11 Other Words For “Go-To Person”

Being a “go-to person” is usually quite helpful for the people around you. They can always go to you when they need you. However, there are better alternatives, and this article will look at some of the most useful ones to include in your writing.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Go-To-Person”?

There are plenty of different options available for this case. Why not try out some of the following to see which suits you best:

  • Point person
  • Expert
  • Authority
  • Point of contact
  • Go-to
  • Fixer
  • Solver
  • Helper
  • Matter expert
  • Specialist
  • Source
Words For Go-To Person

The preferred version is “point person.” It’s a good way to show that you can rely on someone’s knowledge of a particular subject if you need them. They are always the “point” of call for you if you have any questions about their field of specialty.

Point Person

“Point person” is a great way to refer to a “go-to person.” It shows that we can rely on the person at the “point” to give us all the information we need. Usually, everyone knows who the “point person” is if they need help with anything in their working day.

We can also replace “person” with “man” or “woman” accordingly. However, some people like to avoid these gender-based nouns, which is why we thought “person” made the most sense here.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • This is June, and she’s our point person if we need her. I’m sure you’ll find she has plenty of knowledge about all these matters.
  • Our point person, Matthew, should be along shortly. You can direct all your questions to him if you want to learn more.
  • I think we need to find a point person who knows what they’re talking about. That way, we can have more confidence in these things.


“Expert” works well to show that someone has studied for a long time and has plenty of knowledge. If we need to learn something about a system or procedure, it’s likely that an “expert” in that matter will have all the necessary information we need.

Have a look through some of these examples to see how it works:

  • I think we should refer to the expert, as he knows everything there is to know about situations just like this one.
  • I would like to meet your expert in the field because I’m sure they have a lot of insightful things that they’d like to say to me.
  • We are hiring someone who sees themselves as an expert in computing. It will help us to refer to their skills whenever we need them.


“Authority” is similar to “expert.” If we call someone an “authority,” it means that we always rely on their knowledge to help us out. They have a much greater understanding of many things that we work with, which is why we value their information above all else.

Why not check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • John is the authority in this situation, so I think it would make the most sense if you could refer to him for future questions.
  • I think you should meet Sally, our authority. She knows everything there is to know about thermal dynamics.
  • I’m not the authority on this subject, but I have the basic knowledge required to help me understand what is going on here.

Point Of Contact

“Point of contact” is a great way to show that someone is important to a specific project or mission. We can ask the “point of contact” for more information when we need help from them, and they should always be made clear to everyone involved.

You should check out a few of these examples to see how to use it:

  • You can find our point of contact on the other side of this building. She should be able to help you understand more about this.
  • I’m the point of contact for the mission. If you need anything more from me, just let me know what I can do.
  • Make sure you refer to the point of contact when you get a moment to do so. They’re there to help you, after all.


“Go-to” is a simple way to replace “person” in the phrase. We do not have to refer to them as a “person” or a “man” or “woman.” Simply using “go-to” is good enough as a replacement, and it still conveys the intended meaning we look for.

We could use this simple hyphenated word as follows:

  • This is our go-to, and they will have all the information you need to acquaint yourself with this project.
  • You should find our go-to because they always know a lot more about what we’re doing here than anyone else.
  • He has become our newest go-to because we’ve never met someone who has as much knowledge in these subjects as he does.


“Fixer” works well to show that someone is capable of fixing our problem. “Go-to’s” have a vast amount of knowledge that they can use to help us with all shapes and sizes solutions. That’s why they are also sometimes known as “fixers.”

Maybe you can try out “fixer” as follows:

  • You should ask Harry about it. He’s our fixer, and he’ll know what to do to solve this situation before it gets out of hand.
  • We need to find a fixer for this before it’s too late. We’ve already done enough damage, and now we need outside help.
  • I would like to help you, but I’m not the fixer. You should talk to Marge about it because she always knows what to do.


“Solver” works well in many cases when we’re looking for solutions. Since that’s mostly what we rely on “go-to” people for, that’s why “solver” is a great alternative that we can use in its place.

This word works in the following situations:

  • They call me their solver because I’m always the one who can solve the problems in the company, no matter how dire.
  • I would like to consult the solver because I think they have the best chance of fixing all of these errors before it’s too late.
  • Michael, our solver, should be along shortly, and we recommend you talk to him to find out what the solution will be.


“Helper” is another simple choice that shows that someone can “help” us. If they have plenty of experience or knowledge, our “go-to” people can always “help” us figure out a new solution for something.

Check out a few of these examples to see how it works:

  • We have a few helpers here, and each one of them is a respective expert in their fields. Don’t hesitate to ask them questions.
  • You should find yourself a helper to get you through this. That’s the only way to guarantee that you won’t make any more mistakes.
  • We don’t need a helper just yet, but we’re certainly going to keep you close by just in case.

Matter Expert

A “matter expert” is someone who has a lot of experience in a specific matter. Usually, that “matter” is related to the context, and we don’t often have to refer to it by name. That’s why “expert” is a better choice without using “matter.”

Maybe some of these examples will help you to figure this one out:

  • I’m not much of a matter expert myself, but I know someone on the third floor who will be more than happy to chime in.
  • You should look into finding a subject matter expert who knows more about this than everyone else.
  • I’m a subject matter expert, and the company keeps me around for hours just to make sure that nothing blows up in their faces.


“Specialist” is another way of using “expert.” It shows that someone has taken a great deal of time to learn more about a specific subject. This makes them a valuable person to keep around as a “go-to” should we ever need them.

Perhaps you’d like to refer to the following examples to see how this one works:

  • Our specialist is called Sarah, and she should be somewhere on the second floor. Find her quickly!
  • We need to hire a new specialist to let us know whether this is the right thing to do. I don’t want to make this decision.
  • Can you find our specialist on this matter, please? His name is Darren, and he should be somewhere close by.


“Source” is a great way to talk about where the information came from. If we want to refer back to the original person who gave us the information, we would call them our “source.”

Here are a few ways you can make this one work:

  • Mitchell is our source, and he never lets us down with his extensive knowledge of these situations.
  • Our source is never wrong, which is why we can make sure to investigate this information without fear of prosecution.
  • You should refer to our source, Timmy. He knows what’s up, and he should be able to help you further.

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