Uneffected or Unaffected – Which Spelling Is Correct?

When something doesn’t have the expected effect, do you describe it as “Uneffected” or “Unaffected”?

We want to know which is the correct spelling for it, as well as the proper meaning – so we can find out which is the best way to put “Uneffected” and “Unaffected” to use.

Uneffected or Unaffected – Which Spelling Is Correct?

“Uneffected” and “Unaffected” aren’t alternate forms for the same word. “Unaffected” is the correct spelling to indicate something that was not changed or influenced by an event or action. This is the word you can use. “Uneffected” is a misspelling and, as with any incorrect form, it shouldn’t be used.

uneffected or unaffected

Take a look at some examples:

  • Jake seemed uneffected by the circumstances. (incorrect)
  • Jake seemed unaffected by the circumstances.

“Unaffected” and “Uneffected” aren’t synonyms that could eventually interchange. If you used “Uneffected” in a sentence, it would immediately become incorrect and unacceptable. You can’t replace “Unaffected”, which is correct”, with “Uneffected”, which is incorrect.

“Unaffected” is the only correct and acceptable form for this word, and you can use this word whenever you need it.


“Uneffected” is a common misspelling of the word “Unaffected”. As with any incorrect form, it shouldn’t be used and you should avoid it.

Is “Uneffected” a word at all? Looking at The Cambridge Dictionary we find out that it’s not. “Uneffected” doesn’t have a meaning or a purpose. Consequently, it’s not a word – which is only more motive to never use it.

Let’s go over some examples that use the incorrect word “Uneffected”, followed by a corrected version of the same sentence:

  1. Sarah seemed uneffected by my words. (incorrect)
  2. Sarah seemed unaffected by my words.
  1. A large majority of the city was uneffected by the mayor. (incorrect)
  2. A large majority of the city was unaffected by the mayor.
  1. Clark was uneffected by last week’s events. (incorrect)
  2. Clark was unaffected by last week’s events.


“Unaffected” indicates that something or someone is not changed or influenced in any way by an event that took place. This word is generally used to describe the fact that an action or event had no consequence over something or someone – despite the fact it was likely expected.

The Cambridge Dictionary provides the following definition for the word “Unaffected”: “not influenced, harmed, or interrupted in any way”. It also says, “natural and sincere in your behavior”.

Take a look at some good examples below:

  1. I was unaffected by the situation, to be honest.
  2. Kyle found it hard to appear unaffected by Liana’s words.
  3. The town seemed largely unaffected by the legislative changes.
  4. The character was dark, mysterious, and unaffected by anything.
  5. The rest of the employees continued to work, unaffected by their boss’ outbursts.

Keep in mind that “Unaffected” can be a positive trait when it means that an individual is sincere and natural in their behavior in any circumstance.

If someone is called “Unaffected” it means that this person is the same and doesn’t change their demeanor regardless of where they may be. In other words, they don’t act differently to take advantage of others or pretend to be something they aren’t.

You want to be “Unaffected” and be around people who do act the same way.

Which Is Used the Most?

Usually, when comparing a correct word with an incorrect one, we have an idea, an expectation as to what the graph will show. Which one of those words do you think is used more often, “Uneffected” or “Unaffected”?

Let’s look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below to find out.

uneffected or unaffected usage

“Unaffected”, the correct form of the word, is the one that appears in the graph are being used more often. Because it’s the correct spelling, this is what we expected to see.

“Uneffected” appears at the bottom of the graph, as we usually see with incorrect words that are rarely used.

Keep in mind you should always use “Unaffected”, and always avoid “Uneffected”.

Final Thoughts

“Unaffected” means that something wasn’t changed or influenced by an event or action that happened to it. This is the correct form of the word, which you can use. “Uneffected” is an incorrect form for it and should be avoided. “Uneffected” and “Unaffected” aren’t synonyms.