10 Better Ways To Say “Dear” In Emails

When writing emails, “dear” is commonly used to address the recipient. We almost always write it before someone’s name or title so that they know it is aimed at them. However, there are better alternatives we can address someone, and this article will explore them.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Dear” In Emails?

There are plenty of different ways we can address someone in an email besides “dear.” This article will introduce you to the following:

  • Hey
  • Hello
  • To
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Name
  • Hi guys
  • Hi all
  • Hi everyone
better ways to say dear in emails

The preferred version is “hey” or “hello,” depending on the tone. They both work to address a person as if you are greeting them. Even though you are sending them an email, the idea is that we greet them with the same words as if we saw them in person.


“Hey” is one of the best replacements for “dear.” We can use it with or without a name, which works well when we’re addressing someone directly or addressing a group. However, it’s slightly more informal than “dear,” so you can’t always use it.

Here are a few examples showing you how it might work:

  • Hey James,
  • It’s been a long time, and I’m glad you have finally contacted me.
  • Thank you,
  • Steven
  • Hey all,
  • It has been noted that your morale has declined as of late. What can I do to remedy this?
  • Thank you,
  • Mr. Smith


“Hello” is another great choice for a greeting. We can replace “dear” directly with it if a name comes after it. However, we do not always need “hello” to be accompanied by a name. It is more than enough of a greeting on its own in most cases.

Here are a few examples using both names and excluding them:

  • Hello Dean,
  • I have been around the building and have not noticed any issues, as you mentioned.
  • Kind regards,
  • Tom
  • Hello,
  • It has already been brought to my attention, but I appreciate the email.
  • Kind regards,
  • Peggy Mitchell


“To” is a simple greeting that we can use to replace “dear.” It’s not one of the more common choices, but it works well when we include the person’s name directly after it. It’s more common to use “to” in letters than in emails.

Here are a few examples:

  • To Mr. Parker,
  • I have heard a lot about you from my colleagues,
  • I look forward to working with you,
  • Mrs. Jackson
  • To Dan,
  • I hope you are doing okay after your accident.
  • Let me know if there is anything I can do for you,
  • Mr. Blart

Good Morning

“Good morning” is a good choice if you’re sending your email in the “morning.” This applies to any time that falls before lunch and is early in the day. You can also use it to refer to one person or multiple people, depending on who your email is for.

If you are going to send “good morning” in an email, you’ll want to include the person’s name after it in most cases if it’s addressing them. This isn’t always necessary, but it’s good manners.

If you’re addressing a group, there is no reason to include any more words after “good morning.”

Here are some examples:

  • Good morning Harry,
  • I am happy to hear that you had a good time,
  • Kind regards,
  • Matthew
  • Good morning,
  • It has been a long time coming, but I’m glad you’re okay.
  • Thank you for telling me,
  • Adam Hinch

Good Afternoon

“Good afternoon” works when we are in the “afternoon.” If we send an email after lunch (and before evening hits at around 5 p.m.), we can use “good afternoon” as a formal greeting.

Similar to “good morning,” you should include someone’s name if you are emailing them directly. However, if you are emailing a group, you do not need a name after it.

This is how it might look:

  • Good afternoon,
  • I hope you are all doing well, and I look forward to working with you again shortly.
  • Kind regards,
  • Mrs. Greed
  • Good afternoon Paul,
  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will get to work on it ASAP.
  • Kind regards,
  • Matt Man

Good Evening

“Good evening” works when we are in the “evening” period of the day. This can vary depending on who uses it, but it mostly applies to any time after 5 or 6 p.m. If you are sending an email after this time, it is likely that “good evening” is a good introduction.

Just like the other time-based greetings, we should still include a name when using “good evening” if we’re only messaging one person. If we message a group, just “good evening” alone is fine.

This is how it might come in handy:

  • Good evening Joseph,
  • I look forward to hearing from you about what you found when you went south.
  • See you soon,
  • Mary
  • Good evening,
  • I haven’t been around to congratulate you all yet, but I’ll make sure to be in the office tomorrow to see you.
  • Kind regards,
  • Matt Blanc


“Name” works when we are sending a formal email. It mostly works in a warning letter, where someone might have done something wrong, and we are warning them about their behavior. You should replace “name” with their own name to highlight who is being addressed.

Though uncommon, it is possible to remove the greeting altogether. An email that starts simply with somebody’s name is usually reserved for someone who we are telling off or who is in trouble.

You should not use this email opener if you do not mean to tell the recipient off. It comes across as rude and lazy.

Here are a few examples of how it might look:

  • Joseph,
  • I have gathered the evidence presented by your colleagues, and I think we need to have a little meeting about your conduct.
  • Kind regards,
  • Kim
  • Tara,
  • I will not hear anymore from you about this matter. Come to my office at once,
  • Kind regards,
  • Mr. Hamilton

Hi Guys

“Hi guys” works well when we want to address a larger group of people. If there isn’t one specific recipient, this phrase is a great one to use. You can also replace “hi” with “hey” or “hello” if you want to as well.

Typically, “hi guys” is more informal than some of the other options we’ve presented. “Guys” isn’t the best choice to use in emails if you are writing professionally.

Here are a couple of examples to show you how it might look:

  • Hi guys,
  • I hope you’re all having a lovely day, and I would like to discuss this matter further with you by email.
  • Kind regards,
  • John Wallbream
  • Hey guys,
  • I’m doing well, and I appreciate you checking in to find out more.
  • Thank you for caring,
  • Sam Walker

You may also like: 11 Better Ways To Say “Guys” To A Mixed Group Of People

Hi All

“Hi all” is another way we can address a larger group. It works well in many cases to start an email. It’s also slightly less informal than using “guys,” which can be helpful when you’re writing a professional email intended for a large workforce.

These examples will show you how it works:

  • Hi all,
  • I would like to congratulate you all on the work you have done over the past few weeks.
  • Thank you for all your hard work,
  • Mr. Samson
  • Hi all,
  • I appreciate your efforts on the project and would like to reward you for them.
  • Kind regards,
  • Paul Watts

Hi Everyone

“Hi everyone” is another more formal choice we can use. It again refers to multiple people (or a large group of people). If we have many people in the email chain that are all receiving the same thing, then “everyone” might be worth using.

“Everyone” and “all” are interchangeable in an email format. It’s ultimately up to you which one you think works best for your emails.

Check out these examples to see it in action:

  • Hi everyone,
  • I haven’t been able to make it in to see you all yet, but I should be back to full health by the end of the week.
  • Thank you for your kind words,
  • Sarah Millican
  • Hi everyone,
  • You’re all doing really well, and I want you to take a few days off to celebrate your latest accomplishments.
  • Thank you,
  • Mrs. Higgins

Is It Weird To Say “Dear” In An Email?

We’ve looked at all the best alternatives for “dear,” but it’s time to circle back to it briefly. It might help you to know why we’re even looking at using alternatives in the first place.

“Dear” is not weird to say in an email. In fact, it’s one of the most common words we use to address people in formal letters. You can use “dear sir” or “dear ma’am” without question, and it will always deliver the correct message.

The only reason we think you might benefit from something else is that “dear” can be overused.

Since it’s one of the more common words, it is likely that some people are sick of reading it. Showing them that you can use other words is always a great way to add character to an email (even in formal situations).

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