6 Better Ways To Say “Attention To Detail” On Your CV

When writing your CV, you want to make sure you stand out. That’s why common phrases like “attention to detail” aren’t always the best things to use. This article will explore some of the best alternatives you can use to replace this common and overused phrase.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Attention To Detail” On My CV?

There are a few great alternatives we can show you. However, we want to focus on these ones to help you see it in action:

  • Perfectionist
  • Punctilious
  • Precise
  • Meticulous
  • Dot the I’s and cross the T’s
  • Pedantic
better ways to say attention to detail

The preferred version is “perfectionist.” We can use this word to describe someone who cares a great deal about making sure something is perfect. This can be both a good and bad trait, so you’ll want to word it correctly if using it in your CV.


A perfectionist is somebody who cares about perfection. They want to make sure they do every task to the best of their ability and will often get frustrated at themselves if forced to present anything that isn’t quite “perfect.”

The definition of “perfectionist,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who wants everything to be perfect and demands the highest standards possible.”

Someone who is a perfectionist can be portrayed both positively and negatively. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you know how to phrase it if you want to use it to describe yourself in a CV.

Some people believe that perfectionists try too hard. They will force themselves to meet perfect standards, which are often too difficult to achieve. Thus, when they inevitably fail, they will end up delivering poorer work than someone else.

However, some employers love perfectionists because they know they’ll put the utmost attention and detail into their work. They’ll hire perfectionists because they know they won’t settle for anything less than perfect.

Here are some examples to show it to you in action:

  • I like to think of myself as a perfectionist because I only deliver the highest quality work.
  • They have called me a perfectionist in my previous workplace because they knew I would not disappoint.
  • I do not mind being known as the perfectionist of the workforce.


A punctilious person is someone who pays extra careful attention to the finer details. It’s a less common word, which makes it all the more impressive to use correctly in a CV. We can use it mostly as a positive trait to show how much we care about something.

The definition of “punctilious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details.”

Punctilious employees make for easy hires for many bosses. They find that people who value care over rushing their work or projects are the ones that will provide the most suitable workforces.

If you can find a suitable way to include a word like “Punctilious” in your CV, you absolutely should take the chance.

These examples will show you some ways it could work:

  • I have been referred to as punctilious because I take extra caution before handing in my work.
  • I focus a lot on the minor details of projects because of my punctilious attitude.
  • I’m punctilious, and I will make sure never to hand in work that I don’t think is perfect.


“Precise” is another great word we can use to describe someone who pays attention to detail. It works because we can show that we take extra care to make the smaller details as accurate as possible.

The definition of “precise,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and accurate, especially about small details.”

Precise work is always better suited to a workplace. If you can ensure that all the smaller details are correct and appropriate in a project, then your boss will look to you in favor (and you shouldn’t be too far away from a promotion).

If you are not precise, you may overlook the smaller details. While this isn’t always a terrible thing, some projects depend on smaller things. That’s why it’s important to hire someone who knows how to correct them.

Check out these examples to see “precise” in action:

  • I think of myself as precise in everything I do. I’m sure you’ll see why once you hire me.
  • I am very precise before handing in my work, and you’ll definitely receive it long before the official deadline.
  • The precision I possess when it comes to work is unmatched.


A meticulous person is another great way to show someone pays close attention to details. They will go over their work time and again to make sure they know there aren’t any small errors or slip-ups. You will only get perfect projects from meticulous people.

The definition of “meticulous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “very careful and with great attention to every detail.”

“Meticulous” is one of those words that’s designed to impress. We use it when we want to talk highly of ourselves, and many employers will look at someone as “meticulous” as a suitable hire.

It’s worth using the word if you want to say that you pay close attention to detail. After all, it will stand you out from the rest of the CVs without having to try very hard.

You must, of course, prove your meticulous habits once you are hired, but you can at least be secure in the knowledge that calling yourself “meticulous” will win you a few interviews.

These examples will show you how it works:

  • I am meticulous in everything I do, and you can trust the work I give you to be done with 100% effort.
  • They have called me meticulous, and I agree with this.
  • I am the most meticulous person you’ll ever meet, and I will not stop working until I’ve ensured that every detail is correct.

Dot The I’s And Cross The T’s

We also wanted to show you the “dot the I’s and cross the T’s” idiom. Idioms aren’t common in CVs, which is why it can be useful to include it because it will really separate you from the crowd. The meaning is identical to the other words on this list.

The definition of “dot the i’s and cross the t’s,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to pay a great deal of attention to the details of something, especially when you are trying to complete a task.”

Sometimes, describing yourself as one word isn’t enough. Instead, you want to also give your future employer a chance to see a bit more of your character. That’s why idioms are so great to use (even though many people will overlook them or ignore them).

There’s nothing better than throwing in a phrase like this to surprise whoever reads your CV. Too many people believe idioms to be informal or colloquial, but this is not the case.

Check out these great examples to see how it could look:

  • I frequently dot the I’s and cross the T’s before handing in any work.
  • Dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s is most important to me before delivering my assignments.
  • I make sure to dot the I’s and cross the T’s, so you can be certain that you’ll only get the highest standard from me.


“Pedantic” is a negative word, but if you are able to spin it correctly, it can work quite well. It’s not common to use in a CV because of the negative connotations, but if you are able to make it positive, it also shows your employer that you have a way with words.

The definition of “pedantic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving too much attention to formal rules or small details.”

Turning negative words into positive ones doesn’t have to be difficult. You just have to find the correct way to phrase the words to make sure that your employer will be impressed with your grasp of the English language.

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • I have previously been called pedantic because I pay close attention to detail, but I am proud of my habits.
  • I am known to be pedantic, though I prefer to think of myself as someone who cares too much about the finer details.
  • I am pedantic, and I would say that’s a big weakness. However, it does mean that I only deliver the finest work.

What Does It Mean To Pay Attention To Detail?

Now let’s finish with finding out the meaning of the phrase. However, we want to show you what it means with the verb “pay” as part of it.

“Pay attention to detail” means that someone takes great care to make sure all the little things are correct. In a larger project or task, they will focus on all the smaller workings to make sure everything works as it should do. They often deliver work of the highest quality.

It’s a good character trait to have, which is why so many people include it in their CVs. After all, it shows your new employer that you pay close attention to tasks, and you don’t like to quit until you’re certain that you can get it all perfect.

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