10 Words For Someone Who Disagrees With Everything You Say

Some people just like to argue for the sake of arguing. They will disagree with just about anything you say. If you know one of these people, it might be useful to come up with some words to describe them. That’s where this article comes in.

What Do You Call Someone Who Disagrees With Everything You Say?

There are some really good ways to describe people that like to describe with you. Why not check out one of the following:

  • Contrarian
  • Troll
  • Antagonistic
  • Belligerent
  • Argumentative
  • Confrontational
  • Curmudgeon
  • Querulous
  • Whiny
  • Fretful
Words For Someone Who Disagrees With Everything You Say

The preferred version is “contrarian.” It works well because it describes the types of people who are always there to provide a contrasting view to your own. They can be very unpleasant people, but they can also push you to challenge your wits and ability to argue.


“Contrarian” is a great word that allows us to talk about someone who is always expressing the opposite view or opinion of another person. They will always single out a specific person to show that they have other beliefs.

Contrarians are most common in politics and journalism, but you might find someone has a contrarian personality if they like to argue with you a lot about silly things that seem irrelevant.

The definition of “contrarian,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone such as a writer or politician who likes to disagree with other people and express opinions that are unpopular.”

  • I love being a contrarian. It allows me to challenge views whenever I get the chance.
  • He’s a contrarian, which makes it very hard for some people to talk to him.
  • I don’t get why you would want to be a contrarian. Don’t you think it’s a little bit ridiculous to do that?


“Troll” is a word that evolved as the internet grew in popularity. We use it to talk about the kinds of people who will sit in comment sections and try to annoy others around them by getting replies.

Trolls will usually comment on something that’s deliberately polarizing. Then, they will wait until someone bites back and will turn it into a full-blown comment war until the troll gets the last word.

The definition of “troll,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who leaves an intentionally annoying or offensive message on the internet, in order to upset someone or to get attention or cause trouble.”

  • He goes online and acts like a troll all the time. I can’t stand seeing his comments.
  • I didn’t realize you were such a troll! Now your behavior makes a lot more sense to me.
  • Stop being a troll! I don’t think it makes sense for you because you should be so much more mature!


“Antagonistic” means that someone is always opposed to your views and beliefs. They will try their hardest to make sure you remember that, and they will always look for a way to show you that your opinions or ideas are wrong.

The definition of “antagonistic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “actively opposing or showing unfriendliness towards something or someone.”

  • You’re quite antagonistic. It’s no wonder that you don’t have any friends.
  • Stop being antagonistic for once in your life!
  • I can’t stand how antagonistic she always is. It was easier when she wasn’t a part of my life.


“Belligerent” works when we want to show that someone is looking to fight and argue. They will always look for ways to disagree with those around them when they are looking for an argument.

Sometimes, belligerent people will argue with others even if they share the same beliefs. They are simply looking for ways to annoy those around them above all else.

The definition of “belligerent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wishing to fight or argue.”

  • Do you have to be so belligerent all the time?
  • I don’t want to come across as belligerent, but I think you’re wrong.
  • Stop being belligerent! Other people are allowed to have their opinions, just like you!


“Argumentative” works well to show that someone is always looking to argue with other people. They will poke holes in other people’s opinions and beliefs and try to show that they do not know what they are talking about.

Argumentative people don’t usually have a good reason to argue. The only reason that works well for them is that they feel happy when they are arguing with others. They really thrive from the power it gives them.

The definition of “argumentative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “often arguing or wanting to argue.”

  • He’s the most argumentative person I know. I liked it at first, but I now find it exhausting.
  • Let’s not start being argumentative, okay? Let me talk first of all before you say anything rash.
  • I don’t want to be argumentative, but I think you’re being really stupid making this decision!


“Confrontational” works well when we want to show that someone behaves angrily toward others. They will usually do this to try and create an argument where possible (even if there shouldn’t have been one in the first place).

Just like argumentative people, confrontational people thrive off the energy of an argument. They are always looking for ways to show that they know better or think they are better than those around them.

The definition of “confrontational,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “behaving in an angry or unfriendly way that is likely to cause an argument.”

  • You’re too confrontational for my liking. That’s why I think it’s best if you find someone else to help.
  • She’s quite the confrontational sort. It’s no wonder that her friends are starting to have a hard time with her.
  • You don’t have to be so confrontational, Esther. Maybe if you lightened up a little bit, he would fancy you more.


“Curmudgeon” is a somewhat insulting word we can use. It mainly describes older people who like to disagree with others, and it’s closely linked to them always being in a bad mood.

However, you don’t just have to refer to an old person when you are using “curmudgeon.” It can refer to anybody who is in a bad mood and is happy to have a go at someone’s beliefs or thoughts.

The definition of “curmudgeon,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “an old person who is often in a bad mood.”

  • Perhaps if you weren’t such a curmudgeon, I’d be happier to share my honest beliefs with you.
  • Can you stop being a curmudgeon for two minutes? I’d really like to share my opinion without you throwing yours at me.
  • I’m not a curmudgeon, but I really do feel like these young kids are always in the wrong!


“Querulous” is a good choice when someone is always happy to complain about things. They will usually find petty problems to complain about that often seem like they have no value or meaning in the grand scheme of things.

The definition of “querulous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “often complaining, especially in a weak high voice.”

  • Do you have to be so querulous all the time? It’s getting too much to handle.
  • I’m not one to be querulous, but I really think you should reconsider your values with this one.
  • Stop being querulous! It’s not good for business, and you need to start understanding that the customer is always right.


“Whiny” can work to show that someone is always “whining” when they disagree with you. It’s a good word to show that you are annoyed by their constant disagreements.

It’s a somewhat insulting word, which is why we think it can work well. It shows that you do not respect the opinion of the person who is disagreeing with you, and you think they are being overly annoying for no reason.

The definition of “whiny,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “complaining a lot in an annoying way, especially in a high, sad voice.”

  • Without sounding too whiny, I think you should really reconsider your choice here.
  • Stop being so whiny! I’ve made my decision, and I will not let the likes of you ruin that for me.
  • Can you stop being a whiny little boy? It’s not a good look on you!


“Fretful” is the last word we want to run you through. It’s not the best choice, but it works well when you want to show you’re annoyed by someone’s attitude.

Fretful people will often present their disagreements when they are unhappy or worried about something. They can be difficult to challenge because you will not be able to get them to see reason when it matters.

The definition of “fretful,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “behaving in a way that shows you are unhappy, worried, or uncomfortable.”

  • You always sound so fretful when you’re arguing with me. I can’t stand it.
  • Do you have to be so fretful all the time? Why can’t you just be happy for me?
  • Don’t say stuff like that! Being fretful isn’t going to get you any friends.