16 Best Replies When Someone Says “Welcome”

We can be “welcomed” into a lot of things. People might “welcome” us to their home, business, party, or anything where we are entering a new area. This article will explore some of the best replies to the simple “welcome” message.

What Should I Reply When Someone Says “Welcome”?

There are some great responses out there, and some of them are remarkably simple. Here are the best ones to use:

  • Thank you
  • That’s very kind
  • I’m much obliged
  • I appreciate that
  • I am honored
  • Thanks for having me
  • Glad to be here
  • Happy to come
  • How polite
  • I’m happy to help
  • Of course
  • Wow, this place is great
  • I’m excited
  • This looks amazing
  • I was surprised to receive your invite
  • I wouldn’t miss it
Best Replies When Someone Says Welcome

The preferred version is “thank you.” It’s very simple, and everyone knows how “thank you” works. Nevertheless, it’s a great way to respond to “welcome” because it shows that you appreciate the fact you’ve been invited to something new or different.

Thank You

“Thank you” might be a simple response, but it’s one of the best ways to reply to “welcome.” We can use it to show that we’re glad someone has invited us. It’s a good way to share appreciation.

  • Welcome, sir.
  • Thank you, Martin.
  • Welcome aboard, captain!
  • Thank you, crew.
  • Welcome to the company.
  • Thank you. I’ll let you know if I need anything.

That’s Very Kind

“That’s very kind” works well when we are flattered by someone saying “welcome.” It’s suitable in every case but works best when we are being invited into a new company or an event of some kind.

  • Welcome to our business, sir.
  • That’s very kind of you to say.
  • Welcome to the family, man!
  • That’s very kind of you. I knew I belonged here.
  • Welcome to the funfair! Can we get you anything?
  • That’s very kind of you. I’m good for right now.

I’m Much Obliged

“I’m much obliged” is a very formal way to show appreciation. It’s best when you’re being welcomed to a new company by a superior since this is the most probable case where formal speech works best.

  • Welcome to the company, Jon.
  • I’m much obliged, sir. Thank you.
  • Welcome on board.
  • I’m much obliged, and I won’t let you down.
  • Welcome to the business empire.
  • I’m much obliged.

I Appreciate That

“I appreciate that” is a simple way to show appreciation. It’s more formal than “thank you” and works best when we want to show we’re happy to accept an invitation or a “welcome” message to a formal enterprise or company.

  • Welcome to the clan, James.
  • I appreciate that. I feel so at home here.
  • Welcome on board.
  • Thanks, I appreciate that.
  • Welcome, Mr. Bartlett.
  • I appreciate that. Please show me to my desk.

I Am Honored

“I am honored” works best when talking to people you work with (but only in more formal instances). We can say it to superiors to show that we are “Honored” to be invited. We could also use it to employees if we are “honored” that they thought to invite a boss or superior figure.

  • Welcome, sir! We’re happy to have you here with us today.
  • I am honored to be here. Thank you for having me.
  • Welcome, Stuart. Please, make yourself at home.
  • I am honored, sir.
  • Welcome, friends!
  • We are honored, ma’am. Thank you for inviting us today.

Thanks For Having Me

“Thanks for having me” is a great appreciation response we can give to “welcome.” It works well when we want to show that we’re happy to be at the event and we want to share our appreciation with the host.

  • Welcome to my house, Sarah. Can I get you anything?
  • Thanks for having me. I’ll wait for the others to arrive first, though.
  • Welcome aboard, son!
  • Thanks for having me! I’m excited about this trip.
  • Welcome to the company, Jon.
  • Thanks for having me. I knew it was worth signing up!

Glad To Be Here

“Glad to be here” is good when we are talking about being welcomed to companies. If we have a new job role, we could use the semi-formal phrase “glad to be here” to show that we are happy to take on new responsibilities that might apply to us.

  • Welcome to your new job. I’ll be your receptionist.
  • Glad to be here. I’ll let you know if I need anything.
  • Welcome to the company, Frank.
  • Glad to be here! It’s time to see how everything works.
  • Welcome aboard, Mr. Christie. Can I get you anything?
  • Glad to be here. And I’m okay for right now, thank you.

