Two Persons vs. Two People – Which Is Correct? (+Examples)

When addressing two individuals, do you say “Two Persons” or “Two People”? In fact, is there any situation where “Two Person” would be acceptable?

We want to find out all about it, so we can speak and write as correctly as possible.

Two Persons vs. Two People

“Two People” is the most common, grammatically correct way to talk about two individuals. “Two Persons” is considered grammatically incorrect and should be avoided. The only instance where you might see this form at use is in legal documents, never in casual colloquial conversations.

two persons vs two people

Take a look at the examples below:

  • I met two people at the show.
  • I met two persons at the show. (incorrect)
  • The police report specified that the crime was committed by two persons.
  • The police report specified that the crime was committed by two people.

The first set of examples contains the exact same sentence, with only one difference: one uses “Two People” and the other “Two Persons”. The latter is incorrect and even sounds very strange. You should never use “Two Persons”.

The second set of examples show what a technical police report would say. In that scenario, for judicial purposes, “Two Persons” would be acceptable and make sense.

However, it’s a very specific context, and we should also notice that “Two People” would also work well in that sentence.

Two Persons

“Two Persons” is an incorrect expression, because the plural of “Person” is “People” not “Persons”. The only exception where the form “Two Persons” would be acceptable is legal documents, such as a police report or a court document.

The definition in The Cambridge Dictionary of “Persons” confirms the idea we presented above. Take a look at some examples:

  1. The court allowed the two persons of interest to testify about the case.
  2. The two persons present at the crime scene were questioned.
  3. There were 2 persons mentioned in the court documents.
  4. The 2 persons involved were detained.
  5. The police said that they believe two persons committed the crime.

In the examples it’s possible to see that “Two Persons” is only mentioned in a technical context.

Even when mentioned by someone not necessarily connected to the judicial world, the subject is clearly mentioned in an official situation or paper where the expression “Two Persons” would be considered acceptable.

That goes to say that as civilians, the correct form to talk about or indicate two individuals is to say “Two People”.

Two People

“Two People” is a grammatically correct form, because “People” is the correct plural for “Person”. You can use that form in any form of communication, casual or formal – in fact, even in technical or judicial papers, it’d still make sense.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “People” as the plural of “Person”: “men, women and children”. Consequently, we can infer that two men, women or children could be referred to as “Two People”.

Here are some examples:

  1. She told me she met two people in her class for lunch.
  2. There were two people presenting, taking turns.
  3. There were two people there already when I arrived.
  4. I will need 2 people to help me with the move.
  5. Are there 2 people available to do some overtime this weekend?

Which Is Used the Most?

When comparing “Two People” and “Two Persons”, which one of the two forms is used more often? Take a look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below.

two persons vs two people usage

As I suppose we all expected, “Two Persons” appears to be much less used than “Two People”. The difference between the two expressions is, actually, quite large. Considering how technical and specific the use of “Two Persons” is, we didn’t expect it to be any different.

“Two People” is the common, grammatically correct form, that we can use both formally and casually. It only makes sense that this expression would be the most used one.

Final Thoughts

“Two People” is the grammatically correct way to address two individuals, in any regular situation. You should always choose this form. “Two People” is an exception used in legal documents, such as court documents and police reports. It should be avoided in any other scenario.