10 Formal Synonyms for “Interestingly Enough”

In formal writing, the phrase “interestingly enough” often gets thrown around. However, relying on it too frequently can dull the impact of your ideas.

So, this article will explore the best professional synonyms to show you what to say instead of “interestingly enough.” There are plenty of great choices available.

  • Incidentally
  • By the way
  • Speaking of
  • Curiously
  • Remarkably
  • Surprisingly
  • Notably
  • Peculiarly
  • Unexpectedly
  • Incredibly

Keep reading to learn another way of saying “interestingly enough.” We’ll show you all the best choices and provide an example for each to help you understand it better.

1. Incidentally

Firstly, using “interestingly enough” in a sentence is good, but it has a few one-word replacements. One-word synonyms are concise and direct, often making it easier to read.

That’s why we recommend “incidentally.” It’s a great formal synonym for “interestingly enough.”

It shows that something is interesting and connects to a previous point. We recommend using it to highlight something valuable to the reader.

Generally, words like this help to create a narrative in an essay. It allows the reader to directly follow along with what you’re saying.

You can also refer to these examples:

  • Incidentally, this is the only way for us to advance the project. It’s something we’ve been working on for a few years.
  • We would like to change these methods. Incidentally, we have already thought of a few good ways to do so.

2. By the Way

Alternatively, you can use “by the way.” It’s a formal way to say “interestingly enough” that shows you’d like to add a quick note.

Generally, we use “interestingly enough” when we have something to add to our emails. “By the way” achieves the same goal, as it shows you’d like to say something more (almost like a P.S.)

We recommend writing “by the way” when contacting clients. It’s a great choice that shows you’d like to add a footnote before ending your conversation with them.

Here is a great email example to show you how it works:

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

It’s vital that you come to the meeting on Friday. By the way, Mark will also be there, so it’ll be your chance to meet.

All the best,
Sam Woodchurch

3. Speaking Of

For a slightly more conversational (yet still formal) alternative, try “speaking of.” It’s highly effective in emails when you’ve got a good relationship with the recipient.

You can try it when emailing freelancers. It’s a good way to give off a more friendly vibe in an email (especially if asking them for something business-related, like an invoice).

This will help to keep things sweet between both parties, which should help to improve your relationship.

Check out this email sample as well:

Dear Christie,

We haven’t received your invoice yet. Speaking of, do you have any ideas when you might be free to work for us again?

Alice Kingsley

4. Curiously

Curiosity often helps to make things interesting. If you can get your readers curious about your writing, they’re more likely to stay engaged and read through what you’re saying.

That’s why “curiously” is a useful synonym for “interestingly enough.”

It shows you’ve got fascinating information to share. This should pique the reader’s interest without needing to say much else.

It’s highly effective in academic writing. Generally, it’ll ensure the reader pays attention and understands your point of view.

Here are some great examples to help you with it:

  • We have not solved it just yet. Curiously, it feels like it’s building up to more problems than it’s worth.
  • She did not know what to do next. Curiously, this made it much more interesting to find out how we advance.

5. Remarkably

“Remarkably” is another great alternative here. It works well because it shows you have something shocking to share. This could engage readers better than most other words.

The key is to include “remarkably” at the start of the sentence. As with most of these synonyms, including them in the introductory clause ensures you capture the reader’s imagination.

It’s a great way to improve your essay writing. It shows you’ve thought about some interesting pieces of information to add to whatever you discuss.

Also, you can refer to these examples for more help:

  • This is the best option we have. Remarkably, one of our newest starters came up with the idea.
  • I have thought about this long enough. Remarkably, there doesn’t seem to be a specific option that works best.

6. Surprisingly

Who doesn’t like surprises? They can make life all the more interesting. And funnily enough, they can also make your writing more interesting.

But how do you include a surprise in your academic writing?

Try “surprisingly.” It’s a great substitute for “interestingly enough.”

It implies that you have strange or shocking information to share. This usually helps to engage the reader, as it implies they didn’t expect whatever information follows the clause.

Of course, you shouldn’t overuse a word like “surprisingly.” Reserve it for only the most surprising findings or results in your essays. That’s how you’ll guarantee to get the reader’s attention.

If you’re still unsure, check out these examples:

  • I could have helped the team. Surprisingly, they did not come to me when they needed it most.
  • This was the only way to complete the task. Surprisingly, my boss was hesitant to let me do it like that.

7. Notably

It’s good to use something like “notably” to spice up your essay writing. If something is notable, it means it’s important and interesting enough to receive a special mention.

Therefore, including notable things in your essays is bound to entice the reader. They should be paying much closer attention to whatever you’re writing about.

We recommend including “notably” when explaining different choices. It shows you which choice you believe to be the most notable based on the outcome you can get from it.

These examples should also help you:

  • We have three options. Notably, one of them involves you taking control of the project for a few weeks.
  • It’s much simpler than you think. Notably, it’s worth looking into the most effective ways to complete something like this.

8. Peculiarly

Now, here’s a more interesting one. Don’t worry; it still works in formal contexts, but we bet you haven’t tried anything like it before!

“Peculiarly” works really well here. You should use it to show how unusual information might be. It’s a great way to keep your reader guessing.

Of course, this works in both essay writing and in emails. We recommend using it when emailing an employee.

It shows that you have something to tell them, and they should focus on what you’re writing. It can be positive or negative, as long as it’s “peculiar” (and interesting) enough for them to pay attention.

Before you leave, you should review this example:

Dear Mr. Petrov,

I’m afraid this isn’t going to cut it. Peculiarly, I did not ask you to complete the project to this standard.

Duncan Adrianson

9. Unexpectedly

Nobody expects the unexpected. That’s probably why it’s called the unexpected, right? Well, that’s also why “unexpectedly” works so well here.

Since people don’t expect the unexpected, it’s very useful to use a word like this in your writing. It captures the reader’s attention with little to no extra effort.

We recommend using it when sharing exciting information in an email. It’s a great choice if you weren’t expecting something to happen, but it ends up doing so.

Here’s a great example to show you how to use it:

Dear Miss Perry,

I’m sure you’ve heard about the news. Unexpectedly, our CEO got involved much earlier than we thought she would.

Michael Jackson

10. Incredibly

It’s worth using “incredibly” as another word for “interestingly enough.” Again, it’s preferred to use one word here because it keeps things streamlined and clear.

This is a great way to entice the reader. It allows them to understand what’s interesting without using overly wordy phrases or sentences.

Try it the next time you write an exciting essay. It’s bound to captivate the reviewer!

Here are some examples to help you with it:

  • We could have won the competition. Incredibly, they came up with a move that we’d never seen before.
  • It’s not over until you say so. Incredibly, that was still enough to dissuade our competitors.

Is It Correct to Say “Interestingly Enough”?

It is correct to say “interestingly enough.” While it might not look like it, “interestingly” is an adverb that modifies “enough” to let you know what’s supposed to interest you.

However, you should only use the adverbial form. If you do not include the “-ly” ending, it will make little sense to the reader. For example:

  • Correct: Interestingly enough, this isn’t the only way to complete the task.
  • Incorrect: Interesting enough, you can do things without needing their guidance.

As “interestingly enough” is an introductory clause, you should include a comma after it.

For instance:

  • Interestingly enough, you must include a comma after an introductory clause.