Chose vs. Chosen: Which Is Correct? (Helpful Examples)

Let’s talk about the past tense of “choose.” It’s an irregular verb, so it naturally comes with some difficult things we must overcome before understanding it. This article will explore the two main forms of the past tense of “choose.”

Chose or Chosen: Which Is Correct?

“Chose” and “chosen” are the two past tense forms of “choose.” We use “chose” as the simple past tense to talk about “choosing” something in the past. “Chosen” is the past participle, which works with a helping verb like “have” to become the perfect tense.

Chose or Chosen: Which Is Correct?

Some examples of the two in action will help you to understand what we mean about the differences:

  • I chose to listen to him while I still had the chance.
  • You have chosen poorly, and you will now suffer the consequences.

As you can see, “chose” works well on its own. However, “chosen” is not correct unless we include “have” or a similar verb alongside it. This becomes the perfect tense, which we’ll get to later on.

The verb forms are easy to remember when you come across them like so:

Past ParticipleChosen

When Is “Chose” Correct?

Since “chose” is the simpler form of the two (hence “simple” past tense), we’ll start by explaining more about when it works.

You should use “chose” when talking about “choosing” something in the past. We use it to think back to an event of “choosing” something that’s happened to us (or someone we know). There’s nothing more we can do to change it in the present.

Interestingly, the verb form of “chose” never changes spelling. Sometimes, the present tense verb will change based on which pronoun we use, but this is not the case for the simple past tense.

  • Present tense: I choose
  • Present tense: He chooses
  • Past tense: I chose
  • Present tense: He chose

Example Sentences Using “Chose”

  1. You chose poorly one that day.
  2. He chose me, and I’m so grateful for that.
  3. You chose the wrong answer like an idiot!
  4. I chose you because I loved you.
  5. She chose wrong, but that’s okay.
  6. They chose to do that, so it’s on them to deal with the consequences.

“Chose” works when talking about “choosing” something in the past. The event has already happened, and there’s nothing more we can do to change it.

When Is “Chosen” Correct?

Before getting “chosen” correct in a sentence, we must first include an auxiliary verb. “Have chosen” is the present perfect tense (which is one of the potential options we can use). “Chosen” is not enough for a sentence, and it would be grammatically incorrect alone.

You should remember these three forms when using the present tenses:

  • Past perfect: Had chosen
  • Present perfect: Have chosen
  • Future perfect: Will have chosen

“Have” changes form depending on the tense we use, while “chosen” always stays the same no matter what. If you can remember the different forms of the present tenses, you’ll have an easier time using them for yourself.

Example sentences using “Chosen”

Of course, to help you understand what the three different perfect tenses do, we’ll split this into sections. You’ll be able to see each perfect tense more closely to understand how it works.

Past Perfect

  1. You had chosen the wrong answer already before the teacher even bothered to ask you if you needed help.
  2. I had chosen the same thing again, knowing that it would be my best bet.

“Had chosen” works when talking about “choosing” something in the past before another event happens. We use the past perfect to talk about the order things may have happened in the past to impact something later on.

Present Perfect

  1. I have chosen to become a member of the council because I think I can do a lot of good here.
  2. They have chosen the wrong answers, and we must do something to correct them.

“Have chosen” works to talk about “choosing” something at some point in the past. The action of “choice” continues into the present (or future), which is what the present perfect represents.

Future Perfect

  1. I will have chosen all of my options by the end of this week.
  2. You will have chosen yet another poor option if you keep up with this display!

“Will have chosen” works to talk about “choosing” something in the future. While the event hasn’t happened yet, there’s somewhat of a guarantee that it will happen based on the actions of someone in the present.

How “Chosen” can also be used as an adjective

We don’t just have to stop at verb forms. “Chosen” is also an adjective, and we can use it to describe certain people and things.

“Chosen” is used to describe something or someone that was picked out or selected by another entity. Usually, the thing or person that is “chosen” is the best or most suitable thing for the job that it’s required for.

Example sentences using “Chosen” as an adjective

  1. You are the chosen one, so you must know what to do about this.
  2. The chosen document was put forward last weekend, and we’re waiting to hear back about it.
  3. The boy was chosen for the band before they even heard him sing!

“Have Chose” Vs. “Have Chosen”

“Have chose” is never correct because we cannot use the auxiliary verb “have” with the simple past tense “chose.” Doing so would introduce a double verb in the sentence, which is wrong in every case. We can only use “have chosen” because it’s the present perfect tense.

And to make sure you don’t forget the fundamental difference, you can refer to the following:

  • Correct: You have chosen to seek out fame and fortune, which I disagree with.
  • Incorrect: I have chose my options carefully, and I think you’ll agree.

Final Thoughts

“Chose” works when talking about “choosing” something in the past because it’s the simple past tense. No extra grammar rules are required. “Chosen” only works with a helping verb to become one of three perfect tenses. On its own, “chosen” is never correct.

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