Being “in charge of” things is great, and it’s great to mark that in your resumé. If you use the phrase too much, it might get a bit repetitive. That’s why it’s best to have some synonyms at the ready. This article will help you with that.

The preferred version is “responsible for.” It works well because it shows that you have a responsibility for a specific task in the workplace. We can use this to show great management or leadership skills. A lot of potential employers will look at this with high regard.
Responsible For
“Responsible for” is great because it shows that you’ve been put in charge of specific teams or operations. You can be responsible for many things in the workplace, but they are almost always going to be great things that demonstrate leadership skills.
When applying for managerial positions, leadership skills are easily one of the most sought-after things. That’s why it’s good to use phrases like this.
- I am responsible for three different teams at my current workplace. I have great leadership skills, and I’ll be happy to provide a reference.
- I am responsible for the day-to-day workings of the business. I was promoted to this position to help out wherever I could.
- I am responsible for what goes on within the company. Everything that happens goes through me first, which has given me a lot to do.
In Control Of
“In control of” is a simple replacement. Simply replacing “charge” with “control” is a great way to show an employer that you know how to create a bit of variety in the things you write.
- I’m in control of the branch and the local region. I think this has helped me to develop a unique management style that gets results.
- I am in control of a few project teams at my place of work. This has allowed me to broaden my horizons a little more.
- I am in control of many of the different things at my workplace. They put me in charge because they recognized my talents early.
“Managing” is a good verb choice in many cases. It shows that you have the management skills required for many leadership roles. If you can back it up with a time when you were managing a project or team, it will be even more encouraging for an employer.
The definition of “managing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something, especially a business or employees.”
- Managing the teams in my workplace has been an eye-opener. It’s shown that I’m more than capable of running my own branch.
- I am good at managing teams of five or six people. That number is where I thrive, which is why I’ll make a good supervisor.
- I am good at managing multiple teams at once. I’m proud of my multitasking skills.
“Running” is another simple verb choice. We use it to show that we’re in charge of an operation. We can “run” a group of people or a team to make sure that they get the results we expect from them for certain jobs.
The definition of “running,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “the activity of controlling or taking care of something.”
- I have been running the branch for the last six months while they are hiring a replacement for our boss. I have learned a lot in that time.
- I am running a few of the teams at my office. It has helped me to understand that I’m built for a management role.
- I am running many different charity fundraisers at the same time. This has allowed me to learn how to delegate better.
Looking After
“Looking after” works well to show that we are making sure operations go right. We use this mainly to refer to looking after children, although in a business context, it refers to looking after colleagues to make sure they don’t make mistakes.
Some people think this one’s a bit harsh, but it depends on the context of your management style.
- I am looking after the team while our boss is on maternity leave. They are impressed with the work I do.
- I am looking after three of the project teams. I’ll give them information and ideas whenever they ask for it that might help them.
- I am looking after many different branches for the management team. They trust my skills because of what I have already shown them.
“Directing” is great because we can “direct” a team, project, or single person. It works well because it shows that you are able to delegate jobs appropriately, and you usually have a good understanding of how to get everyone working in the same way.
The definition of “directing,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to control or be in charge of an activity, organization, etc.”
- I am in charge of directing the teams at my own discretion. I think this has allowed me to really become my own manager.
- I’m great at directing teams when it’s asked of me. That’s why I’m looking for more responsibility in my role in this company.
- I am certain that directing teams is the way to go for me. My leadership skills are not yet tested thoroughly.
“Supervising” is the last one-word choice we want to cover. It typically refers to your ability to watch over other people completing certain tasks.
Typically, you won’t have too much of a hands-on approach when supervising someone. Instead, you will only watch. If they need help, or they go wrong, you might then choose to help them out with your ideas.
The definition of “supervising,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.”
- Supervising my former team has allowed me to understand that I’m built for a more managerial role. I’ll be happy to take offers.
- I like supervising the project teams. It helps me to understand how others think, and I can find out ways to help them better themselves.
- I am supervising three different teams right now. It’s been a great way for me to learn about the more intricate side of the business.
Taking Care Of
“Taking care of” is a good idiom we can use. It works well because it shows that we are looking after a group of people or a project team. It allows us to be in control of the people and the decisions they make, which is a good mark of a leader.
- I have been taking care of the teams for a few months. I was put in charge because they trusted my ability to delegate tasks.
- I am going to be taking care of the projects going forward. It makes the most sense as I have the most experience.
- I have been taking care of business for about three months. I’m certain that I’m ready for more official responsibility now.
At The Helm Of
“At the helm of” is another idiomatic expression. We use this one to refer to being in charge of a company because someone “at the helm of” a ship is in control of the way the ship moves through the ocean.
- I’m at the helm of the office. My leadership skills are unparalleled, and I think it would be silly if I was not given an appropriate raise.
- I am at the helm of my team. They have learned a lot under my management, and I’m keen to share this with others.
- I’m at the helm of the project teams. I have a lot to teach others, and I want to be given a fair chance to do this.
Running The Show
“Running the show” is an idiom that refers to being the leader of a group of performers. In this case, we are using the metaphor in a business context. Our employees (or team members) are the “performers,” and we are the “ring-leader” that oversees everything.
- I am running the show, and I have been for about three years. I’m proud of what I’ve become, but I think it’s time to move on.
- I have been running the show while the CEO has been away. I’m more than capable of working in this position full-time.
- I will be running the show going forward. It’s going to teach me a lot about leadership and how to handle myself around them.
Calling The Shots
“Calling the shots” is the last phrase to go over. It’s another idiomatic idea that relates to someone calling the shots to tell other people when to take their shots. This is another great way to show that you know how to manage people and that you have good ideas.
- I have been calling the shots in the team meetings. Everyone respects me for doing so, and I’m always happy to share.
- I am calling the shots whenever I get a chance to. It gives me a good understanding of what to expect from them.
- I like calling the shots. It shows me that I am capable of being a leader. I’m ready to put that to the test.
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