When you’re on a computer, you might be asked to “click” a button. But, you could also be asked to “click on” a button. Today, we’ll explore the difference between clicking something and clicking on something.
Difference Between “Click” Vs. “Click On”
To use “click on” and “click” correctly, use “click on” is for something virtual. Such as a link, a tab, or an app. But use “click” for something physical- such as the right mouse button. However, you can also used “click” for virtual things.
“Click On” Is For Virtual. But What Does “Virtual” Mean?
Right now, I just want to make clear that everyone knows what I mean by “virtual”. There may be some who think that anything to do with computers is virtual, and this is not true.
For example, the mouse buttons are to do with your computer, but they’re certainly not virtual.
For something to be virtual, it needs to be part of the software, not the hardware of the computer. Essentially, if you want to “click” something, your computer doesn’t even need to work. But if you want to “click on” something, you will first need to turn your computer on.
5 Examples Of “Click On”
- If you want to know what everyone is talking about, just click on the trending topics
- My advice is not to click on anything that you’re unsure about. Particularly if they’re asking for money.
- First things first, you will need to click on Google Chrome. Once you’ve done that, you have to decide which website you want to look at.
- Click on the question to answer it. This will take you to a new page where you can write out your answer
- Click on the file you want to send, and your email should turn it into an attachment for you.
5 Examples Of “Click”
- If you want to run in this game, you will need to click X. And then click Y when you want to walk normally again.
- Click the right mouse to go to the link. Click the left mouse to copy it for a document.
- You have to click the on button. If you don’t do that, you can’t expect it to work.
- Click T on your keyboard to make the app full-sized.
- Click the right mouse for most things. For now, you don’t need to worry about the left mouse button.
Click Vs Click On: Which Is More Popular?
When we’re talking about virtual things, “click” and “click on” can be used interchangeably. Which leads us to under which one is more popular? Using the same language that everyone else uses can help us communicate better and more efficiently.
Until 1988, both were equally unpopular. Before computers, “click” was something you did with your fingers.
However, in 1988, usage of both of the phrases rose. But “click” rose a lot, and I mean a heck of a lot, more than “click on” did.
Although this could be because all “click on”s are also “click”s.
“Click” Is An Example Of An Onomatopoeic Word
The word “click” is what some linguists like to call an “Onomatopoeic word”. This comes from the noun “Onomatopoeia”.
All that means is that the word sounds like the sound it makes. Most of the time, we don’t even notice when a word is onomatopoeic. But think of any sound, BANG, CRASH, WHIZZ! They all sound like the sound they make.
Even words like flip-flop can be considered to be onomatopoeic.
The word “click” is onomatopoeic because when we click on something, it usually makes a “click” sound. We’re so used to it now that most of us probably don’t even notice.
Synonyms For “Click On”
- If you want to know what everyone is talking about, just select the trending topics
- My advice is not to open on anything that you’re unsure about. Particularly if they’re asking for money.
- First things first, you will need to tap on Google Chrome. Once you’ve done that, you have to decide which website you want to look at.
- Hold down the mouse for a second on the question to answer it. This will take you to a new page where you can write out your answer
- Put the arrow on the file you want to send, press the right mouse button, and your email should turn it into an attachment for you.
Synonyms For “Click”
If you want to run in this game, you will need to press X. And then press Y when you want to walk normally again.- Push the right mouse to go to the link. Push the left mouse to copy it for a document.
- You have to tap the on button. If you don’t do that, you can’t expect it to work.
- Hold T on your keyboard to make the app full-sized.
- Use the right mouse for most things. For now, you don’t need to worry about the left mouse button.
Left Click Vs Right Click: What Is The Difference?
On most computers, some of you may have noticed that there are usually two buttons you can “click”.
The most common one is the right. When you right click on something on a computer, this usually just allows you to open it. It’s the basic one that most people know.
But, if you left click someone on a computer, you’ll get some options about what you want to do. For example, left-click on Google Chrome, and you can print a page, save a page, or look at the source code behind it. On Word, left click in a document and it gives you a list of things you can do in your document.
And there we have the difference between “click” and “click on”. You can “click on a file” or you can “click a file”.
However, whilst you can “click the right mouse”, you cannot “click on the right mouse”.
It’s a very subtle difference that only linguists and computer experts will understand. But, now you know, hopefully, you won’t get it wrong again.
Thank you for clicking on this article. And we hope that you’ve found it useful.