22th or 22nd – Which Spelling Is Correct?

What’s the correct spelling for the ordinal form of the number 22? Should we use “22th” or “22nd”?

We want to know which form to use and which to avoid, as well as the rule for the correct one, so we can avoid mistakes in the future.

22th or 22nd – Which Spelling Is Correct?

“22nd” is the correct spelling for the ordinal form of the number 22. Just like the number 2, the number 22 is considered an irregular ordinal form that doesn’t take on the usual suffix “-th”. Consequently, “22th” is incorrect. “22nd” is the form you should use.

22th or 22nd

The ordinal number “22nd” follows the same rule as “2nd”. The written form of “2nd” is “Second”. The last two letters of the word “Second” lead to the suffix used to indicate the number 2 in its ordinal form: “2nd”.

Following that rule, most numbers that end with 2 also have “-nd” in their ordinal forms. That’s the case for “22nd”, “32nd”, and 42nd”, for example.

Take a look at the examples below:

  • Annie’s departure is scheduled for April 22th. (incorrect)
  • Annie’s departure is scheduled for April 22nd.

Keep in mind that you should always avoid using the form “22th” because it’s incorrect. Always prioritize the proper form, “22nd”.


“22th” is an incorrect form for the ordinal number between “21th” and “23rd”. Most ordinal numbers, when written as numbers (and not words) use the suffix “-th”. However, there are some irregular numbers, which are an exception to this. That’s the case with the number 22, which in its ordinal form is “21nd” and not “21th”.

Is “22th” a word, or an acceptable form? The Cambridge Dictionary doesn’t acknowledge “22th” as a word or as an acceptable form. When a reader searches this form, it’s forwarded to a list of words that could potentially be mistaken for “22th”.

Let’s take a look at some examples that include the improper form “22th”, followed by a corrected version of the same sentences, using the proper “22nd”.

  1. Happy 22th birthday, Maria! (incorrect)
  2. Happy 22nd birthday, Maria!
  1. Wendy will be traveling to Europe on September 22th. (incorrect)
  2. Wendy will be traveling to Europe on September 22nd.
  1. Our anniversary is on May 22th. (incorrect)
  2. Our anniversary is on May 22nd.


“22nd” is the correct spelling for the number 22 in its ordinal form. The number 2, as an ordinal, is “Second”. When written as a number, the suffix follows the written form and is “-nd”. Most numbers that end with 2 follow this rule and are referred to as “22dn”, “32nd”, “42nd”, etc.

Therefore, the ordinal form of 22 is “22nd” as a number and “Twenty-Second” as a written word. Never forget that “22nd” is an irregular ordinal number, that doesn’t follow the usual “-th” form.

Both The Cambridge Dictionary and The Merriam-Webster Dictionary have no definitions for “22nd”. Ultimately, this is a number, not a word, so it makes sense that there’d be no definitions for it.

Take a look at the examples below in which “22nd” is correctly used:

  1. The meeting will be on Monday, the 22nd.
  2. The concert is on October 22nd.
  3. Danny’s birthday is on September 22nd.
  4. I’m taking my test on February 22nd.
  5. We had lunch together on April 22nd.

Which Is Used the Most?

Which one of those forms is used more often, “22th” or “22nd”? Take a look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below and find out.

22th or 22nd usage

“22nd” is the form that people prefer to use when referring to the number 22 in its ordinal form. We expected that this is what the graph would reflect because this is the correct form that people should use and apply to their sentences.

“22th” is rarely used, as any incorrect form should, and appears only at the very bottom of the graph. Always remember that you should avoid “22th” and use only “22nd”.

Final Thoughts

Just like the number 2, which is considered an irregular ordinal number and presents itself as “2nd”, 22 doesn’t take on the usual suffix “-th” for its ordinal form. Its correct form is “22nd”, as in “twenty-second”. “22th” is a misspelling and shouldn’t be used.