Art can be beautiful (it can also be strange or confusing). There are people out there who really appreciate it, and it would help to know what words we can use to describe these people. This article will explore some of the best synonyms for such a case.
What Do You Call Someone Who Appreciates Art?
Perhaps you’d like to pick one of the words from below to see which you like best:
- Cultured
- Cultivated
- Art enthusiast
- Art fan
- Aesthete
- Connoisseur
- Art lover
- Artistic
- Creative
- Refined
- Erudite
The preferred version is “cultured.” It’s a great word that many native speakers use to refer to someone who has a strong love for art and all things to do with it. If you need any information about art, they are the people you want to go to.
“Cultured” is a great way to show that someone appreciates art. It means they have a really good upbringing and education, which typically goes hand-in-hand with an appreciation for the “finer things in life” like art.
The definition of “cultured,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a cultured person has had a good education and knows a lot about art, music, literature, etc.”
- I’d like to be as cultured as you, but I just don’t have the patience.
- I’m very cultured, thank you very much. I dare say I’m the most cultured person here!
- She wants to be cultured, but you can tell that she tries too hard!
“Cultivated” is synonymous with “cultured.” We can use it to show that someone has an impressive education relating to art, and they will usually share their knowledge with others (which can turn into admiration or appreciation as well).
The definition of “cultivated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is cultivated has had a good education and knows a lot about and likes art, music, painting, etc.”
- You’re quite cultivated in this regard, so I think you’ll do perfectly.
- I’d like to become more cultivated. Would you be able to teach me what you know?
- She’s cultivated enough to understand that this isn’t very good work!
Art Enthusiast
“Art enthusiast” is a great phrase to help us show someone loves art. The word “enthusiast” applies to show that someone is very interested in the art they see before them.
The definition of “enthusiast,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or activity.”
- You claim to be an art enthusiast, but you don’t seem to be very interested in this piece.
- I’m no art enthusiast! I don’t know what gave you that idea about me.
- Stop calling her an art enthusiast! I can tell that she has no style or taste!
Art Fan
“Art fan” means that someone admires art. We can use the word “fan” along with “art” to be more specific about people admiring art. “Fan” also applies in a more general sense to other areas (like sports, people, or events).
The definition of “fan,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who admires and supports a person, sport, sports team, etc.”
- I’m not the art fan you were hoping I’d be, but I’ll still come and see it if you want me to.
- She’s an art fan, but I find all of it incredibly boring! I’ve really tried to get into it, but it doesn’t work for me.
- We are art fans, so we go to every museum looking at the next best pieces!
“Aesthete” is a great adjective that is underutilized by native speakers. It means that someone understands and enjoys art in a particular way (which makes it an excellent candidate for this list).
Some people use it more negatively, but there is no reason why this needs to be the case. If you like the word, you can use it positively to talk about art lovers as well.
The definition of “aesthete,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who understands and enjoys beauty.”
- As an aesthete, I have a hard time disassociating my love for art from the outside world.
- He’s not an aesthete, even though he seems to think he is! I wouldn’t listen to him and his bad taste.
- She’s quite an aesthete. I’m always impressed with her collection, and you might benefit from checking it out if you want to learn.
“Connoisseur” is a great way to show that someone has a lot of appreciation for art. It means that they are a good judge of quality and skill (rather than having the skill themselves).
We refer to connoisseurs when we want second opinions about the artwork. They will usually break it down for us to let us know whether it’s worth anything or whether it’s rubbish.
The definition of “connoisseur,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, etc., and can judge quality and skill in that subject.”
- You’re quite the connoisseur when it comes to this sort of thing, aren’t you?
- I’d love to be considered a connoisseur in the art field, but nobody seems to take anything I say seriously.
- He’s the connoisseur we’ve been waiting for! We must hire him to see whether our art is worth anything.
Art Lover
“Art lover” is another good phrase we can use to show that someone has a deeper appreciation of art. The “lover” portion of the word is the main focus here. It shows that someone has a strong liking toward the art they cherish.
The definition of “lover,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone with a strong liking for something.”
- As an art lover, I see beauty in everything. You should try it sometime.
- I’m not an art lover, so I don’t understand why you would spend a small fortune buying something like that.
- Okay, Mr. Art Lover. Tell me, why do you think the artist decided to use these brushstrokes to make this piece?
We can use “artistic” to show that someone has a lot of art in their blood. This allows them to enjoy art in ways that many people around them might think to be bizarre.
Artistic people are usually quite talented themselves. They’ll also be able to create art, which usually helps them to understand other people’s work better (and thus appreciate it more).
The definition of “artistic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to create or enjoy art.”
- I’m very artistic, which helps a lot in my job. I’ll always produce the most appealing work, but it takes the longest to complete.
- I’m not sure he’s the artistic person you’re hoping he is. He doesn’t often put a lot of time into anything like that.
- Shouldn’t she be more artistic? She goes to the museum all the time, but she doesn’t seem to appreciate any of it!
“Creative” is a good word to show that someone has strange ideas floating around their heads. They can use these ideas to explore the artistic world, and it typically helps them to develop an admiration or love for other artwork.
The definition of “creative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “producing or using original and unusual ideas.”
- It helps to be creative when it comes to appreciating art. I love what I see before me.
- You’ll want to be a little more creative if it will help you understand what you see here. Trust me; it’s worth it.
- I’m not creative enough to understand the decisions this artist made!
“Refined” is a somewhat snobbish term that works to describe someone who loves art. It works well because it shows that they have a lot of awareness of style. You’ll usually find other people referring to snobbish people as “refined.”
The definition of “refined,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “polite, graceful, and aware of quality and style.”
- You’re very refined, so I think it makes sense that you act as the tour guide today.
- I’d love to be more refined, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin getting into art these days!
- I’m not sure he’s the most refined person to talk to. He doesn’t love art all that much!
“Erudite” is an interesting adjective. We use it when we want to show that someone has a great deal of knowledge that not many people know. We can apply this to art lovers because they often have knowledge that offers do not care about.
They use this knowledge to drive their love for the art world even further. It helps them to feel in tune with the artistic prowess they see around them.
The definition of “erudite,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or containing a lot of knowledge that is known by very few people.”
- You have an erudite understanding of the art around here, which is why I think you’re the one to ask.
- I’ll never understand your erudite yearning to love the art you see before you.
- He’s erudite for art. If you ask him about it, he’ll tell you all he knows, and you’ll probably fall in love!