“Don’t worry” is a phrase we can use to either calm someone down or tell them that there’s nothing to worry about. However, there are plenty of better alternatives out there that are worth learning about. This article will cover all the best ones for you.
What Can I Say Instead Of “Don’t Worry”?
There are many options available to use in place of “don’t worry.” We will take you through the following ones:
- Chill out
- Take it easy
- Chill
- Don’t fret
- Don’t get your panties in a bunch
- I’ll take care of it
- It’s in good hands
- I’ve got this
- Have a little faith
- Watch and learn
- You can count on me
The preferred version is “chill out.” It’s the easiest way to tell somebody that they need to calm down or that they don’t have anything to worry about. It’s fairly informal, but we can still use it in many more cases than “don’t worry.”
Chill Out
“Chill out” is a phrase we can use to replace “don’t worry” in most situations. It’s informal, but it works when we want to remind someone that there isn’t anything to worry about. It works best when we are confident we have a solution that will help them.
The quicker we can fix their issue, the sooner they can properly “chill out.” It’s easy to panic or worry about things when you don’t know if there’s a fix for them. That’s why we use “chill out.” It helps people to calm down and start actively thinking about fixes.
Here are a few good examples:
- Chill out! We need to think about a good way to fix this.
- Just chill out and think! I know you know what to do.
- Chill out! There’s no point in worrying like that now.
Take It Easy
“Take it easy” is a great phrase to remind someone to calm down. If they’re worried about a specific problem, we can use this to tell them there are plenty of things we can do to solve it. It often helps people if you remind them to breathe as well with this phrase.
Here are a few examples to show you how it works:
- Alright, take it easy. Just breathe and give me a second to think about what to do.
- Take it easy! There’s no point in worrying about something outside of your control!
- Take it easy! I’m here to help you, remember?
“Chill” is similar to “chill out,” but it’s more of a slang phrase. We can remove “out” in colloquial situations when we want someone to calm down. It might help them to think about something else when they don’t think there is a solution to their current problem.
Here are a few useful examples to help you out:
- Please chill! Dude, we’ll figure this out together!
- Chill! There’s no need to panic! We don’t know how bad it is yet.
- Chill! I told you I have this under control.
Don’t Fret
“Don’t fret” works well when you want to tell someone they need to stop panicking. If they’re worrying over nothing, you could use a phrase like this to remind them that it’s not worth worrying about. It also tells them there are plenty of worse problems.
The idea behind this saying (like many of the others in this list) is to remind people that it’s not the end of the world. There are plenty of worse problems they could be having, and they should be thankful it’s something so minor.
Here are a few examples:
- Alright, don’t fret! There’s plenty we can do to solve this.
- Don’t fret! I’m here now.
- Don’t fret. It’s no use. We’ll find a solution quickly.
Don’t Get Your Panties In A Bunch
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch” is a common idiom used by native speakers. It means that there is no point in worrying over something (to the point where your “panties” bunch). Instead, you should calm down and sit comfortably while you wait for it to be fixed.
We could also use “twist” in place of “bunch,” and the idiom would have the same meaning.
Here are a few examples:
- Alright! Don’t get your panties in a bunch! I know how to sort this out.
- Don’t get your panties in a twist! There’s not much use in worrying now.
- Don’t get your panties in a bunch! It’ll all be sorted out soon.
I’ll Take Care Of It
“I’ll take care of it” works when someone is worrying and needs your help. Usually, they would have asked for you to help them specifically, which gives you a reason to say, “I’ll take care of it.”
If they did not ask for you to help, you might not want to use the phrase. It could seem like you’re not giving them a chance to solve their own problems.
Let’s go over some examples to help you understand it:
- I’ll take care of it. You don’t have to worry about a thing.
- I’ll take care of it. I know what I’m doing.
- Sit over there and I’ll take care of it!
It’s In Good Hands
“It’s in good hands” works well when we know that a situation will be solved soon. It can either be us or someone else that does the solving. “Good hands” implies that somebody close to the situation knows what they’re doing and knows how to fix everything.
Typically, we use a phrase like this when a problem has been passed to someone with the skills to fix it. That could mean they have specific qualities or skills related to fixing similar problems or that they’re confident it’s a simple fix.
Here are a few useful examples to help explain it:
- There’s nothing you can do about it now. It’s in good hands, though.
- It’s in good hands. There’s no point in you worrying about it anymore.
- Trust me; it’s in good hands. You’ll have it back in no time.
I’ve Got This
“I’ve got this” works well when somebody has asked you for help. If they’ve called you to fix an issue they’re worrying over; you might be able to use this one. However, you should only use it if you’re certain you can help them.
If you are not confident in your own ability to fix the issue, a phrase like “I’ve got this” could be seen as arrogant. Make sure that you do actually have the situation under control if you’re going to use a phrase like this one.
Here are a few good examples:
- I’ve got this, pal! There’s nothing for you to worry about now.
- You’ve called the right girl for the job. I’ve got this.
- I’ve got this! And I’ll certainly make short work of it.
Have A Little Faith
“Have a little faith” is a great phrase that can help someone to calm down over a situation. Whether we know the solution to their problem, or we’re certain it will solve itself, this phrase is a great way to take the problems away from the main issue.
When people worry, it’s likely that they’re scared about nothing in particular. Using a phrase like this helps them remember that there isn’t much they can do about the situation, and it’s best left alone and not worried about.
Here are a few examples:
- Please just have a little faith! Everything will work out soon enough.
- Have a little faith, my friend! The universe works in mysterious ways.
- Just have a little faith! I know this will all be back to normal soon enough.
Watch And Learn
“Watch and learn” is a great way to show someone that there’s nothing to fear. We say it when we know how to fix an issue, and we typically want the other person to learn from whatever we teach. That way, they might be able to recreate it themselves someday.
Here are a few great examples to show you how it works:
- Alright, watch and learn. You’ll be doing this yourself in no time.
- Watch and learn, buddy. I know how to handle this.
- Watch and learn! I’ll show you what you need to do.
You Can Count On Me
“You can count on me” works well when you want to show someone that you’re more than capable of fixing a problem. This one works best when somebody has asked you for help, and they’re spending a lot of time worrying about whether it’s possible to fix their issue.
If you want to use this one, it works in the following ways:
- You can count on me. I know what I’m doing.
- Stop worrying so much! You can count on me.
- You called the right guy because you can definitely count on me to fix this.
Is It Informal To Say “Don’t Worry”?
It is informal to say, “don’t worry.” You should avoid using it in most cases when you want to come across as professional or formal. It generally takes away from the gravity of a situation. Generally, you do not want to make light of dire situations formally.
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