7 Ways To Spell The Sound Of A Fart (Onomatopoeia)

When trying to humorously describe the sound of a fart, we might want to look into some onomatopoeia options. Onomatopoeia is a great way to describe a word with a similar sound rather than trying to explain how it sounded. This article will help you with the best fart onomatopoeia.

What Are The Best Ways To Spell The Sound Of A Fart?

There are plenty of choices for spelling the sound of a fart. As far as onomatopoeia goes, it’s potentially one of the most popularly described sounds. Here are some of the best ones:

  • Brap
  • Parp
  • Thrrrrp
  • Pfffft
  • Fffff
  • Sssss
  • Toot
how do you spell fart

The preferred version is “brap” because it’s one of the most common choices out there. It’s commonly used in magazines and comics (namely Mad Magazine). We use it whenever we want to show that a character has farted, and it works every time.


Let’s start with the preferred version. It works in many cases, and almost everyone knows what a “brap” is.

“Brap” is the most common fart onomatopoeia available to us. It was made famous by magazines like Mad Magazine or any mainstream comic books where a fart noise was needed to be demonstrated.

Comics and magazines are leading forces when it comes to onomatopoeia. After all, when all you have to show your story are panels and artwork, coming up with words to simulate sounds becomes one of the most effective ways to immerse your readers in the character plots.

Here’s how it might look:

  • Brap! Ew, did you just fart?
  • Brap! Pardon me! I didn’t expect that to come out.
  • Brap! Oh, sorry about that.


“Parp” is another classic choice that’s used in comics and magazines. It comes with a slightly different sound as well.

We can use “parp” in much the same way as “brap.” It works in many comic and magazine formats. Typically, the word will be around the area where someone might let out a fart, indicating that the noise was coming from them.

The sound of a “parp” is often gentler than a “brap.” We can also include more “A’s” or “R’s,” depending on the length of the sound. This is a rule that’s common amongst most onomatopoeia choices.

We can use it as follows:

  • Parp. I really hope nobody heard that.
  • Parp! I can smell that!
  • Paaarp! Oh my word, that’s disgusting!


“Thrrrrp” is the first choice in this list that doesn’t come with a vowel. It’s a noise that we can almost recreate that is identical to a fart, and some mediums like to use forms like this to highlight the noise.

“Thrrrrp” is one of those words that doesn’t mean anything out of context. However, when presented with the context that someone has farted, we can understand that it’s used to recreate the noise they made.

Again, we can include as many “R’s” as we wish. With each “R” we include, we’re increasing the length and volume of the fart, which might be beneficial in some cases.

Here’s how it looks:

  • All I heard was Thrrrrrp! in the toilet.
  • Thrrrrp! That was the most disgusting thing I ever smelled.
  • Thrrrrrrrrrp! Ew! Who just did that?


Again, you might notice that no vowels are present with “pfffft.” Interestingly, the “F” letter is one of the most popular choices for fart onomatopoeia too.

“Pffft” follows the same trend as “thrrrrp.” We can add as many middle letter “F’s” as we need to increase the length and sound. The noise is slightly different, owning to a more underlying fart noise (typically made when someone is sat down and pressed against a fabric).

Here’s how you can use it:

  • Pfffft! That was gross, and you should own up to it!
  • Pfffft! I didn’t even feel that one coming.
  • Pffffffffft! That one really bubbled out of me.


This one is much simpler, and we’re only using the letter “F.” We can repeat the letter as many times as we want to show the longevity of the noise.

While “fffff” isn’t the most common choice, the “F” letter is a great way to demonstrate a fart noise. We can use it (with increasing numbers of “F’s”) to show the sound that someone is making. Often, the “F” noise is what comes out when someone is trying to hold it in but fails.

Here’s how we could get it to work:

  • I heard Fffffff! and then someone laughed.
  • Fffffffff! That’s the noise your butt just made.
  • Ffffff! I hope nobody was listening.


Some other farts might come with a slightly different, hissing noise. To recreate this noise, we’re able to use repeated “S” letters instead of “F’s.”

An “sssss” type of fart is much lighter than any of the “F” variants above. It’s more of a hiss, and we use it when someone lets one out, hoping that it’s quiet enough for people to overlook or not hear.

People usually find “sssss” based farts the funniest to react to. It’s more like a hissing noise, which shows that someone has actively tried to hold in their fart but managed to still fail in the end.

Here’s how we can use it:

  • Ssssssss. I hope nobody was listening.
  • He let out Sssssss! and everybody laughed at him.
  • That was the longest Ssssssss I ever heard.


“Toot” returns back to word format again, where we use vowels to demonstrate the sound of the fart. It’s a more innocent variation, and it’s commonly taught to children by the parents.

“Toot” is a common word for a quick and gentle fart that someone might release. It works well as an innocent onomatopoeia word that we can use to demonstrate the basics of onomatopoeia and sound words to children.

Also, “toot” is a funny word in itself, which helps children to understand what it means and how it might work. We don’t typically increase the number of “O’s” in the middle of this word like we word some of the others on this list. It works well as “toot” only.

Here’s how “toot” might work:

  • Toot! I am so sorry about that!
  • Toot! Oops! I didn’t even realize.
  • Toot! That was such a gross one!