All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You – Meaning

We’re going to unpack what exactly is meant by the phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you”. So, if you’ve just finished watching an action movie about soldiers or were given some sage advice by a friend that you didn’t quite understand, read on!

All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You – Meaning

The phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you” means that our internal struggles can be solved through introspection. It can be said to someone as a blessing or to give them hope that they have inside themselves all the resources they need to solve their problems.

All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You - Meaning

Our subconscious feelings about things have a greater impact on our perception of the world than we realize.

As such, the phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you” basically calls for us to reflect on ourselves and unpack our subconscious thoughts and feelings about the issues we face.

By doing this, we may wipe clean the lens through which we see the world and tackle our problems in a more open and honest way.

All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You – Origin

The phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you” comes from the 1988 book, The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell. So, it was technically Campbell himself who said this iconic quote originally.

The original quote is “All the gods, all the Heavens, all the Hells are within you.” This version of the quote can be seen in a movie quote from the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

The book is essentially about how society and individual thoughts are impacted by myths and legends. Myths have provided a framework for how people live and act across various cultures.

At the same time, myths and legends are a reflection of the collective consciousness in the places from which they arise.

All this is to say that the phrase “all gods, all heavens, are within you” means that all the myths and legends that shape our society are inventions that we use to explain our lives and inner turmoil.

In other words, we create mythology for the wider truths of the universe to better understand both the universe and our internal workings.

All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You – Similar Quotes

There are many quotes out there that imply that we control our perception of the world.

One is an iconic quote from Paradise Lost by John Milton:

  • The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.

This quote suggests that our subconscious mind is what shapes how we see the world. Therefore, all the resources we need to make changes in our lives are inside of us.

Other similar phrases are:

  • Look within to find the truth.
  • The truth is within you.

Phrases That Mean the Opposite of “All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You”

There isn’t a phrase that means exactly the opposite of “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you”. If there were, it would be a phrase that suggests that the answers are in the external world rather than within us:

  • To find the answers you seek, look outside of yourself.
  • All the gods, all the heavens, can be found around you rather than within you.

Correct Ways to Say “All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You”

There are a few alternate ways to say the phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you”. The original version in Campbell’s book is slightly longer, but people often utilize a shortened or slightly altered version:

  • All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you.
  • All the gods, all the heavens.
  • All the heavens and hells are within you.

Incorrect Ways to Use “All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You”

The phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you” is figurative, not literal. It should be used as a blessing, imploring someone to search for answers from within themselves. There are no circumstances where it can be used literally in reality.

In What Situations Can You Use “All the Gods, All the Heavens, Are Within You”?

You can use the phrase “all the gods, all the heavens, are within you” when someone you know is facing some kind of problem in their life. You can say it to suggest that all the resources they need to solve their problem can be found through introspection.