appreciate your support”. All three of these phrases serve the exact same purpose that “thank you for your business” does.

Other Ways to Say Thank You for Your Business

1. Thank You For Choosing Us

“Thank you for choosing us” is a great phrase that you can make use of. This is the best alternative way to say “thank you for your business”. This is because the phrase emphasizes the fact that the client chose your business, which is deeply important.

If you’ve ever thought that you wanted another way to say “thank you for business”, we’ve got you covered. “Thank you for choosing us” is a fantastic alternative to use.

This phrase puts weight on the fact that the client is choosing you. This means that they will feel reaffirmed in their choice of business. You’re validating a decision they made.

Here are some example emails to show you how you can use this phrase in a formal setting:

  • Dear Mr. James
  • We’ve just sent your package to your address. Thank you for choosing us.
  • Cheers,
  • The Corporate Team
  • Dear Ms. Robinson
  • Your order has been accepted and is now being tracked. Thank you for choosing us.
  • Cheers,
  • Marie M.

2. Thank You For Shopping With Us

Another fantastic phrase you can make use of is “thank you for shopping with us”. This is a great phrase to replace “thank you for your business”. When you use it, you’re emphasizing that you’ve accompanied your client in their shopping. This will make them feel safe.

The framing in which you make your client know that you were shopping alongside them is fantastic. This means that the client in question will feel welcome, and will likely return in the future.

“Thank you for shopping with us” is also a very good phrase to use professionally. Whether it’s in an email or a phone call, it’s a phrase clients appreciate hearing.

Here are some example sentences to showcase how you can use “thank you for shopping with us”:

  • Thank you for shopping with us, we look forward to the next time that you visit us.
  • Thank you for shopping with us, we’ll send you some personalized recommendations.

3. We Appreciate Your Support

“We appreciate your support” is another great phrase that you can make use of. This phrase answers the question of how to say “thank you for your business” in a more emotional way. By using “we appreciate your support”, you’ll appeal to the emotion of your clients.

This phrase is really powerful because you directly tell the client you appreciate them. Not only that, you talk about your client’s support of you. Both of these statements will connect emotionally with your client.

If your clients feel like they are supporting you, they will feel like they’re doing a good thing. After all, the idea of supporting a business becomes tangible when they tell you you’re doing it.

Here are some examples to show you how you can use this phrase in an email or a letter:

  • Dear Mr. Toledo
  • We appreciate your support. To show our appreciation, here are some coupons.
  • Cheers,
  • John from Corp
  • Dear Mr. York
  • We appreciate your support. Thanks to clients like you, we can continue working.
  • We salute you,
  • Michael from Company

4. Thank You For Doing Business With Us

A fairly useful synonym phrase is “thank you for doing business with us”. At first glance, this might not seem too dissimilar from “thank you for your business”. However, “thank you for doing business with us” frames this as an equal situation where everyone benefits.

People like the idea of doing business. Rather than feeling like they just bought something, they like to feel like they did something important. And “business” sounds important to many people.

By making people feel like they’re accomplishing something great, you make them want to return. Therefore, people will feel like they have to shop with you in the future.

Here are some example sentences to showcase how you can use this phrase without issues:

  • Thank you for doing business with us, we hope we can do it again sometime soon!
  • Thank you for doing business with us, I’ll jot down your data for next time!

5. Thank You For Your Order

“Thank you for your order” is a fantastic and simple alternative to “thank you for your business”. Evidently, you can only use this phrase when someone has ordered something from your company. That being said, in that situation, there are no better phrases to use.

“Thank you for your order” is perhaps the most simple and direct phrase you can use for a client. You’re quite simply thanking them for purchasing something. However, it’s a very effective phrase.

The simple act of thanking a client for ordering something will make them feel good. This ensures that they will likely return to you in the future.

Here are some example emails that will teach you how to use “thank you for your order”:

  • Dear E. Jones
  • Thank you for your order. We’ve shipped it, and you can access the tracking information.
  • Cheers,
  • James B.
  • Dear Danny B.
  • Thank you for your order. We’re working on assembling it as soon as we can.
  • Cheers,
  • Jane C.

6. We Hope To See You Again Soon

Another phrase you can use instead of “thank you for your business” is “we hope to see you again soon”. This is a good phrase to use because you’re asking the customer to shop with you again. However, you’re doing it in a very elegant way.

By using “we hope to see you again soon”, you’re telling the customer that you want them to return. This might seem obvious. The way in which the phrase is constructed will make them amenable.

These example sentences will show you how you can use “we hope to see you again soon”:

  • Thank you for your purchase, and we hope to see you again soon!
  • We’ve packaged your order, and we hope to see you again soon!

7. Thank You For Being Our Customer

“Thank you for being our customer” is a good phrase that you can use. By using this phrase instead of “thank you for your business”, you create an emotional bond with the client. This way, the client thinks about the fact that they’re your client.

You’re making your client know that you’re thankful for them. This will, in turn, make it more likely for them to stay as your customer in the future.

Here are some example emails to show you how you can formally use this phrase:

  • Dear Ms. Johns
  • Here is your admission ticket for the concert. Thank you for being our customer.
  • Cheers,
  • Jimmy M.
  • Dear Mr. Black
  • Here is your redemption code for your product. Thank you for being our customer.
  • Cheers,
  • James D.

8. We’re Really Thankful That You Chose Us

“We’re really thankful that you chose us” is another good phrase to use when talking to clients. This phrase personalizes your interactions. It will make your clients think of your corporation as being people, mainly. This ensures that you can form a special bond with them.

This phrase puts a lot of emotion on your company’s behalf. This is a move that really humanizes your corporation. Therefore, your clients will form a bond with the now-humanized corporation.

Here are some example sentences to showcase how you can use this phrase:

  • We’re really thankful that you chose us, and we hope you do so in the future as well.
  • We’re really thankful that you chose us, we hope to see you again.

9. Thank You For Putting Your Trust In Us

“Thank you for putting your trust in us” is a fairly powerful phrase that you can use. By thanking your client and emphasizing the trust, they feel like a personal connection exists. This personal connection is what you want to create with all clients.

This phrase emphasizes the fact that your clients trust you. By reminding them that you didn’t betray this trust, you’ll endear you company to your clients.

Here are some example emails to show how you can use this phrase in a formal context:

  • Dear Carly M.
  • Thank you for putting your trust in us. We’re going to be sending your product now.
  • Cheers,
  • Joseph M.
  • Dear Mark M.
  • Thank you for putting your trust in us, we’re sending your our product now.
  • Cheers,
  • Howard H.

10. Congratulations On Your Recent Purchase

“Congratulations on your recent purchase” is a valuable phrase that you can use. It’s a good replacement for “thank you for your business”. Rather than thanking your client, you congratulate them. This makes them interpret your business as something they should keep doing.

By using “congratulations”, you’re making your client feel like they won something. They obviously actually paid for it, but the feeling of winning something will remain nonetheless.

Here are some example sentences that will showcase how you can use this phrase:

  • I want to give you congratulations on your recent purchase.
  • Congratulations on your recent purchase, we’ve given you a coupon as well.

What Does “Thank You for Your Business” Mean?

“Thank you for your business” is a phrase that businesses tell clients when they purchase something from them. It’s a fairly valuable phrase, because it makes the clients feel like they matter to the company. This makes it more likely that they will return in the future.

By issuing these kinds of statements, businesses are able to get repeat customers. They help create an image of the business that is friendly and welcoming.