“My and His” or “Mine and His” – Which Is Correct?

So, you want to know whether “my and his” or “mine and his” is correct, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This article has all the information you need to ensure you get it correct.

“My and His” or “Mine and His” – Which Is Correct?

“My and his” and “mine and his” are incorrect. You should put “me” pronouns second. “His and mine” and “his and my” are correct. “His and mine” comes after a noun (“the bag is his and mine”). However, “his and my” comes before (“it is his and my birthday”).


  • “My and his” and “mine and his” are both incorrectly worded.
  • You must switch “my” and “mine” to the second position, meaning that “his and my” and “his and mine” are correct.
  • “His and my” comes before a possessed noun, while “his and mine” comes after.

Perhaps some more specific examples will show you how to use it:

  • Correct: It is his and my idea, so we want full credit for it.
  • Incorrect: She is not my and his best friend anymore.
  • Correct: The bag is his and mine, but we don’t know how to share its contents.
  • Incorrect: The house is mine and his, so we have the final say around here.

Keep reading to learn more about the different forms and word orders. We’ll explain how to remember each variation as well.

My and His

“My and his” is incorrect. It uses the wrong word order. You should write “my” second as personal pronouns always come last when listing pronouns.

Here are some examples showing you the correct way to word the possessive forms:

  • It is his and my anniversary today. My spouse has got a whole thing planned!
  • That is his and my idea. We do not want to share it with you.

It’s fairly easy to remember “his and my” when the noun comes second. All you need to do is remove “his and” from the sentence. If the sentence still makes sense, you know that “my” is correct.

For example:

  • This is his and my house.
  • This is my house.

You may also switch “his” with others pronouns or nouns. For instance:

  • It is hers and my birthday. What do you think we should do?
  • It is my husband’s and my anniversary! I can’t wait to see what he does.

Be careful with the order, though. No matter what pronoun you use, personal pronouns always come second. So, “my and hers” would also be incorrect.

Mine and His

“Mine and his” is incorrect because of the wrong word order. You should swap the positions of both to become “his and mine.” “Mine” is a personal pronoun, meaning it must come second.

Here are some examples showing you the correct wording:

  • The bed is his and mine, but we don’t mind you using it for the night.
  • I’m not sure if the house is his and mine anymore. Someone else put an offer down.

You can also remove “his and” from the phrase to check whether you have the correct possessive pronoun. As long as the removal of “his and” makes a correct sentence, then “mine” is correct.

For instance:

  • The dog is his and mine.
  • The dog is mine.

You may also switch “his” with another pronoun or someone else’s name.

  • That is hers and mine, so don’t play with it.
  • This house is Steve’s and mine.

However, you must always place “mine” second. So, in the above examples, “mine and hers” and “mine and Steve’s” would be incorrect.


Neither “my and his” or “mine and his” are correct. They are incorrectly ordered, so they are not grammatically correct.

Instead, you must place personal pronouns second. That way, “my” and “mine” come last.

So, “his and my” is correct when they come before a noun.

“His and mine” is correct when they come after a noun.