Is It “In The Context Of” or “Within The Context Of”?

Speaking of things in their correct context is always better to communicate a message more effectively. In this sense, do we say “in the context of” or “within the context of”? Are they interchangeable terms? If you have these doubts, read on because all answers are a few paragraphs away.

Is It “In The Context Of” or “Within The Context Of”?

To speak about an idea, for example, “in the context of” means to take the surrounding circumstances of the idea into consideration. On the other hand, the expression “within the context of” means the idea should be analyzed taking into consideration only the set of circumstances mentioned in the sentence.

in the context of or within the context of

Although there is a rule that differentiates these expressions, it is blurred if not overridden in the everyday colloquial use of English. That being said, it can mean a huge difference, especially in technically complex environments.

So, in a nutshell, in everyday English, you can use them as interchangeable terms. On the other hand, in a more scientific-oriented use of the English language, they present a not-so-nimble difference.

What Does “In The Context Of” Mean?

“In the context of” is an expression used to say that the circumstances surrounding an idea or object should also be examined when the object is under analysis. Therefore, when you say “in the context of” you add circumstances that affect the idea, event, or object you’re analyzing.

That is the theoretical explanation of the phenomenon, but this is a practical guide. Let’s see how to use “in the context of” in a sentence through some examples:

  1. Did he say that to you in the context of a formal interaction or off the record?
  2. It should all be analyzed in the context of the war; it happened during those years!
  3. Did you read that poem in the context of the time it was written? It’s very important!
  4. In the context of the pandemic, there hasn’t been a single audience in the trial.
  5. The people were talking about that without knowing it was in the context of a movie shooting.

What Does “Within The Context Of” Mean?

Using the expression “within the context of” means expressing the need of using a certain set of conditions as context to analyze a piece of data. In this sense, the definition includes setting exactly what that set of circumstances is; it is the person saying it that names them.

Let’s see how to use “within the context of” in a sentence through some examples:

  1. This should only be examined within the context of this nation, foreign opinions don’t count.
  2. Do you reuse to leave your rank within the context of the invasion?
  3. Talking to her within the context of the institute is the best approach.
  4. The world is waiting for the UN to act within the context of its regulations.
  5. Can’t you see the difference within the context of medical science of that time?

Which Is Used The Most?

To analyze popularity levels, no tool is more powerful than Google Ngram Viewer. Moreover, the 120-year display allows trend analysis. So, let’s see if “within the context” or “in the context” is the most popular and since when.

in the context of or within the context of english usage

To begin with, the terms started being used in the 1930s at a very different rate. Indeed, the popularity curve of “in the context of” became very steep growing by 200% in 70 years. By the year 2000, though, it went through a steep negative curve that lasted a little over a decade. Nowadays, it is trending positively.

“Within the context of” on the other hand, didn’t experience a sudden increase of popularity and is at the same level since, virtually, 1980. In total, the use of the term grew only by 40% in 90 years.

Is “Under The Context” Correct?

Saying “under the context” is completely correct. It is a way of saying that there’s a regulation or a set of rules that should be kept in mind when analyzing certain data. For example, it is correct to say: “It should be regulated under the context of climate emergency.”

  • Martha did what she did, but it was under the context of that country, not ours!
  • You said you signed this paper under the context of an ongoing media persecution?