11 Better Ways To Say “Add Value” (Synonyms)

Many things can add value in life, both in business contexts and in daily living. This article will look into some of the best ways of saying that you “add value.” We’ll cover both professional and informal settings, so you should have more than enough to go on!

Better Ways To Say Add Value (Synonyms)

The preferred words are “enhance,” “contribute,” and “enrich.” These words work well in both contexts, though they are particularly suitable for a resume when you’re trying to impress the person who might be reading it. They all show that you can add value as a player in a team.


“Enhance” is the best way to show that you “add value.” It works best in business formats, and many resumes will benefit from using a word like this to show that you’re worth hiring. If you can add value to their company, an employer will always chase after you.

The definition of “enhance,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.”

  • I enhance every team that I’ve been a part of. I’m certain that this company will benefit from taking me on as a new employee.
  • I’m good at enhancing what the team has to offer. I don’t think you’ll find another employee that can commit quite as I can.
  • This idea clearly enhances the overall plan. I think it’s something that we should definitely spend time working toward.


“Contribute” is a verb choice relating to new plans or ideas that you might put into a company. You might do so individually or as part of a team. Either way, as long as you’re adding something that others may not, you are always contributing in some way.

The definition of “contribute,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to add new plans or ideas, or help make improvements to something so that it becomes more valuable or successful.”

  • You always manage to contribute in all the best ways. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to let you go because of how effective you are.
  • You find great ways to contribute to this company. We want you to know that you’ll always have a position here because of that.
  • If you aren’t going to contribute to the project, then you really shouldn’t be here. We only want people that can add value throughout.


“Enrich” is the next best word because it always refers to improving the quality of something. You will often find a way to add something to whatever already exists, which happens to add value to the original thing.

The definition of “enrich,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to improve the quality of something by adding something else.”

  • You’ve done wonders to enrich the company and the team you’re a part of. What are your secrets?
  • I think you’ve done well to enrich this place, and I’m sure that your legacy will go down in the history books as one of the most impressive.
  • He has managed to enrich us all with the things he’s come out with. I’m quite impressed by what he’s able to say.

Add To

“Add to” is a simple phrasal verb that works when adding value to something. “Add to” shows that you or someone else has added something to a project or task, allowing it to run in a more effective fashion.

The definition of “add to,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to increase in value by a particular amount, or to make something increase in value by a particular amount.”

  • You’ve managed to add to this very well, and we want you to keep offering these ideas as we continue to move forward.
  • I think this whole thing only adds to the enjoyment of the overall venture. You really can’t go wrong with whatever this is.
  • I want it to add to the experience, but I’m not sure how I can do that in a way that captures everyone’s imagination.


“Intensify” is one of those words that can look really good when you get it right on a resume. However, it can also look out of place if you use it incorrectly. Make sure you use it to refer to a time when you have made something more valuable with your efforts.

The definition of “intensify,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to become greater, more serious, or more extreme, or to make something do this.”

  • Naturally, I intensify every project I’ve ever worked on. Why? Because I always make sure to find the best ways to do things.
  • You’re really good at intensifying the things we already thought were useful. You’ll have to teach us how you do that.
  • I want this to intensify the user experience. I want it to be one of the most sought-after products on the market. I will make that happen.


“Heighten” shows that you will be willing to bring something to a new height. People will often chase after this quality because it shows that you go above and beyond with the effort you put into something.

The definition of “heighten,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to increase or make something increase, especially an emotion or effect.”

  • My talents will heighten the operations of this company. I will not rest until I’ve made sure that my mark has been made clear.
  • I will keep heightening the experience until it is worthwhile for everyone involved. Nobody will be left behind.
  • What do you think you can do to heighten the team’s efforts here? Do you think you offer something that offers might lack?


“Excel” is a more specific verb that generally refers to people (rather than objects). It works when someone has achieved something that seems to add more value than they usually are capable of doing.

The definition of “excel,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to do something very well or be highly skilled, and be better than most others.”

  • You clearly excel when you’re part of a team, and I’m glad you can add value to the people you work with without much issue.
  • I want you to excel, and I think you’re going to do really well with all of this. I truly believe you’re capable of more than this.
  • You’ve managed to excel this beyond the point of what we thought was possible. Thank you for what you’ve achieved.


“Asset” is a noun form relating to the usefulness of someone or something. It’s great because it shows that you are someone that can be relied on because of the value you might be able to bring to a team.

The definition of “asset,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person.”

  • You’ve turned yourself into quite the asset. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to get rid of you because of how useful you are.
  • You’re an asset, and I want you to understand that I truly appreciate all the hard work you’ve been doing for us.
  • I think you’ll find that this is an asset that you can capitalize on. It’s got some of the most valuable information for you right now.


“Improve” is a simple verb form relating to someone or something that will add value. It’s best in a business context when you are referring to something that you can make better (like a project or team). Informally, it refers to making anything better than it currently is.

The definition of “improve,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to get better, or to make something better.”

  • It’s going to improve the way we do things around here, and I’d really appreciate it if you could take a look into it.
  • I want you to improve the team’s morale slightly, and I know you’re the one I need to make that a reality.
  • I think you should find a way to improve this quickly. I don’t want to have to present it to the boss in its current state.


“Inflate” isn’t a particularly common word. However, if you’re going to use it, it works really well in business contexts. People use it often to refer to increases in profits or monetary values, but it can refer to someone’s abilities as well.

The definition of “inflate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to become or to make something larger or more important.”

  • Do you think you can inflate the productivity of the teams we already have? I’m keen to find out what you might be able to do.
  • I want to inflate my abilities, and I think this is the perfect place for me to explore that idea safely.
  • You should tell me more about why you think you can inflate our projects here. Do you think you’re the answer?


“Strengthen” is a great way of showing that somebody or something can add value where it previously may not have existed. It’s great both formally and informally, and it’s worth using whenever you want to show that you can make something better.

The definition of “strengthen,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective.”

  • How can we strengthen this to make sure that it’s the most profitable part of our business model right now?
  • I have a few ideas that are going to help you strengthen this in the long run. Are you willing to hear me out?
  • She wanted to strengthen the team’s position, but I fought back against that. I do feel bad for kicking her out, though.