Is It Correct to Say “All the Very Best”?

You can use “all the very best” when wishing someone well if you won’t see them for a while. It’s good to say when you know someone is moving on to something new. This article will explore whether it’s correct to say and some synonyms that can work in its place.

Is It Correct to Say “All the Very Best”?

“All the very best” is correct English, but it’s unsuitable for formal writing. It uses two comparative degrees (“all” and “very”) in the same string, making the word choice redundant. It’s best to say, “all the best” or “the very best.”

is it correct to say all the very best

While the phrase is grammatically correct, you’ll be better off avoiding it. It’s not common, especially if you’re trying to use it in formal English.

It’s sometimes used in an email signature or salutation. However, it’s not wise to use. Most readers will think it sounds a bit too jarring. “All” and “very” should not be used in the same sense as it overdoes the emphasis on the degree to which something should be the “best.”

Here are a few examples that will show you how to use “all the very best” in a sentence:

  • I wish you all the very best for the future. I hope you get everything you’re looking for out of life.
  • I wish you all the very best in life. I know things haven’t been easy, but I’m certain you’ll be able to explore new ventures.
  • I wish you all the very best. It’s going to be a shame to see you leave. I think this is the right call for you, though.

Now that we’ve covered it is correct to say “all the very best,” it’s time to explore some alternatives. It’s not the best phrase to use formally, so we’ve gathered some great suggestions on what to say instead of “all the very best.”

Other Ways to Say “All the Very Best”

Other ways to say “all the very best” are “all the best,” “my best,” and “a lifetime of happiness.” These synonyms work well when they come after “I wish you” in a formal or informal sentence. They’re great when you’re seeing someone for the last time.

1. All the Best

“All the best” is another way to say “all the very best” without being too complicated. Using this when you want to appear polite and professional without overdoing it with “all” and “very” in the same phrase is wise.

Removing “very” from the phrase is a great way to stay formal in your writing. You should use “all the best” as both an in-person goodbye and an email signature.

In an email, “all the best” doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is going away for a long time, either. It can simply mean that you are ending the email for the time being.

  • I wish you all the best. I hope that everything in the future treats you exactly how you want to be treated.
  • It’s not often that you get an opportunity to do something like this. I’m glad you’re holding on to your chance. I wish you all the best.

2. My Best

“My best” is a great way to say goodbye to someone and wish them well. It offers them “your best,” which implies you are sending your best wishes along with them as they leave.

  • It’s nice to see you so happy. My best goes to you and your family. I hope things work out however you intend.
  • Of course, you have my best. I can’t quite believe that you won’t be working in the next cubicle over after all this time.

3. A Lifetime of Happiness

“A lifetime of happiness” is a great alternative in this context. It shows that you want someone to be happy for the rest of their life. It’s best to use this phrase when saying goodbye to a close friend or former partner you still care about.

Generally, the phrase comes after “I wish you.” It shows that you are “wishing” someone a “lifetime of happiness,” hoping that they will make the most of their future.

  • I wish you a lifetime of happiness, but I’m worried I won’t be there to see you happy. It’s going to be sad to see you go.
  • I wish you a lifetime of happiness. I hope you get everything you want out of life. It’s about time that you get that.

4. Nothing but Happiness

“Nothing but happiness” shows that someone deserves the best in their life, and you want them to find a way to do that. It’s a great way of showing that you want someone to enjoy themselves, especially if they’re moving on to bigger and better things.

  • I wish you nothing but happiness. I know things haven’t been easy lately. You deserve a change that’s going to make a difference.
  • I wish you nothing but happiness. Of all the people I know, you deserve this the most. You have always been such a positive spirit.

5. Good Fortune

“Good fortune” allows you to wish someone luck in the future. “Fortune” is used here to show that you want someone to be lucky and enjoy the things that are coming up for them.

It’s great to say this when speaking to your friends and hoping they can find a way to enjoy themselves in the future.

  • I wish you good fortune. Please stay in touch. It would be so nice to hear about all the things you get up to while you’re away.
  • I hope you have nothing but good fortune. As much as you will be missed here, it’s clear that this is something you need to do.

6. Yours Sincerely

“Yours sincerely” is a great salutation to include at the end of an email. It can replace “all the very best” in a formal email when you want to appear more professional and polite.

When used as a salutation, it doesn’t have to mean you won’t see someone for ages. Instead, it’s a simple email closer that shows the recipient that you have finished writing to them.

  • Dear Tom,
  • I have a few documents here that I need you to sign before coming in.
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Timothy
  • Dear Craig,
  • I hope you’re well, and I really can’t wait to see you in the office again on Monday.
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Sarah

7. Yours

“Yours” is another great email signature you can use. Again, you don’t have to use it when you’re speaking to someone for the last time. It’s effective as a closer in every form of email, though it’s best to use it formally.

“Yours” is a shorter form of “yours sincerely.” You can avoid writing “sincerely” if you would prefer to keep things a little less formal in your writing.

  • Dear Jackson,
  • It’s not often that I get to work with someone as diligent as you. Thank you for everything you’ve done.
  • Yours,
  • Martin
  • Dear Georgia,
  • I’m glad you were able to come to me with this information. It’s going to help me figure out the next steps.
  • Yours,
  • Sharon

8. Kind Regards

“Kind regards” is one of the most popular closers for a formal email. It’s a great replacement because it shows that you are wishing someone well and want to “regard” them “kindly.”

This signature implies that you want someone to have a “kind” future. “Regards” refers to your goodbye to them. It shows that you want to come across as kind and polite.

  • Dear Simone,
  • I’m glad you had the plans in place. I wasn’t sure whether things were going to work out the way we intended.
  • Kind regards,
  • Jim
  • Dear Michelle,
  • I was told that you had something to tell me. I’m happy to talk you through the situation if you need to hear it.
  • Kind regards,
  • Jessica

9. Best Regards

“Best regards” means you are offering your “best” goodbye to someone at the end of an email. You can use this similarly to “kind regards,” but “best” is a superlative adjective showing that you couldn’t give “better” regards even if you tried.

It’s still a very appropriate phrase in formal emails. You can use “best” or “kind,” depending on your preference.

Generally, “Best regards” works better when you’re closer to the email recipient.

  • Dear Rachel,
  • I’m not sure what problem you’re referring to. I’ve checked the system, but I can’t find anything wrong.
  • Best regards,
  • Sue
  • Dear Paula,
  • You should have told me about this sooner. I would have been able to come up with a better solution by now.
  • Best regards,
  • Joseph

10. Best Wishes

“Best wishes” means you are providing your best wishes and kind words to someone at the end of an email. It’s great to include when you are friendly with the email recipient or are saying goodbye to them for a while.

“Best wishes” is slightly more informal than the others. It still works in formal contexts, but it also allows you to use it informally when saying goodbye to someone.

  • Dear Paul,
  • I will do everything I can to ensure this goes well. Thank you for keeping me in the loop.
  • Best wishes,
  • Geoff
  • Dear Basil,
  • You aren’t alone here. Plenty of others have come to me with the same problems.
  • Best wishes,
  • Daniel