11 Other Ways to Say “Exactly My Thoughts”

If you’re trying to sound agreeable and friendly, “exactly my thoughts” might seem like a good phrase to include.

However, is it really the best choice in professional writing?

Well, this article will answer that for you!

We’ll share some synonyms to show you how to say “exactly my thoughts” in an email and other written formats:

  • That’s precisely how I feel
  • I couldn’t agree more
  • That’s what I was thinking
  • You read my mind
  • Spot on!
  • You took the words right out of my mouth
  • My sentiments exactly
  • We’re on the same page
  • You’ve hit the nail on the head
  • You’ve expressed it perfectly
  • You’re absolutely right

Keep reading to learn another way to say “exactly my thoughts.” There are some great alternatives here worth exploring.

1. That’s Precisely How I Feel

“That’s precisely how I feel” shows you agree with the recipient. It’s quite a direct way of doing so. You can only be more direct by saying “I agree.”

However, “that’s precisely how I feel” is a great one in more professional contexts.

We recommend using it when emailing a client. It shows you agree with what they’ve sent to you and think you’re on the same page.

You can also review this example:

Dear Mr. Risby,

That’s precisely how I feel. I’m quite disappointed that we weren’t able to come to this agreement sooner.

Bethany Gone

2. I Couldn’t Agree More

Another great formal alternative to “exactly my thoughts” is “I couldn’t agree more.” This one works best when emailing your boss.

It shows you respect their ideas and think in the same way. Generally, it’s a great way to let your boss know you understand them and believe they know the best solution to a problem.

Here’s a great email example to help you:

Dear Miss Jenkins,

I couldn’t agree more. You always know what to say in these situations, which is why I trust you.

All the best,
Stefan Holness

3. That’s What I Was Thinking

Another way to say “exactly my thoughts” is “that’s what I was thinking.” This phrase works well in formal emails when you’d like to agree with someone’s ideas.

It shows you think in the same way as the recipient. This could be a great way to set up a more professional relationship with them, as it implies you both come up with similar ideas.

Try it when emailing a business partner. It shows you trust them and value their input into most situations.

If you’re still unsure, review this example:

Dear Mr. Kirkland,

That’s what I was thinking. I knew I could count on you to provide your usual insight on these matters.

Patrick Lowe

4. You Read My Mind

Now, it’s time to get a little more informal. Formal phrases aren’t the only ways to spice up your emails.

Try “you read my mind” for a slightly more conversational alternative to “exactly my thoughts.” It’s a great one that’ll help make your emails sound more lively and interesting.

It works best when emailing an employee. It shows you knew you could count on them and agree with their initial proposal.

We also recommend reviewing this example:

Dear Ginny,

You read my mind. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about before we continue?

Thank you so much,
Sean Kantina

5. Spot On!

An informal exclamation like “spot on!” can work quite well in an email. Of course, you’ll have to pick and choose your audience when using it appropriately.

Don’t say “spot on!” when emailing a CEO or business client. These recipients are usually too professional to accept such a phrase.

However, it works when emailing a coworker if you get along well. It shows you trust them as an advisor and value them as a friend.

Here’s a great email example to help you:

Dear Jake,

Spot on! Thanks so much for offering your advice, as I knew it was going to be useful to me.

William Hubert

6. You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth

When you think of something but someone says it first, you can say “you took the words right out of my mouth.” It’s similar to saying you agree with someone, so it’s a good synonym here.

We recommend using it when emailing an employee. If you’ve had an idea for a few days and an employee emails you to discuss it without you mentioning it first, this phrase works well.

You can also review the following email sample:

Dear Hillary,

You took the words right out of my mouth there. I knew we agreed on this, but I didn’t realize how similar our stances were.

Jessica Stone

7. My Sentiments Exactly

Another way of saying “exactly my thoughts” is “my sentiments exactly.” To be honest, not much has changed from the original phrase, but that’s what makes it so useful.

We recommend writing “my sentiments exactly” when writing to customers. It’s a great way to build a rapport with them that shows you’re on their side. It also lets them know you value them.

Incidentally, switching the word order of “exactly my thoughts” to “my thoughts exactly” helps to stress how much you agree with someone. Therefore, the same applies when using “my sentiments exactly” rather than “exactly my sentiments.”

Here’s a great sample email to help you:

Dear Kylie,

My sentiments exactly. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to run through before we continue.

Callum Morgan

8. We’re on the Same Page

For a more professional phrase showing you how to say “exactly my thoughts” in an email, try “we’re on the same page.”

It’s a great way to agree with a teammate. It shows you believe they’re on to something and think their ideas are good. Also, it suggests you have the same ideas.

Generally, the more you can agree with the people you work with, the more successful you’ll be. That’s why this phrase works so well when working on a team project.

Here’s a great example to help you with it:

Dear John,

We’re on the same page. It’s clear that we both want the same thing, and I think we should work towards that now.

All the best,
Lara Chandler

9. You’ve Hit the Nail on the Head

It’s an informal idiom, but “you’ve hit the nail on the head” works well in emails. It’s best to use it when emailing employees who won’t mind more informal language coming from their boss.

What does it mean, though?

Well, when someone hits the nail on the head, it means they’re exactly right. It suggests they have the same idea as you, and they found a way to express what you were also thinking.

That’s what makes this one so useful. It’s different and helps to keep your writing interesting from email to email.

You can also review this example:

Dear Milo,

You’ve hit the nail on the head there. It’s exactly what I was trying to say, but I didn’t know how to phrase it.

All the best,
Emily Holland

10. You’ve Expressed It Perfectly

You can write “you’ve expressed it perfectly” to show that someone gets what you’re trying to say. It’s a very good phrase in formal emails.

Surprisingly, it’s quite respectful. It shows you’re happy that someone was able to share the same thoughts as you and explain them so eloquently.

Here’s a great sample email to show you how it works:

Dear Joshua,

You’ve expressed it perfectly yet again. Thanks so much for making this an easy win for our team.

Best wishes,
Pete Heritage

11. You’re Absolutely Right

For a slightly more conversational alternative, you can say “you’re absolutely right.” It works well when you’re having an open discussion with an email recipient.

Generally, this works best when emailing a coworker. It shows you agree with everything they’re saying, and you’re happy you could turn to them to help you.

We only recommend using it when you know the coworker well, though. It’s a little more friendly than some others, so you need to know the recipient before using it.

You can also refer to this email example:

Dear Jessie,

You’re absolutely right. I knew you’d be the best person to talk to about this before we advanced.

Kind regards,
Matt Bradley

Is It Correct to Say “Exactly My Thoughts”?

It is correct to say “exactly my thoughts.” However, it’s not professional, so it’s best to avoid using it in most formal emails.

We still recommend using it when speaking with colleagues or friends. It shows you agree with their idea because you were thinking exactly the same thing.

You also have two conversational options that work well here. Check out these examples to learn more:

Yes, exactly my thoughts! I knew we were on the same page with this.

Those are my thoughts exactly, Matt! When would you like to roll this out?

You can switch the order of the phrase whenever necessary. Including “my thoughts” first allows you to stress that you agree with someone more.

It’s also possible to use the plural or singular form of thought. Both work well, depending on how many thoughts you refer to.

  • Exactly my thoughts, Jack! Thanks for reaching out about this.
  • That’s exactly my thought. So, when should we go through with this?