Happy To Come

“Happy to come” works best when the event we are being “welcomed” for is a one-time thing. If it only lasts for one day, we can use “happy to come,” where “come” is the verb used to show that we have taken the time to arrive on the day.

  • Welcome to the party.
  • I was happy to come! Thanks for the invitation.
  • Welcome to the gala event.
  • I’m happy to come! I make it every year.
  • Welcome in, sir!
  • I was happy to come! It took a while to find the house, though.

How Polite

“How polite” is a good response if you’re impressed with the service of an event. If someone new greets you, you could use this phrase to show that you’re impressed with their introduction.

  • Welcome, ma’am. May I take your coat?
  • Of course. How polite!
  • Welcome, sir. We hope you’ll be most at home here.
  • How polite of you!
  • Welcome, everyone. We hope you’re as excited as we are.
  • How polite!

I’m Happy To Help

“I’m happy to help” works in specific circumstances. We use it when we’ve been welcomed to an event before it’s hosted. If we “help” set things up, this phrase works well to show that you’re happy to be there.

  • Welcome, Dean!
  • I’m happy to help! Just let me know where I need to go.
  • Welcome, my friend.
  • Hey, I’m happy to help out! I knew you’d need a few extra hands.
  • Welcome to the party, but it doesn’t start for a little while yet.
  • That’s okay. I’m happy to help out before then!

Of Course

“Of course” is a confident way to show that you’re happy to accept someone’s “welcome.” We can use it to show that we wouldn’t miss the event or we are glad to be there.

  • Welcome, Mr. Smithers.
  • Of course! Where do I hang my coat?
  • Welcome to you, ma’am.
  • Of course. Now, when does the party really start?
  • Hello and welcome! How are you today?
  • Of course! I’m good, thanks for asking.

Wow, This Place Is Great

“Wow, this place is great” is a good way to show that you’re impressed with the organization or presentation of an event or party. We use this as soon as we are “welcome” because it shows that we’re impressed with what we see.

  • Welcome to my party!
  • Wow, this place is great. I didn’t know you had such a keen eye!
  • Welcome to the gala.
  • Thank you. This place is great! How long did it take to set up?
  • Welcome to my house!
  • Wow, this place is great! You must be very proud!

I’m Excited

“I’m excited” is an interesting choice. It won’t work in every case, but we can use it when we know we’re going to be learning new things or trying something different.

  • Welcome to my party.
  • I’m excited to see what you’ve got to offer.
  • I bid you welcome!
  • I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see what we learn.
  • Welcome to the office.
  • I’m excited to learn from the best in the business.

This Looks Amazing

“This looks amazing” is great when someone is welcoming you to their party or an event where things have been set up to look nice. We can use this phrase to show that we appreciate the effort somebody went to during their presentation.

  • Welcome to my party.
  • This looks amazing! Did you do all of this?
  • Welcome to the gala.
  • Wow, this looks amazing! I can’t believe my eyes.
  • Welcome to my dinner party.
  • Thank you, and this looks amazing! I can’t wait to see what you cook!

I Was Surprised To Receive Your Invite

“I was surprised to receive your invite” is a unique choice. We use it when we are genuinely shocked that someone invited us to something. However, you should not use it when you want to impress someone, as it can seem uncertain or show a lack of confidence.

  • Welcome.
  • Thank you, I was surprised to receive your invite.
  • Welcome to my wedding.
  • I was surprised to receive your invite, but I’m glad to be here.
  • Welcome!
  • I was surprised to receive your invite. Thank you for having me.

I Wouldn’t Miss It

“I wouldn’t miss it” shows that you’re eager to join the festivities. It works well when you want to impress someone. It also shows that you respect the host enough to show up.

  • Welcome to my house, sir.
  • Of course, I wouldn’t miss it! What a lovely place.
  • Welcome to the party, guys!
  • We wouldn’t miss it! It looks great.
  • Welcome to the job-seekers event.
  • I wouldn’t miss it. I need to learn!