Sundays or Sunday’s? (Helpful Examples)

It can be tricky to figure out the differences between the plural and possessive forms. It’s made harder when working with proper nouns and names like “Sunday.” This article will help you understand the main differences you need to remember.

Sundays or Sunday’s?

You should use “Sundays” when referring to multiple Sundays. It is the plural form, meaning that something has happened more than once (i.e. “on Sundays, I go out”). You should use “Sunday’s” when “Sunday” owns an object in the sentence (i.e. “Sunday’s best”).

Sundays or Sunday's

This table should give you a better understanding of how this works:

Singular Sunday
Plural Sundays
Singular possessive Sunday’s
Plural possessive Sundays’

Sunday is a proper noun referring to a single day in the week. You can add an “s” to the end of it when you want to refer to multiple Sundays in your writing. It follows typical noun rules when it comes to creating a plural form.

The possessive forms for “Sunday” (and most other days) are simple enough. Once you know how possessive rules work, it’s easy to figure out which form works best.

To create the singular possessive form, you simply add an “‘s” to the end of the singular word “Sunday.” This allows “Sunday’s” to represent the singular possessive form (one Sunday owns an object).

You may add an apostrophe to the end of the plural form “Sundays” to create the plural possessive form. “Sundays'” refers to multiple Sundays owning the same object or group of similar objects.


“Sundays” is the plural form of “Sunday.” You should use it when referring to multiple days of the week. It only works if every day is “Sunday.” No possession is involved when you write “Sundays” like this, as there isn’t an apostrophe present.

These examples will explain how to use “Sundays” in a sentence:

  • We usually go there on Sundays because they are the most convenient days for this.
  • Sundays don’t work well for me. I’m always so busy with them, so I don’t want to let you down.
  • I’m busiest on Sundays. I’m so sorry, but that means I won’t be able to help you figure this out.
  • I’m not able to work on Sundays because I spend my time with my family. Family always comes first.
  • She told me about all the Sundays she has spent alone lately. It makes it hard to manage.

Sunday follows generic plural rules, much like other proper nouns in writing. Adding an “s” to the end is all you need to do to get it correct.

Here are some other proper nouns to show you how common it is:

  • Sarah
  • Two Sarahs
  • Dean
  • Both Deans


“Sunday’s” is the singular possessive form. It only works when one Sunday owns an object or group of objects in a sentence. It’s fairly common to see this form when you want to explore an event that only occurs on a specific Sunday.

These examples will help you to see how to use “Sunday’s” in a sentence:

  • Sunday’s mood did not work for me. I’m afraid everyone has been a bit sour lately.
  • Sunday’s morning schedule didn’t help you figure these out. Should I change it?
  • I’m not sure if Sunday’s school teachers are the most interesting to listen to. I feel bad for saying that.
  • Many of the Sunday’s night classes don’t work for me. I don’t know why I bother going to them.
  • His Sunday’s best is not the same as mine. I wish he would wear something a little nicer.

You can add an “‘s” to the end of the singular form to show that one Sunday owns an object. It’s fairly common to come across this form of possession in your writing.

“Sunday’s” may also be a contraction of “Sunday is.” This is fairly common in spoken English rather than written English.

  • Sunday’s not a good day for me right now.
  • I’m sorry, but Sunday’s no good.
  • Sunday’s going to be a lot of fun.


“Sundays'” is the plural possessive form, meaning that multiple Sundays own the same object or group of objects. You can use this when referring to an event or thing that occurs on multiple Sundays.

The tricky thing with the plural possessive form for proper nouns is that it rarely comes up in writing. You won’t often find yourself referring to multiple instances of the same day while those days own specific objects.

Nevertheless, it is still correct.

These examples will show you how to use “Sundays'” in a sentence:

  • All of those Sundays’ meetings were a waste of time. I don’t understand why we had to do that.
  • Many of those Sundays’ afternoon schedules didn’t make sense. They had to go back and fix most of it.
  • Sundays’ vibes are always off. Every Sunday, since I can remember, has been a bit of a tricky one for me.

However, while it is correct to use the plural possessive form this way, you may also find more luck simplifying it like so:

  • Those Sundays’ meetings have been tricky for me.
  • Sunday meetings have been tricky for me.

You can use the singular “Sunday” and replace the object with a plural form to clarify the meaning. This is much more common than using the plural possessive form of “Sunday.”

Tip to Remember the Difference

You will benefit from checking out a tip to find out more about how the possessive form works.

You should only add an apostrophe based on the original form used. For example, you add an “‘s” to the end of the singular form to create the singular possessive form. “Sunday” will be “Sunday’s.”

You may also add an apostrophe to the end of the plural form to turn it into the plural possessive form. “Sundays” becomes “Sundays’.”

Final Thoughts

“Sunday” can become “Sundays” when you want to refer to multiple instances of the day. You only add an apostrophe when “Sunday” owns an object. For example, “Sunday” becomes “Sunday’s” in the singular possessive or “Sundays'” if multiple Sundays own an object.