Also Have or Have Also – Which Is Correct? (Helpful Examples)

Sometimes, changing the placement of a word can change the meaning of a sentence or make it incorrect. Sometimes, it doesn’t really matter, and it’s all about the writer or speaker’s preference.

When it comes to “Also Have” and “Have Also”, does it make a difference? Let’s find out!

Also Have or Have Also – Which Is Correct?

“Also Have” and “Have Also”, actually mean the same thing. The order of the words, when “Have” is an auxiliary verb, doesn’t affect the correctness of the sentence, nor does it change its meaning. “Also Have” and “Have Also” indicate that new, additional information is being brought to the sentence.

also have or have also

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  • I also have some flowers.
  • I have also brought flowers.
  • Carl and Paul also have rented a motorhome.
  • Carl and Paul have also rented a motorhome.

The two sets of sentences are structured the same way. Each contains two sentences that are almost identical, except for the fact that in one we used “Have Also”, and in the other we used “Also Have”.

In all of those sentences, “Have” works as an auxiliary verb, supporting the other verbs in the sentence. And regardless of how the words are positioned, they work just the same: they are grammatically correct and make sense, conveying the same message.

Also Have

“Also Have” is used to indicate that more information is being added to a sentence. It can also, in a more simplistic context, indicate that the subject of the sentence possesses more things, “Also Have” other items.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  1. I have a blue eraser, but I also have a pink one.
  2. Hannah is leaving the party, and also have to go home soon.
  3. Don’t feel bad, I also would have done the same.
  4. I also have the same shirt. That’s so funny!
  5. I also have to go to work. Shall we get ready?

As you can see from the sentences in the example, “Also Have” may be used to add information to the sentence (like in sentences 2 and 3) or to indicate the subject has the same items as the other person, or simply has more items in general (like in sentences 1 and 4).

Have Also

“Have Also” serves to add more information to the conversation, just like “Also Have”. In cases where “Have” is the auxiliary to the verb, the order of the words in the expression is irrelevant. However, to describe possessions, “Have Also” might not work.

Take a look at the examples below:

  1. I have also taken that class with Dr. Randolph.
  2. I have also seen that movie. Did you enjoy it?
  3. I have also read all of the books by Colleen Hoover.
  4. I have also a pink eraser. (incorrect)
  5. They have also the same t-shirt. (incorrect)

The first three examples show “Have” as an auxiliary verb, and as you can see, the sentences work perfectly – just as they’d work with “Also Have”. In those situations those expressions are interchangeable.

However, in sentences 4 and 5, we try to use “Have Also” to indicate possession and it doesn’t quite work the same as “Also Have”. Keep that in mind, when using those expressions.

Which Is Used the Most?

Which one of those forms is used more often, “Have Also” or “Also Have”? Let’s look at the graph from Google Ngram Viewer below, and see.

also have or have also usage

It’s quite interesting to notice that both “Have Also” and “Also Have” have followed the exact same trend over the years: when the use of one grows, the other follows. Literally, those expressions go hand in hand.

“Have Also” has always been used more often than “Also Have”. Currently, this difference in usage isn’t so significant, as it’s been in the past. But still, “Have Also” seems to have people’s preference, when writing or speaking to others.

Final Thoughts

“Have Also” and “Also Have” can be used to indicate that more information is being added to the sentence. In those moments, “Have” is an auxiliary verb and it doesn’t matter if you use “Have Also” or “Also Have” – they can interchange, depending on your personal style and preference.

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