You’ve probably heard the phrase “I resent that remark”, especially if you often take to being rude to people. However, you may squint a bit at the phrase “I resemble that remark”, its lesser-known colleague.
Read on to learn more about this odd little phrase and how to use it.
I Resemble That Remark – Meaning
The phrase “I resemble that remark” is a humorous play on words that suggests that a critical remark made by someone applies to you. If someone is critical of “over-sharers”, for example, and you say “I resemble that remark”, it means that you are most likely an over-sharer yourself.
This phrase is a play on the original phrase “I resent that remark”. It makes use of malapropism to invert the meaning of the original phrase.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines malapropism as “the wrong use of one word instead of another word because they sound similar to each other, with results that are unintentionally funny”.
In the case of the phrase “I resemble that remark”, “resemble” is replacing the word “resent”. This is a funny mistake since to resent a remark is to take offense to it, while to resemble a remark implies that the remark is accurate.
How to Use “I Resemble That Remark” in a Sentence
To understand how the phrase “I resemble that remark” can be used to create humor, we’ll look at a few examples of when it might be used.
Firstly, the phrase can be used if you find a statement made by someone else quite relatable:
- Person 1: People who treat their dogs like children creep me out.
- Person 2: Woops, I resemble that remark.
The phrase can also be used as a self-deprecating response to criticism or passive aggression:
- Person: I’m interested in your choice of shoes… Doc Martens are beloved by dweebs trying hard to look edgy.
- Person 2: I do indeed resemble that remark.
It is often used as “hypocritical humor” in film and television:
- Person 1: You’re as grouchy as an ogre these days. You need to lighten up.
- Person 2: I’m not grouchy, I’mtired. I’ll have you know, I just had two children.
- Person 1: For breakfast, maybe, you ogre.
- Person 2: Hey, I resemble that remark!
I Resemble That Remark – Origin
The phrase “I resemble that remark” is a movie quote uttered by Curly Joe in multiple episodes of The Three Stooges, a series of short films that come from Columbia Pictures and were released in the ‘30s and ‘40s.
The saying is an ironic play on the original phrase “I resent that remark”, which is generally used to mean that you have taken offense to something someone else has said.
It was probably Curly Joe who said the altered version of this phrase first, although some fans suggest that the line may have been stolen from an episode of the 1928 radio show Amos ‘n’ Andy.
I Resemble That Remark vs. I Resent That Remark
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, to “resent” something means to “dislike or feel angry” at it.
- I resent the way he treats me – it simply isn’t fair.
- She resented the fact that she had to work twice as hard as her male colleagues.
To “resemble” something means to “look like or be like” it.
- It was shocking how much he resembled that old picture of his great grandfather.
- The stars resemble a backlit canopy with holes punched in it.
As such, to resent a remark is to dislike it, while to resemble it is to be like it in some way. “Resent” and “resemble” are opposing sentiments, which is why replacing one with the other in the form of a malapropism tends to be humorous.
Incorrect Ways to Use “I Resemble That Remark”
Since the phrase “I resemble that remark” is intended as a humorous malapropism, be careful of getting into the habit of using it. You might intend to say “resent” one day and make a hilarious malapropism for real!
The phrase has no real place in serious contexts and is better suited for tongue-in-cheek conversations.
So, if you’re being criticized by your boss at your important job for some shoddy work you’ve done, maybe avoid reminding him that you do, in fact, resemble an incompetent fool.
In What Situations Can You Use “I Resemble That Remark”?
You can use “I resemble that remark” if you want to make light of a critique or enjoy making jokes at your own expense.
You can also use the phrase if you have a group of friends, with a very niche interest in 1930s short films, who will find your impression of Curly Joe hilarious.