Everyone is different, and everyone enjoys spending their time in different ways. A person who loves to be alone won’t often enjoy going outside and going social things. This article will help you understand the best words to describe these types of people.

The preferred synonyms are “introvert,” “hermit,” and “loner.” These work really well to describe someone who likes to be alone. They can be positive or negative, depending on the context you want to use when you are writing about this person.
“Introvert” refers to a person who enjoys his own company. It works really well because it shows that someone is more than happy to spend time alone. They don’t need to go out to have fun. Instead, they will find their own fun while they’re on their own.
“Introvert” is the opposite of “extrovert.” Most people believe that those are the two main personalities someone might possess. “Introverts” love being alone and having fun by themselves. “Extroverts” like being around other people and having fun with them.
The definition of “introvert,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is shy, quiet, and prefers to spend time alone rather than often being with other people.”
- As an introvert, I have a hard time making friends. Luckily, I enjoy being alone and spending time in my own company.
- I am an introvert. There’s no other way to say it. I like to be alone, and I don’t feel like I need to go out and socialize like those around me.
- You are such an introvert. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean you’re going to have a difficult time making new friends.
“Hermit” is a great word you can use to refer to someone who likes being alone. It originated from religious reasons. People would often isolate themselves from other people due to their own beliefs.
Nowadays, “hermit” is much more general. It can be used to refer to someone who doesn’t like to be around others. If they would rather spend time on their own, then they are considered a “hermit.”
The definition of “hermit,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who lives alone and apart from the rest of society, especially for religious reasons.”
- I’m a hermit, and that’s how I like it. There’s no reason for me to be outside right now. Being alone is when I feel happiest.
- I’m not a hermit by choice. I simply have to be alone when I don’t feel up to social situations. That tends to happen more often than not.
- I appreciate that social gatherings are daunting. You’re a hermit, but that’s okay. You’re entitled to live life your own way.
“Loner” is a negative word you can use for this context. It refers to someone who is alone, often because they are not able to make connections or meet new people.
You shouldn’t use this word if you aren’t trying to offend someone. It can certainly make someone feel unwanted or unloved if you’re not careful with it.
The definition of “loner,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to do things on their own without other people.”
- You’re a bit of a loner, Jack. I’m not sure why you never want to come out with us. It shows us that you prefer yourself to any of us.
- I thought you were a loner. I’m glad that you finally decided to come out with us to see what all the fuss was about.
- I wasn’t surprised when that message finally came through. She’s a loner, and that won’t change. I figured she was going to cancel on us.
Lone Wolf
“Lone wolf” is a great alternative you can use. It shows that someone doesn’t like to do things with other people. They will often feel much more comfortable when they are given the freedom to do things alone.
Most of the time, “lone wolves” believe that others slow them down. That’s why they prefer avoiding connections and being around people.
The definition of “lone wolf,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to do things on their own without other people.”
- Oh, I get it. He’s a lone wolf. He likes his own company and doesn’t want to spend time with us because he thinks we slow him down.
- You’re a bit of a lone wolf, and I respect that. You should try and come out a little more, though. You might surprise yourself.
- I’m a lone wolf by choice. I prefer my own company, and I can have a lot of fun doing the things I enjoy rather than being with others.
“Recluse” is a fairly insulting alternative, but it works well. It is used to refer to someone who lives alone and avoids social gatherings. It is often used as a way to look down on those who might not be interested in hanging out.
The definition of “recluse,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other people.”
- They’re social recluses, so good luck getting them to come out. They prefer being alone most of the time. That’s all there is to it.
- I’m a recluse because I like to be alone. I’m sorry if that makes me seem boring in your eyes. This is just who I am.
- You’re not a recluse, buddy. You have the chance to come out and see the world finally! Please, jump at it and show us you care!
“Solitary” works really well when someone likes to be the only one in their life. They won’t build close connections with other people because they choose to be alone as often as they can be.
The definition of “solitary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being the only one, or not being with other similar things, often by choice.”
- I am a solitary guy. If I’m presented with a night to myself or a night with other people, I will almost always choose myself.
- You’re quite solitary. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. I’m just making an observation about how you are.
- She’s very solitary and prefers to be alone most of the time. I wish that she would come out to see us, but alas.
“Anchorite” is a similar word to “hermit.” It comes with religious connotations that someone has isolated themselves for religious beliefs. Unlike “hermit,” “anchorite” still keeps the religious connotations today.
Most native speakers don’t know much about this word. It’s considered quite archaic, so there won’t be many known uses.
The definition of “anchorite,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who lives alone and away from other people for religious reasons.”
- He’s an anchorite, which is why he doesn’t do much with us. He likes to be alone and says it’s a spiritual thing for him.
- I’m an anchorite, and I’d rather not do those things with you. I live away from societies like this for a reason. Good bye.
- You’re not as much of an anchorite as you seem to think you are. I know you get a little bit lonely during the night!
“Ascetic” is another religious synonym that you can use. It relates to someone who likes to avoid pleasure and live a simple life (meaning they won’t be around other people).
Again, the religious connotations behind this word are still prevalent. You will find that most people use this to refer to those are deliberately avoid seeking pleasure due to their own beliefs.
The definition of “ascetic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons.”
- Ascetic people will always claim that they prefer to be alone. I don’t know whether that’s true, but I have to believe that they’re wrong.
- I don’t want to be ascetic. It’s not a fun way to live because I never get a chance to go out and explore new connections.
- Are you ascetic? Why don’t you ever want to come out and do things with us? I swear that we’re a lot of fun! Just wait and see.
“Self-contained” is a good choice in many situations. It shows that someone doesn’t need other people to make themselves feel better. Instead, they’re more than happy to spend time on their own and enjoy their company.
They won’t rely on other people to make themselves feel better. “Self-contained” means they are “contained” in their own world, and that’s all they need.
The definition of “self-contained,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “does not have a large number of relationships with other people or does not depend on others for support.”
- You’re self-contained, and I respect that. I respect that you’re trying to look after yourself and keep yourself entertained.
- I’m self-contained and don’t want anyone else to rescue me. I can happily support myself, so I remain alone.
- You’re the self-contained one here. You can look after yourself and don’t need others. I wish I could be strong like that.