“What’s To Come” – Meaning & Synonyms (With Examples)

Throughout the many experiences in our lives, I’m sure we all know what it’s like to be excited about something that’s about to come. And while the future hasn’t come yet, why don’t we ponder on what ‘what’s to come’ means? Let’s see and find out!

What Does ‘What’s To Come’ Mean?

‘What’s to come’ means what is about to happen soon. Here, ‘to come’ is an infinitive that acts as an adjective and means ‘in the future.’ So, in totality, the phrase refers to what you will see, or what you are about to see, soon or in the near future.

what's to come meaning

Below are examples of how to use ‘what’s to come’ in a sentence.

  1. The forecast predicted heavy rainfall, so they advise the residents to prepare for what’s to come.
  2. We’re never sure what’s to come, so it’s best to prepare and be alert.
  3. Let’s focus instead on bettering what’s to come for our other projects.
  4. This event is very fun. It makes me want to know what’s to come in the coming days.
  5. Sit tight and wait just a short while! Don’t switch, and don’t miss what’s to come!
  6. I hope the students participate and look forward to what’s to come this new school year.
  7. Though we can’t predict what’s to come, we should stay positive and do our best in all our endeavors.

What Does ‘Excited For What’s To Come’ Mean?

‘Excited for what’s to come’ means you look forward to an event or something that’s about to happen in the future. It means you are very enthusiastic or eager to know what’s about to happen, or for that something to happen already.

Below are examples of how to use ‘excited for what’s to come’ in a sentence.

  1. The event teaser makes me excited for what’s to come. I can’t wait to see how the event goes.
  2. I’m excited about what’s to come for our organization. Let’s do great this school year.
  3. I’m sure you are all excited about (or for) what’s to come. So, make sure support the event launch.
  4. Some of my friends reviewed our teaser, and they said it doesn’t make them excited for what’s to come.
  5. She says she isn’t excited for what’s to come, but she’s the one who hypes our teasers the most.

What Does ‘Can’t Wait For What’s To Come’ Mean?

‘Can’t wait for what’s to come’ generally means the same as ‘excited for what’s to come.’ Both phrases mean that one is eager or enthusiastic about what’s to happen in the future. The only difference is that ‘can’t wait’ emphasizes wanting to know or wanting the event to happen sooner.

Below are examples of how to use ‘can’t wait for what’s to come’ in a sentence.

  1. I can’t wait for what’s to come in their next projects and events.
  2. I can’t wait for what’s to come for you. I see so much potential in you, and I know you’ll do great.
  3. We can’t wait for what’s to come in the new album promotions.
  4. Most of them say they can’t wait for what’s to come in the event. Let’s make the event as fun as we can.
  5. Tracy says she can’t wait for what’s to come in her birthday. So, let’s make it extra special for her.

Is ‘What’s To Come’ Grammatically Correct?

‘What’s to come’ is grammatically correct and accepted. It does not violate any grammar rules of the English language. Many people also use this phrase in daily, casual conversations, but it is not as appropriate for academic and formal writing. More formal alternatives would be ‘upcoming events’ or ‘future events.’

In using ‘what’s to come,’ it is essential to make sure that one is using the correct prepositions after the phrase, to make sure it is still grammatically correct. The most common prepositions we use with ‘what’s to come’ are ‘in’ and ‘for.’ We mostly use ‘for’ when we are talking about the future for someone or something, while we use ‘in’ to refer to the future that is part of a particular something, event, or project.

Synonyms For ‘What’s To Come’

Below are words and phrases with ‘what’s to come.’

  • What’s happening soon
  • Future events
  • Upcoming projects/Upcoming events
  • What’s coming soon
  • What’s nearly approaching